Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 248: Opening! First battle! (Sevenk)

Latest website: A few days later, the capital of the Tiandou Empire.

Heaven Dou City.

The grand opening ceremony of the Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition was held in Tiandou City.

The most eye-catching soul master contest in the whole continent finally kicked off!

The beginning of the sun gradually came into being, and the transformed Tiandou Great Fighting Soul Arena had already welcomed a large number of spectators.

In fact, countless spectators have long been waiting for this five-year National Soul Master Elite Competition.

This is the most grand competition in the soul master world!

According to Uranium's words, this is the Olympic Games among athletes, LOL's S series world competition.

Even the influence goes beyond.

Because the status of the soul master in the mainland is too special, it is a symbol of powerful strength, is the foundation of wealth and title, and it is sought by countless people.

From the common people to the royal family, every class regards this contest as the grandest day.

The opening ceremony was held in the Tiandou Arena in Tiandou City. As early as a month ago, the tickets for the opening ceremony were sold out. You must know that the price of these tickets is with the Tiandou Arena. The entrance price of the center is the same.

There are many young men and women in the audience. As for why this happens, there are naturally reasons.

The participating members of the Continent Soul Master Elite Competition are all under the age of twenty-five, and the members who can participate in the competition are leaders among young soul masters. Such soul masters will undoubtedly become the object of admiration in the hearts of countless boys and girls.

There are even many young girls who came here with the idea of ​​marrying a powerful soul master.

For ordinary girls, if they can marry a powerful soul master, it is definitely a matter of fame and fortune.

Of course, this possibility is not great.

A truly powerful soul master may not be regarded as an ordinary woman, even if the other person looks good, because what they really pursue is a female soul master with the same status as them.

After all, the soul master is the most noble profession on the Douluo Continent.

Why are so many male soul masters single?

Isn't it because there are few female soul masters, and they look down on ordinary women?

So one by one, they became uncles, and then they became old men, and finally became old bachelors.

As the main arena of the Tiandou Division, the Tiandou Great Fighting Arena has ceased all fighting games from a month ago, and has undergone internal reforms to combine all the sub-fields in the Great Fighting Arena and the main fighting center into one. It forms a huge competition venue.

In the early morning, in the Tiandou City urban area, the Great Fighting Arena, which covers the largest area, is like going to a fair during the Chinese New Year. The crowds are walking into the Great Fighting Arena from all directions.

Many people, men and women, have a glow of excitement on their faces.

Those who can attend this kind of competition are young elites in the soul master world. Those under 25 are naturally the first people from all walks of life to win over.

In fact, this kind of competition also has this meaning here.

For this big match, the Heaven Dou imperial family used even the city defense forces, just to maintain order, and even so, there are still some riots from time to time.

At this time, with the Tiandou Great Fighting Soul Arena as the center, almost one-third of the Tiandou City was a scene of empty alleys. Since a few days ago, all hotels in Tiandou City have been fully occupied.

The population of the city has increased sharply by almost 50%. This shows how attractive this mainland-wide Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition is to people.

Uran, as the leader, led a group of Huangdou Second Team into the Tiandou City Great Fighting Soul Arena.

After walking in, I discovered that this big battlefield had already been transformed, and it was full of people.

The nine-man team headed by Uranium is particularly eye-catching among the many teams.

No way, the handsome men and the pretty women, You and Zhu Zhuqing, Ying, Yadai'er and other women's looks are too high for others to pay attention.

Moreover, the temperament of Uranium and the others is also very unique. Standing together, the aura that spreads out of the invisible, also made many people look at them.

"I'll sign up first. You'll wait here for a while." Uran glanced at the place where he signed up, turned his head and said to Vice Captain Zhu Zhuqing.

"Yeah." The girl nodded slightly, indicating that Uranus can rest assured, as the deputy captain, she is capable of controlling the team members.

The so-called registration is actually to register the team members of each academy. Once registered, no more team members can be added or replaced in future matches, and the King Dou 2nd team is naturally Uranium and their seven, plus Ya Daier and Kaiying are on the bench.

In a short while, Uranium completed the registration work and returned to Zhu Zhuqing and the others.

"I have signed up, and we can enter the stadium next. Our participating colleges have a special rest area provided by the main stadium. Let's go there first. After the opening ceremony is over, the game will begin. I think there should be quite a few students already there." Uran said softly.

