Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 247: Competition preparation (5k)

Latest website: That’s it. From this day on, the second team of Huangdou, with a total of nine people, began a retreat training. The night rest is in the college dormitory. If it is not considered that everyone here is a nobleman, and all of them It's a pendant, not an important person, otherwise Uranium has the idea of ​​letting these girls live together and cultivate feelings.

In the morning until noon, it was the battle training between Kai Ying and Zhu Zhuqing. Uran asked His Royal Highness Xue Qinghe to arrange a team of 30-level bronze fighting spirits, silver fighting spirit teams, and 40-level bronze fighting spirits. The soul master elites of the Silver Fighting Spirit used this as the opponent of Kai Ying and Zhu Zhuqing.

According to Uranium's standards, it is the 30th-level team, which will be solved by Kaiying, and the 40th-level is Zhu Zhuqing. Although in the Soul Master Competition, the opponent's strength, cooperation, and combination are not these big battlefields. The team inside is comparable, but Uranium only lets them get familiar with how one-to-many feels as soon as possible.

Even, he even thought about the admission slogan.

One dozen seven, we are professional.

After eating at noon, there will be a theory + practice course, including not limited to various tactical exercises, as well as some key points in soul skills and martial arts, just like training before the college entrance examination. Uranium wants to perfect the soul master The contest is finished and finished.

After all, this might be the last time he played the Soul Master Competition.

He is now close to sixteen, and after half a year, he will be sixteen.

As for the Soul Master Competition once in ten years, this time he was sixteen years old, and the next time he was twenty-six years old, already exceeding the 25-year-old limit of the Soul Master Competition.

At night, there is plenty of time for practice in the mimicry practice area.

Due to the strength of uranium, the academy has a lot of resources for the second team. Naturally, it also includes a certain amount of soul beast meat meal. Although not much, it is enough to surprise Yadele, Mikong, Ying and others. .

You know, no matter how good they are, they don't have the qualifications to let the academy provide them with soul beast meat.

In the latter part of the training, Uranium started a new training for Zhu Zhuqing, Kaiying and others.

The content of the training is very simple, seven to one.

With six female players, with the increase, they played against Uranium.

It doesn't make sense to fight against the strong. If you want to cultivate a tacit understanding, you need to fight. Only after fighting can you discover the problems between the team members and correct them.

Naturally, Uranium’s strength does not need to be mentioned again. With one enemy seven, they can be beaten to death every time. Even with Zhu Zhuqing, the strongest soul sect, even with a total of six people's unparalleled support, it is still every He was violently beaten by uranium on the ground once.

Even if the auxiliary soul masters were all girls, he wouldn't let it go easily.

After three months of training, the strength of the Huangdou Second Team can be said to have increased a lot, and the match between them is also full of tacit understanding.

With their current combination of five great soul masters, two soul masters, and one soul sect, they should be able to advance to the finals even if they don’t count Uranium, but it’s very difficult to ensure that they won’t lose a game Up.

Therefore, in the game, when Cai You and Zhu Zhuqing play, they still have to play. After all, what he wants is a complete victory, and losing a game is inexcusable.


Time passed bit by bit.

With the passing of time, the originally slightly hot day sky gradually hung a trace of coolness.

The breeze blows, bringing a touch of wind through the heart.

In a blink of an eye, half a year has passed.

Tiandou Royal Academy.

On the training ground, a battle seemed to have just ended.

Looking at everyone who was beaten down by himself again, Uran's eyes were calm.

"That's all for today's training. Get up, everyone. I have something to tell you about."

Listening to Uran's words, the members of several teams all got up, looked at each other, and looked at him with doubts.

"I just got the news that the All-Continent Soul Master Elite Competition will be held in three days. We will be playing in the Tiandou City Division, which is within the Tiandou Great Fighting Arena." Uran's faint voice looked at everyone. Sounded.

"Is the Continent Soul Master Elite Competition finally coming? Hey, I can't wait a long time ago." As soon as Uran's voice fell, Kai Ying's voice rang.

"Indeed, it is finally coming. I have been waiting for this day for a long time." After hearing Kai Ying's words, a female student immediately agreed.

"Uranium, what about the rules? To what extent do we plan the itinerary?" Zhu Zhuqing turned his head and looked at Uranium with an indifferent expression, and couldn't help asking.

"The rules? Then I'll explain to you first about what we need to do next." Uran nodded. The chief Mengshen Ji had already come to him three days ago and discussed with His Highness Xue Qinghe. About the soul master contest.

And Meng Lao also spoke. Uranium will temporarily take over the role of team leader as the team leader, and he will have full control. This was proposed by Xue Qinghe, saying that it is an extra name and easy to handle.

"Regarding the rules, first, all participating soul masters are required to be under the age of twenty-five, and the number of participants must reach seven in each game. You have already satisfied this point.

Uran motioned everyone to sit on the grass, then sat cross-legged, raised the first finger, and said slowly.

