Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 266: After the game

At this time, the Thunder Academy team resident in the auditorium.

With the end of the game, a group of six people helped to breathe smoothly, and Yu Tianxin walked slowly with his eyes closed.

"Teacher, Zhu Zhuqing is really too strong." A member of the Thunder Academy came up with a bit of shame on his face, but still whispered, "Not only is she strong in spirit power, but her ability to seize opportunities is even better. It's horror. Whether she is alone or not, there will be a probability of being fixed and executed. It is impossible to guess who she is behind."

"It wasn't until the final deal with the captain that she walked out with integrity, and..."

Academy leader Yu Longyun waved his hand, he naturally knew this.

"Wait for the promotion match."

Yu Longyun's face sank, "Next time, you won't be able to be recruited. This kind of battle cannot be copied. As long as we are prepared, it will be difficult for her to defeat us in this way."

That's right.

This kind of battle is really difficult to replicate.

Zhu Zhuqing used shadows and soul skills to form a situation of instant killing that was difficult to evade, constantly reducing the number of people to a certain level, and immediately shot to end the game. The magic of her fighting method was unexpected!

But once the other party is prepared, it will be difficult to achieve results.

As the game came to an end.

The mysterious soul bone used by Zhu Zhuqing really showed a hideous edge.

Many other teams who watched this scene were somewhat silent.

The slogan of the Tiandou Royal Academy: One dozen seven, we are professional.

From the opening ceremony, it was a ridiculous word, and it was just dealing with the garbage college, but now, it seems unconsciously, this Zhu Zhuqing can really do it?

One of the five element academies, the deputy captain can be singled out, then wait until the captain of the Emperor Dou Second Team takes a shot, or if the three of them join together, who else is the opponent of the Emperor Dou Second Team?

That sense of absurdity makes many teams feel a little strange.

On the viewing stage, Huo Wushuang and Huo Wu, who had been silent for a long time, had already left.

On the spectator stage, Dai Mubai's expression was a little uncertain, and he sighed and whispered, "So many games have passed, and I finally saw her. I don't know how she is now, and I actually have a spirit bone. do not know"

He had waited for Zhu Zhuqing's appearance for a long time, but until the end of the battle, when Zhu Zhuqing stepped down, she didn't glance at him, but waved her hand towards Uran.

This kind of neglected heart palpitations, this sudden feeling that Zhu Zhuqing has become a stranger's heart palpitations, made Dai Mubai's mood even worse.

Since the last time I met at the Blue Tyrant Senior Soul Master Academy and realized that she no longer had the tacit understanding of fusion with her own spirit, Dai Mubai had already had a hunch, but now, he has finally confirmed it.

This is not the person he is waiting for, and Zhu Zhuqing is not his property.

After thinking for a long time, Dai Mubai sighed quietly.

In the next moment, he withdrew the attitude of the love of his children. Since the other party chose other people, he will also start his own life. Everything about Zhu Zhuqing has nothing to do with him.

As for the rest of the Shrek team, the shock this time brought today was even more shocking than the previous fight against Elephant Sect and Blazing Academy.

"Zhu Zhuqing's soul bone is really so cool and easy to use. With a scream, it ran to other places, and after using it so many times, it doesn't seem to consume much."

Ma Hongjun said enviously, "If only I had it too."

"It's not that simple." Tang San shook his head, "The more powerful the spirit bone, the more powerful it needs to be able to perform more perfectly. It's like a peerless weapon. If you give it to you, you won't Use. Only in the hands of the real strong, those weapons can exert the strongest power!"

The implication is that it's useless if you have this kind of soul bone, Fatty.

"Xiao San is right." The master nodded, "You only see the strong side of others, but have you ever wondered how much thought and time it took the other party to adapt to the discomfort of suddenly coming to other places. To study the spatial direction, to think? To practice? You see, Zhu Zhuqing has not shown other spirit abilities up to now. Everything is fascinating. It can be seen that her physical fitness is not bad, at least, she already has Dai Mubai's level."

"And I remember that she also fought Dai Mubai at the Lan Ba ​​Senior Soul Master Academy at that time. As you know the ending, as a sensitive attack type spirit master, her strength is higher than that of the strong attack type spirit master Dai Mubai. Soul power cannot be underestimated."

"Can this kind of physical fitness be developed in a short time? It takes a long time to persevere! That's why she can use this powerful soul bone. Don't think about obtaining this kind of soul bone. Only a powerful self can be achieved. The essential."

"Otherwise, in the future, if you really encounter a very good spirit bone absorption, but find that you can't use it, how sad is that?"

Everyone was given this opportunity by the master to give a ruthless education.

In fact, there is one thing Yu Xiaogang said wrong, or he missed it on purpose.

The reason why Zhu Zhuqing's physical fitness is so strong is that the soul beast meat supplied from the Tiandou royal family has been supplied over the years.

There is even a millennium level. With the support of these top-level meals, Zhu Zhuqing can use the fourth spirit ring five or six times in a row, and there is no sign of soul exhaustion. This level of meals is not something Shrek can do. It can be concluded that Yu Xiaogang also understands that Shrek Academy does not have this ability to do so, and saying these is only annoying, so he simply put aside these key points.

But everyone nodded their heads again and again, without any refutation.

Because it is so.

"Let's go back. Prepare for tomorrow's game."

Tang San was silent for a moment, whispering.

Today Zhu Zhuqing exposed quite a lot of things, soul bones, special soul abilities, and that rather secret fighting method.

Especially the soul bones, this kind of qualifier is somewhat exposed, and other teams will have targeted methods The master glanced at Tang San and said: "Little San, if you meet Huang Dou next time, The second team, or Kamikaze Academy. You can choose to admit defeat and lose two rounds in the qualifiers. As long as you can qualify, then there is no problem. The promotion game is the key!"

Everyone felt a little unwilling, but there was some truth.

Because the more exposed now, the more disadvantaged in the future.

"However, there are only five advancement places in the qualifiers. After removing the second team, there are four remaining. Therefore, if you want to successfully pass the qualifiers, then two of these five colleges must be eliminated. The Five Element Colleges are closely related to each other. If I guess it is right, they will definitely take action."

"There is no doubt that the Tiandou Royal Academy will be selected, but you will meet increasingly powerful opponents in the subsequent competitions. Your own destiny must be in your own hands. If you want to advance to the final without suspense, then, the most The good way is to win every game in the qualifiers. It all depends on your own response."

"Yes." Everyone in Shrek Academy suddenly agreed.

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