"Let's go in, and then we can enter the stadium. Our participating colleges have a special rest area provided by the main stadium. Let's go over there first. After the opening ceremony is over, the game will begin. I I think there should be a lot of students already there." Uran glanced at the crowded outside world and said.

"Well, okay, let's go in first." Zhu Zhuqing nodded at Uran beside him, and then looked at the person he wanted, "Captain, lead the way."

"Okay, come with me." Uran said, then turned around and led the way, Zhu Zhuqing followed behind him.

Yadele, Kai Ying and the others looked at each other, followed Zhu Zhuqing behind, and walked towards the rest area.

The rest area is very large, with thousands of seats, divided into areas, dedicated to the rest and waiting of each college.

As Uranium said, many academies have already arrived here. When the Emperor Dou Second Team and the others came in, there were already many people here, and there were also many familiar faces Uranium had seen.

The rest area is much quieter than outside. One is that there are fewer people, and the other is that the quality of soul masters is always higher than that of civilians.

Although there are occasional talks in the rest area, the sound is not loud, and the control of the volume is quite good, at least not to noisy others.

Uranium and the others walked in without concealment, coupled with the unspeakable urgency of each one, it instantly attracted the attention of many colleges.

Especially the lead Uran, with a tall stature, a handsome face, and an immortal temperament, is even more outstanding, causing many female soul masters to look at him frequently, making Zhu Zhuqing's eyes a lot colder.

Feeling the cold gaze of the girl beside him, Uran could not help but smile a little bitterly. This was not his intention.

"What kind of academy is that? A black gold uniform, and there is that kind of inexplicable aura, it makes my heart abrupt, there is always an unknown premonition." Several perceptive spirit masters instantly felt a wave from Uranium. A sense of terror and oppression like a deep sea!

"What are you talking about? Why didn't I feel it? You didn't scare yourself?" The female soul master on the side looked suspiciously at the leading Uranium, and was immediately hooked by that amazing temperament, unable to move it for a long time. open.

"Okay, don't look at it. I just saw the team logo of the Huangdou Second Team. There will be an exhibition match for the opening ceremony later. You can watch enough." The perceptive soul master poked himself with dissatisfaction. Sister, make her feel refreshed.

"Wow, there is, there is such a perfect man, so handsome! Whether it is temperament or appearance, it is the type I like." The girl felt her heart abrupt, and she couldn't help but cover her crimson face with her hand. Look again.

Today is the opening ceremony, and it is also the first day of the entire continent's Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition. Apart from the opening ceremony, there is only one competition.

The deputy team of the Tiandou Royal Academy, that is, the second team, draws an opponent for the first round of the round robin, and it can be regarded as a group fighting spirit with some performance.

Otherwise, it is just an opening ceremony, which obviously cannot satisfy the audience's interest.

This Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Contest is rewarded and very straightforward. Each time you win a qualifier, you will be rewarded with 500 Gold Soul Coins, and you will be rewarded with 3000 Gold Soul Coins for the promotion.

If it can enter the finals, Tiandou Empire will not only grant the title of Baron, but also give the participating team members a thousand gold soul coins, whether formal or substitute. As for the final finals, the prize money is even higher.

Uran didn't pay attention to the group of spirit masters who were looking around. He quickly found a remote corner, took the second team and a group of people, and began to close his eyes and calm down.

There is still more than half an hour before the opening ceremony at eight o'clock.

At present, most of the people in the rest area are sitting. I am afraid that the opening ceremony will not start until everyone is here.

After half an hour..........

Suddenly, Uranium heard a commotion.

Uran glanced, and at the entrance of the rest area, a staff member came in to arrange for the teams from various colleges to enter.

"Okay, Zhuqing, you see, we are about to enter the arena." Uran smiled softly, pointing to the staff who came in to arrange the entry.

"It's finally started." Seeing this scene, Zhu Zhuqing sighed lightly, always waiting, causing her to be up and down all the time, but now it finally started, but she suddenly calmed down.

"Well, everyone is ready, and we will enter the venue in a while." He clapped his hands, Uranium amplified his voice and said to everyone around him.