"Second, in the course of the game, for the purpose of friendship and discussion, as much as possible to avoid disabling opponents. Death is not allowed. Once the opponent is killed, the college will not only bear the corresponding loss, but also You will be expelled from the Soul Master Competition. Regarding this point, Zhu Zhuqing, you have to make sure that your spatial wave blade cannot face other people's vital parts. If you can cut a martial soul, you can cut a martial soul, and don't look down other people's arms and legs. "

Speaking of this, Uran directly looked at Zhu Zhuqing with a well-behaved face, and said in a rather solemn tone.

The third spirit ability of Desolation Bloodthorn Cat: Once the Desolation Spirit is activated, Zhu Zhuqing can generate a halo of detachment from any part of her, because she has escaped into the shadow world, so in a limited time, Any of her attacks will be accompanied by a space fault, and any object will be cut off, so Uran pays special attention to Zhu Zhuqing.

This kind of spirit ability is the same as his nuclear explosive kick, it is extremely lethal. Unless it is dealing with a mortal spirit beast, or an evil spirit master, it is best not to use it, and only use the third spirit ability to avoid injury. That's it.

"I understand." Zhu Zhuqing nodded lightly, indicating that he had heard it, and then signaled Uranium to continue.

"Thirdly, during the game, no drugs or foods made by non-food and healing spirit masters are allowed. Only the food or healing spirit masters on the field have the power to supplement their players. But you don’t need this. Care, because Yadai'er, Ying, your mission is very simple. After you play, look at the situation and hide, or find a chance to help Kai Ying or Zhu Zhuqing fight."

Uran looked at the six tense-faced girls on the opposite side, and spoke calmly.

"Fourth, you can't use any weapon other than Wuhun, but this is no longer considered within the scope, and it's fine with nothing."

"Fifth, regarding the qualifiers, we are going to arrive in the Tiandou Grand Arena three days later to participate in the Tiandou City Divisional Qualifiers. There are five qualifying places. I don't need to say more about this, right?"

"After entering the qualifiers, there are still 30 teams left. All of these 30 teams will participate in the finals. But before participating in the finals, there is still a promotion match. The so-called promotion match is actually a match that has entered the finals. The team will play a ranked match and determine the order of appearance in the finals according to the ranking order. My requirement is very simple, win all, no matter who it is, win all, Kaiying, especially you, don’t have any problems."

Uran looked at Kai Ying, who was still eager to try, and pointed his finger over, suddenly changing Kai Ying's expression.

"Don't worry." Being stared at by Uranium in this way, a drop of cold sweat broke out on Kai Ying's forehead, and he immediately nodded in response.

"I won't talk about the rules of the promotion game. Anyway, you won't have a problem with winning all the way. Okay, if you have any questions, you can ask me." Uran thought about the several pages of rule book he saw at the time, and immediately Give up how to make the promotion match.

It's nothing more than a single challenge?

This difficulty, it can be said that there is no such thing.

Not only Zhu Zhuqing's progress, but even Kai Ying, he was a little surprised.

With the help of Raast, Kaiying progressed very quickly, and he quickly entered the special soul power cultivation method named by Raast, the shadow soul power.

This is evolved from shadow magic, replacing magic power with soul power to achieve the effect of simulating shadow magic, but soul power is soul power after all. The upper limit of the effect produced by Uranium is not high, and, that kind It was quite cold, he didn't like it very much.

However, the so-called upper limit is not high because Uranium's vision is too high. In Kaiying's view, this is a magical method that can check and balance Raast. When he heard Raast’s chatter, he vaguely heard it. It came from the last master of Raast, and he defeated Raast and seized its power.

Therefore, he can be said to be very swift in the cultivation of Shadow Soul Power, which also caused Kai Ying to have two completely different temperaments.

On the one hand, it is cold and stern, like an unknown existence in a deep dark shadow, as if there are a pair of eyes, always staring at everyone's back, it is creepy.

On the other hand, tyrannical, bloodthirsty, like the ancient demon god, wanton slaughter, as if trying to turn Douluo Continent into ruins in the scorched earth.

No matter how you look at it, Kai Ying already possesses all the elements of evil spirit masters, evil and killing. Although the time is short, he has already begun to take shape.

And Kai Ying's spirit power, now, was 33rd level.

"Okay, this is everything I want to say about the rules. You can go back to rest and rectify. By the way, go to the Healing Soul Master to take a look and check the whole body, so as not to leave any hidden injuries to participate in the competition, Kay Ying, Come with me." After finishing talking about the rules, Uran clapped his hands, focused everyone's attention, and said to Kai Ying.

"Me?" Kai Ying pointed at herself blankly.

Uran did not reply, but stood up gently and walked towards a forest path.

Kai Ying hurriedly followed, without asking anything, but the confusion of not knowing what to say still remained on her face.

Walking into the woods, the temperature was obviously lower than that outside. The refreshing air refreshed Uranium, and it seemed that even his mood became a little relieved.

After stopping, Uran turned to Kai Ying, and said lightly: "Kay Ying, press Laast in first."

"Oh, good." Although she felt a little hairy in her heart, Kai Ying was very obedient. He listened to Uran's words and directly closed her spiritual space briefly.

