Zhu Zhuqing! Standing on the ground!

Even with sharp eyes, he didn't see a trace of scars from Zhu Zhuqing's body!

There isn't even much dust!

Completely unharmed!

Pulling the Qingsi lightly, Zhu Zhuqing didn't even look at the scarred Yu Tianxin under his feet, and beckoned directly in the direction of Uranium.

"It's done." The girl's cold voice sounded, echoing above the soul fighting platform.

"I saw it." After seeing Zhu Zhuqing beckoning to himself, Uran's mouth was smiling, and he also waved his hand in response.

No one has seen how Zhu Zhuqing managed to turn defeat into victory. The attack was clearly in front of him, how could he have avoided it!

But Uranium, with the radiating eyes of Wuhun, saw everything clearly.

She directly used the third spirit ability to destroy the spirit body and force all the damage to pass through!

Immediately afterwards, as the smoke rose, Yu Tianxin was already in a dark place, and she flickered behind Yu Tianxin, a set of Netherworld Hundred Claws and Netherworld Spikes, along with the barbs on the cat's claws, for three seconds Nei almost tore Yu Tianxin's skin.

If it weren't for the spirit of martial arts, and the dragons were covered with dragon scales all over the body, I'm afraid Zhu Zhuqing's anger at the time would not be a matter of breaking a few bones.

However, it is precisely because of Zhu Zhuqing's personal show that not only verified his conjecture, but also made Uran look forward to the next progress.

Destroying the spirit body, this is Zhu Zhuqing's third spirit ability that Uranium marveled at!

Forcibly dodge all damage, and all attacks have a spatial fault effect during this period. If it weren't for this game, and Yu Tianxin was not so hateful, he might have died on the spot.

"If your attack really hit me just now, I am afraid I have been torn apart by the power of thunder. To be honest, if you didn't keep your hands, I really wanted to kill you." As the audience was stunned, And the cheers and excitement continued to ring through the audience of the Soul Master Contest, but Zhu Zhuqing slowly squatted down and said softly to Yu Tianxin who couldn't even open his eyes on the ground.

In an instant, Yu Tianxin's body trembled with the icy killing intent.

And this tremor caused the countless wounds on his body to crack once again, spilling large patches of blood, dripping to the ground.

As the wound cracked, Yu Tianxin's body was trembling with severe pain.

More blood flow.

"But fortunately, the rules of the game save you, death sins can be avoided, living sins are inevitable, so you can cultivate for a few months, and hope that I won't let me meet you in the Soul Master Competition, otherwise, you will wait to die accidentally. Let's go." For outsiders, especially those who killed himself, Zhu Zhuqing was not so easy to talk. After warning Yu Tianxin with a cold voice, he walked off the court without looking back, preparing to call other girls up.

At this time, the referee had walked cautiously, even if he had more than 50 spirit power. At this time, he was also a little worried, the young man here is really too powerful, facing Yu Tianxin's fourth spirit ability, which used all his soul power, he himself might also be implicated.

Looking at Yu Tianxin who had passed out on the ground, the referee couldn't help but swallow secretly.

Soon, Zhu Zhuqing, Yadai'er, Ying and other seven people stood in the middle of the ring.

In the ring, the referee's voice also rang.

"At the end of the game, the Tiandou Royal Academy team won. Thank them for bringing us the wonderful game. Let us all cheer for them!"

Listening to the referee's words, the audience in the audience cheered instantly.

This game can be said to be the most exciting game played since the start of Division A. The Shrek Academy's battle against the Elephant Sect was surprising, and the performance of the Tiandou Royal Academy was indeed even more exciting.

The deputy captain Zhu Zhuqing wore seven and defeated the Thunder Academy, one of the famous five element academies!

Especially Zhu Zhuqing, she singled out the whole team, her fighting power shocked everyone, coupled with her beautiful appearance, alive with the image of a heroic **** of war, which made her instantly circle a large number of fans. .

Although her fighting style is not so passionate, the execution like a shadowy assassin can not help making all those who remember it tremble!

There is no doubt that this is an opponent that no one, any soul master does not want to meet!

Listening to the cheers of the audience off the stage, Zhu Zhuqing's cheeks warmed slightly. It was the first time for her to receive attention from others. She was a little shy with a cold heart, but at the same time she was shy, she also had a hint of happiness in her heart.

Being with You, she was under a lot of pressure. She always felt that her strength was nothing at all, but after experiencing so many challenges, Zhu Zhuqing was surprised to find that she was already above most spirit masters.

Because of the existence of uranium, she thought that even if other people were not as good as uranium, they should not be inferior. However, reality told Zhu Zhuqing that your vision is too high. Not everyone is uranium, and no one can compare it. Get on him.

Looking at the Tiandou Royal Academy team enjoying cheers in the arena, the reactions of the several Academy teams in the viewing area were different.

Since the Tiandou Royal Academy came out with the resounding one-on-seven, we are professional slogans at the beginning, there has been a one-minute punch-through battle coquettishly. Since then, the Tiandou Royal Team has been defeated by Tiandou. Each team in the competition area is regarded as the strongest opponent.

Almost every game of Tiandou Royal Team, there will be many other teams to watch.

Today, aside from the ordinary teams, except for the Blazing Academy’s competition, Tianshui Academy, Shenfeng Academy, Weevil Academy, and the Botanical Academy that came just after the game can be said to be in the Tiandou competition area. The strong teams are basically gathered here.

"Unexpectedly, Zhu Zhuqing is so powerful. What are the four spirit abilities? It is unpredictable!" Thinking of Zhu Zhuqing's powerful performance just now, Shui Binger's big ice blue eyes showed a dignified look. UU reading www.uukanshu.cOM

"Indeed, Yu Tianxin's strength is not bad. It is placed in our captain, but no one dares to beat him 100%, but now he has been beaten by the deputy captain of the second team of Huangdou against seven people. This Zhu Zhuqing’s The strength is indeed extremely powerful." Hearing Shui Bing'er's words, Huo Wushuang echoed.

"However, this is also because Zhu Zhuqing is the first time she played. No one is familiar with her fighting style. I will say later that if we meet, at least we won't be treated as a pig like the current Thunder Academy. One kill."

"It's just that after solving six people, she can still defeat Yu Tianxin with her meager soul power. It can be seen that the gap between the two is very large, and even the dust is not even stained. Now even the deputy captain, if You don't need to press the bottom of the box and you can't win, how to deal with the captain?

Huo Wu stared at Thunder Academy Captain Yu Tianxin slowly standing up with the assistance of the Healing Soul Master, and a clear voice came out.

As soon as these words came out, all the team leaders couldn't help being silent.

Indeed, even if the tactics against the deputy captain Zhu Zhuqing were developed, what would happen to the captain of the Emperor Dou Second Team?

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