"Yes, Captain!" As soon as Uran's voice fell, a uniform voice rang out of thin air.

He loosened his somewhat sore shoulders, Uran's eyes flickered slightly, looking at the staff who was approaching him in front.

"Hello, is this the vice team of Tiandou Royal Academy?" A staff member came to the crowd and asked softly.

"Exactly." Uranium said.

"It's time for your college to enter, please follow me." The staff member said.

"Thank you!" Nodded to the staff, Uran turned slightly, "Everyone keep up."

"Yes, Captain!" everyone responded in unison.

Under the leadership of the staff, a group of people stepped into the entrance passage.

Although it was not the first team to enter the venue, the moment Uran and his party entered the venue, they were still shocked by everything in front of them.

Around the huge and open square, there are countless shouting and cheering spectators. Right in front of the central venue is a rostrum with a golden background. Behind the rostrum is the transformed VIP area.

The wide field is more than one hundred and fifty meters in diameter, and the colleges that have entered in front have been arranged in a neat formation in the center of the field. Every college enters the venue, and there is a special emcee on the podium to introduce it.

"It's much more lively than the school sports meeting I participated in at the time." Uran muttered softly. It was the first time he saw such a lively scene. After all, before, he had no chance to watch the Olympics or the World Games. On-site or something.

"Wow, so many audiences!" Looking at the countless shouting and cheering audiences around the open square, Yadele's surprised voice rang.

"Roughly estimated that there are tens of thousands of people, this whole continent soul master elite contest is really hot." After a casual glance, Kai Ying said lightly.

"Yeah!" Yadele nodded lightly and scanned her beautiful eyes slightly. Suddenly, her eyes condensed, "Captain, look, the chief of the Dream Machine is also in the VIP area."

With a light glance at Uran's eyes, all the figures in the VIP area were caught in his eyes.

But soon, he withdrew his eyes because it was their turn to move forward.

"The next entry is the deputy team of the Tiandou Royal Academy, a top team that can speak for themselves in all academies in China!"

"There are nine contestants in the vice team of the Tiandou Royal Academy, and their captain is called Uranium."

"Maybe you don’t know much about the name Uranium, but I think the name Annihilation of Life will not be unfamiliar to everyone. Yes, this Uranium won forty-six consecutive victories in our Tiandou Battlefield two years ago. Create an unparalleled legend of the Arena of Souls! Their registration slogan is, one dozen seven, we are professional! A very domineering slogan!"

"Uranium was able to set such a dazzling record two years ago, so now what results can he and his teammates achieve in this year's Continent Soul Master Elite Competition? I look forward to their performance."

Listening to the words of the master of ceremonies, the audience in the audience suddenly burst into flames. Some people may not know the name Uranium, but in the Tiandou Great Fighting Arena, the name Annihilation is definitely very loud.

After all, Uranium had a lot of fans in Tiandou Great Fighting Arena. Although two years have passed, those fans still remember the name.

And many new people also know the name.

Not because of anything else, but because the code name of the annihilation of life has been engraved on the record monument of the Great Fight of Heaven.

Anyone who came to the Tiandou Great Fighting Arena to watch the game would have the opportunity to see the name and record of the annihilation of the creatures. In this way, his influence would not be great.

It was because two years had passed and Uranium was still wearing a black robe at the time, so no one recognized it, but now that the emcee said so, many people reacted instantly.

The atmosphere suddenly became warm.



Many old fans of the year heard that uranium is the annihilation of life, they cried out crazy, because no one knows better than them how dazzling the performance of this black-robed man back then, even now, for the wonderfulness of uranium back then Fighting, they are still unforgettable for a long time.

Every time, the battle ended within ten seconds!

Even after every life annihilation comes on the court, the open handicap is not a victory, but a time!

Every time they bet, they can solve the enemy in a few seconds!

"Hey, this guy is so popular!" Under the rostrum, a young man with a mask on his face in a certain team wearing a blue uniform said in surprise.

"Feng Xiaotian, are you envious?" The young man's voice just fell, and immediately, not far from him, a man in a red team uniform smiled and asked.

Judging from its appearance, it was Huo Wushuang, the captain of the Blazing Academy.

"Who is envious, isn't it because there are more fans? I don't care about these things. Feng Xiaotian is not such a superficial person." Listening to Huo Wushuang's words, Feng Xiaotian immediately retorted.