This was what he discovered some time ago, and Raast could not use his body to see the world without his permission.

This is the special connection between Wuhun and the host.

Uran nodded slightly, he could no longer feel Raast's peeping, but the next thing was the most important thing.

Uran gently raised his hand, took out a white and cyan soul driver from behind his waist, and shook it gently towards Kai Ying.

Suddenly, Kai Ying's pupils shrank!

"You actually!" Kai Ying couldn't help but lose his voice!

"Kay Ying, you know enough about this matter." Uran gently shook his head, stopping Kai Ying's next question.

"Hmm...I see." After suppressing the shock in her heart, Kai Ying swallowed unchecked, then nodded gently.

Obviously, the uranium in front of me does not want to let Raast know this! Kai Ying thought to himself.

But after thinking deeply, Kai Ying suddenly thought of the strength displayed by that mysterious person, and it was even more shocking!

At a young age, he is already so strong!

"Now that you understand, I'll just say it straight. I want to create an organization in which you, as the leader, are for everyone. Only when it is critical, I will come out. You have all the rights, whether it is I don't care about personnel assignments or job transfers. You deserve it, with your qualifications." Uran gently retracted the Kronos Soul Guidance Drive and said calmly to Kai Ying.

Kaiying was silent.

He knows what Uranium means. He is the leader, which means that he will become the most important existence among the people who attract firepower.

That is, the scapegoat.

Moreover, when Uran said so, the ending was very obvious. It was impossible for him to refuse. When thinking of his future experience, Kai Ying couldn't help but a drop of cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

"I understand."

Finally, Kay Ying nodded slowly.

"You seem to be wrong? Just tell you, I want to create a world without bad people. Because of the power of the soul master, there are often situations where the strong oppress the weak. I have encountered it several times. It’s not that I’m strong enough. I guess I won’t forgive myself for the rest of my life, so I want to punish the strong in the soul master and I want to make rules."

Uran chuckled lightly, and revealed all his thoughts.

"But, with so many powerful players in the world, how can you do it?" Kai Ying was shocked, and he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief in his heart, and then thought of a question.

"It's very simple. In every town, I will send a local strong man to garrison. At the same time, you are responsible for determining the location and the source of the oppressor's information. The method is up to you. Anyway, to find the evidence is to remove the tumor. At that time. As for the people who do it, the people I send do it by themselves. You have to go to every city and every town in the Tiandou Empire, and spread the gospel of the organization to the entire empire. The outstretched tentacles should cover all villages. , This is your task. And your welfare is determined by yourself. You can keep gold soul coins, treasures, treasures of heaven and earth and everything by yourself."

Uran suddenly looked into the distance, and his tone became a little faint.

Indeed, if he were not strong enough at that time, Zhu Zhuqing, Xiaoxue would have been taken away by Prince Xue Xing, and he, probably the worst experience, would have been a waste of soul power.

Can the strong really dominate the world?

"No, the only one who controls this world, Uchiha Uranus." Uranus thought secretly in his heart.

But the next moment, he recovered and looked at Kai Ying, who was still very nervous, suddenly, he smiled.

He has already planned, everything is planned.

"Finally, I will give you this matter first. After the Soul Master Competition is over, you will practice for a period of time, and then proceed along the route. There will be strong soul masters to help you consolidate the local authority, oh yes, I will tell you the name of the organization first."

Uran's plan was simple. He first set off in a city, and after the soul master had made arrangements, Kai Ying would follow and set off again, and naturally he could take over seamlessly.

"Name? What is it?"

Kai Ying asked curiously.

"Dongfeng." Uran sighed in nostalgia.

"Dongfeng? This name is a bit simple." Although these two words were proposed by Uranium, Kai Ying's doubts were even greater.

"Well, Dongfeng. The motto of the organization is: Dongfeng Express, the mission must be achieved. Remember?" Uran said with a calm expression to Kai Ying.

"Dongfeng Express, the mission must be reached.........I always feel that there is any deep meaning in it?"

Kaiying nodded, and then began to think about the connotation.

What does this mean? ?

"This is very difficult to understand at the moment In the future, when the real'Dongfeng' is born, you will naturally understand that this'dongfeng' is not the other Dongfeng." Uran suddenly smiled. , He was amused by Kai Ying's serious look.

Indeed, in this world, it is difficult to understand the idea of ​​uranium. It is even harder to know that in the past life, the so-called east wind deterred the existence of the world.

And now he has no less power.

"Okay, don't think about it, go back, prepare for the Soul Master Competition, there are only three days left, take a good rest, I am very optimistic about you."

Raising his hand to interrupt Kai Ying's thoughts, Uran turned his head and walked towards his house, gradually sinking into the woods.

The woods are dark and quiet. Uranium is not in a hurry to go back. He just walks quietly in the woods. I don’t know why. After seeing the power he has mastered, he can always recall his powerlessness. Originally, he wanted to name the organization Kamen Rider, or major repair card, or even Dream Club, but in the end, he chose Dongfeng.

Just because it is powerful.

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