"Hehe, I am envious if I am envious. If I don't admit it, I am different. I dare to admit that I admire him very much. It's a pity that I don't have the strength of others." Hearing this, Huo Wushuang smiled and said. .

"Cut, it doesn't make sense to you as a rough guy." Feng Xiaotian curled his lips and turned his eyes to Huo Wu standing behind Huo Wushuang, her eyes suddenly showing brilliant, "Sister Huo Wu, long time no see, are you beautiful again? Less."

"Really?" Huo Wu glanced at Feng Xiaotian faintly, his expression not fluctuating at all.

In the square, Uranium and others are still advancing.

Facing the fiery eyes of many spectators from all directions and listening to their crazy shouts, he still looked plain and unwavering, his expression never changing at all.

Looking back now, his battles in the Tiandou Great Fighting Arena at that time seemed to have always been from the perspective of killing, looking at other spirit masters, like now, for the first time.

"Captain, your popularity is so high." Seeing Uranium that shines like a star at this moment, Yadele's eyes are full of admiration. This man is really too dazzling, making her little heart The thumping throbbing keeps beating.

How could he be so good.

Hearing the admiration in Ning Rongrong's tone, Uran shook his head lightly, and said softly, "It's all fake names.

The implication is somewhat confusing.

"It's horrible. He is so domineering. We are professional in one dozen seven. It's hard to fight. I heard that whether it was a forty-ninth-level soul sect or a forty-first-level soul sect, the captain called Uranium It was resolved within 20 seconds, and it was easy to do. I don't want to meet this guy ahead of time and be eliminated easily." In the end, Feng Xiaotian and Huo Wushuang reached a consensus on this matter.

Being able to solve the top soul sect so easily, compared with the strength contained in it, is far from being as simple as it seems on the surface, perhaps, there is something more terrifying!

Finally, the admission of all participating colleges was completed, and Uran and his party stood at the forefront of all the teams.

Beside them are the Huang Dou First Team, Yu Tianheng and others that Uranium had just seen some time ago!

"Oh, Tianheng, long time no see." Uran suddenly leaned over and greeted Yu Tianheng, the emperor fighting team on the side.

"Uran, long time no see, you are really energetic, haha, it seems that I want to celebrate your qualifying in advance, I am waiting for you in the finals." Yu Tianheng also has a very good temper. Facing Uran's kindness, he has nothing to do. I didn't care about the slightly cold eyes on the VIP stage.

They need to line up here, then listen to the insignificant words of Xueye Great, and then experience some messy things, and finally Salas, the old man, draws the team from the game and decides the opponent in the qualifier.

After all these things are done, the qualifiers can officially start.

The emcee on the side of the VIP station said in a loud voice: "Next, my Majesty the Emperor of the Heaven Dou Empire, please announce the opening of this competition."

Just as Uranus could see, sitting in the center of the first row of the VIP seat, the Emperor Tiandou Emperor, wearing a scarlet golden robe, slowly stood up amidst thunderous applause.

Raising his right hand, he lightly waved to the audience and the participating soul masters below, the applause stopped quickly, and the square in Nuo Da became silent.

Shen Ning’s loud voice spread throughout the audience through the amplified soul guide, “I, Emperor Xueye of the Heaven Dou Empire, on behalf of the Heaven Dou Empire, and also on behalf of the organizers of this competition, announced the Pan-Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition. It's opening now."

The applause thundered again, and the cheers came one after another. But Uranium in the field suddenly discovered that the smile on his majesty's face was a bit far-fetched, as if he was not excited about this competition.

When the applause was silent again, the emperor continued: "Here, I hope that all spirit masters participating in this competition can give full play to their strengths and achieve good results. You are the pride of the Heaven Dou Empire, For the glory of the empire, show your glory.


After a long snowy night, Sovereign of Qibao Liuli Sect Ning Fengzhi, and Platinum Bishop Salas gave a speech, finally, the first round of qualifiers, today's only exhibition match, kicked off!

"In the first round of the qualifiers, Tiandou Royal Academy played against Puslinton Senior Soul Master Academy."

Upon hearing these words, Kai Ying suddenly looked up!

"No? Isn't it such a coincidence?" A deep mutter sounded from his mouth.

The men and women who once humiliated him are still fresh in his memory!

"In this game, you go, Kai Ying, don't let me down." Uran on the side immediately noticed a change in Kai Ying's expression, twitched the corner of his mouth slightly, and walked to the side of Kai Ying and patted him on the shoulder.

"Well, I must, I will not lose. As the first battle to start the Tiandou Royal Academy, to wash away my humiliation, for my beloved Lin Waner, and for the tearful passing away of the vice president, I will definitely Win!" Kaiying's hand gripped tighter and tighter, and the sour rattling sound continued, as if the fingertips were going deep into the palm.

"Then come on, let them see what kind of strength one of the three main forces of the Tiandou Royal Academy's deputy team is." After speaking, Uran walked towards the rest table after the lottery was over. Even the other people looked at the silent Kai Ying.

"Okay, then the first round of the first round of the qualifiers that will be held below is from Tiandou Royal Academy against Princelington Advanced Soul Master Academy. Each participating academy will withdraw. Please prepare for the two academies that will be competing later. Half an hour later, the game officially started." The emcee shouted to the audience.

Originally, according to the admission regulations of Tiandou Royal Academy, non-nobles could not enter.

However, it's a coincidence that the Heaven Dou Empire has another rule, that is, as long as it is a level 30 or above, according to the law of Heaven Dou, it will automatically be awarded the title of nobility. Although it is the lowest level, it is also orthodox. noble!

And the graduation standard of the Tiandou Royal Academy is exactly 30 spirit power!

In other words, according to normal circumstances, if other spirit masters want to enroll, they must have the title of noble before the 30th level, which is naturally the most normal noble, and after the 30th level, although there are noble titles, but Has exceeded the graduation criteria.

Therefore, Uranium's admission criteria for Kaiying is a special offer.

Enroll in advanced classes.

Rest area.

It didn't take long, and the dedicated staff had arrived and invited everyone to appear.

"Let's go." Uran glanced at the unstoppable group of players ready to go, couldn't help but smiled.

It was Kai Ying's unwavering gaze that responded to Uranium, because he was the main force in this scene.

In less than five seconds, the seven people who were originally surrounded quickly formed a neat long line.

Ranked first was Kai Ying, because he was in charge of all battles as a storming spirit warrior, so he ranked first.

Then there was Ying. Ying was the highest level among the auxiliary spirit masters. She already had thirty-one spirit power, so she ranked second.

Then there are Yadele, Mikong, Shi Lingling, Olena and Chun.

The rows are very orderly.

As soon as they walked to the exit of the passage, the crowd heard the emcee outside loudly announcing the names of each entry of their Tiandou Royal Academy and their martial arts. A special golden beam was erected on the Great Fighting Soul. Uranium was escorted from the high platform on the side of the field, and Kai Ying and other members of the second team of Tiandou Royal Academy appeared.

"This treatment, well, so happy." Ying and Meikong couldn't help but slow down a bit, as if wanting to enjoy this feeling more.

Under Uranium's leadership, the deputy team of the Tiandou Royal Academy came to the waiting area below the central competition area. Opposite them, it was the Princelington Senior Soul Master Academy.

It's a coincidence The colors of the teams on both sides are a bit opposite, but the styles are very similar.

The uniforms of the Puslinton Advanced Soul Master Academy are all silver and the design is extremely luxurious.

On the other hand, the deputy team of the Tiandou Royal Academy had black uniforms embroidered with gold silk borders, which were deep but not degrading.

"Next, let the deputy team of Tiandou Royal Academy and Princelington Senior Soul Master Academy come on the field, ready to start the game." The voice of the master of ceremonies sounded.

"Go up and win more beautifully." Uran nodded to Kai Ying and Ying and others, and Uran said softly.

"Don't worry, Captain, we will." Kai Ying nodded and said.

"I'm on the stage." Kai Ying yelled, and took the six members of the Tiandou Royal Academy's deputy team directly to the arena of the game. Opposite them, Prince Linton Advanced Soul Master Academy and others also happened to be on the stage. Seeing, the atmosphere became serious for a while.

"Why... it's you! Kaiying!" A crisp woman's exclamation sounded from the soul master lineup opposite Kaiying!

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