Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 290: Zhu Zhuqing meets

Soon, Kai Ying and Xiao Tu fought.

Because the first two games consumed a lot of soul masters, especially the fire leopard soul master, this third game played particularly hard for Kai Ying.

Xiao Tu is a beast spirit. Although he is a horse, he did not directly become a horse. Instead, his speed has become extremely fast. The flames on his body are like bursts of flames. With his actions, he keeps in the competition stage. Spin.

The opponent's speed is fast, and the flames are also difficult to wrap around. Kai Ying knew that if he pursued with all his strength, he would definitely be able to catch up, but the soul power consumption speed would increase greatly, and the gain would outweigh the loss.

There is no way, he can only fight steadily. He was able to use tactics with the Fire Leopard soul master before, or it was because he was bullying the strong attack type soul master not fast enough.

Kaiying is currently a combination of the agile attack system and the strong attack system. It runs faster than the strong attack system, and its attack power has reached the first-rate level among the strong attack system spirit masters. Even if it is a full-time agile attack system, if you use your spirit power to your fullest , He can catch up.

But at this moment, because of the excessive consumption of soul power, he also fell into the same embarrassing scene as the Fire Leopard Soul Master before, and was led by the nose.

The tactics of the Flame Horse Soul Master are very peculiar. He is directly on the competition stage, circling around Kai Ying, incidentally entangled Kai Ying with his spirit skills, and faintly, Kai Ying feels something wrong.

Because from the beginning to the end, this soul sovereign had been using the third spirit ability, and the purple spirit ring kept lighting up, but Kai Ying didn't know what the hidden spirit ability was.

Until the end, the third spirit ability of the Flame Horse Spirit Master took shape.

There seemed to be a sultry fire storm on the stage.

The flames burned, forming a tornado-like flame that rose into the sky.

Kaiying was shrouded in this.

At this time, he noticed that there was a series of flame footprints on the ground, forming a faint circle!

"This is the light of the fire that the fire leopard soul master just fought with me at the beginning? Can this form such a huge soul ability?" Kai Ying was shocked, and suddenly he realized that he had underestimated these Congtian The opponent rushed out of Doucheng.

"However, no matter how fierce the burning is, it has nothing to do with me. Even if there is a little spirit power left, I am not so easily defeated!" Kai Ying's eyes condensed slightly, and he directly activated the third spirit ability, glancing shadow step.

The ice-blue illusory figure directly rushed out of this burned circle and came to the edge of the competition platform, which was the only normal place left.

At this moment, there was only one last point of Kaiying's spirit power.

Xiao Tu, the soul master of the flame horse, looked at each other in opposition.

"You don't have much spirit power, it's better to decide the outcome with one move!" Seemingly tired of the previous wandering battle, Kai Ying suddenly said to Xiao Tu.

"Hehe, do you think I don't know what you are thinking? Your spirit power is almost dry, I just need to keep dragging, I will win!" Xiao Tu laughed, exposing Kaiying's plan.

Indeed, the Flame Horse Spirit Master still has at least one-third of his spirit power left, so he only needs to drag it down, then he can drag it until Kaiying can’t hold it, and if he and Kaiying make a decision, the outcome will be I don't know who will get it.

"Haha, so don't you dare?" Kai Ying smiled, and sneered directly at the Flame Horse Spirit Master Xiao Tu.

"No matter what you say, victory is at my fingertips. There is no need to take risks. Just wait and lose. I won't be fooled." Xiao Tu completely saw through Kai Ying's thoughts and replied decisively.

He really didn't dare to go, because he felt that Kai Ying still had a little spirit power, if he rushed directly, maybe he would lose instead, so Xiao Tu didn't dare to gamble and chose to continue to drag.

"It's okay. Your Majesty is still watching. I want to see. If I wait for an hour, will your Majesty be there and watch us for an hour. Oh, no, maybe I can delay two hours. It's uncertain." At this time, Kai Ying lightly said to Xiao Tu, and his eyes swept across Emperor Su Xueye with a look of stunned expression.

"You! You actually threatened me with your Majesty?!" Xiao Tu asked in disbelief with a shocked expression on his face.

"Yes, that's how I think, how about it, will you come to a vigorous battle? You still play so in the promotion match, this is a heads-up battle, is it suitable? This kind of place to show personal strength and quality, regardless of It is not ashamed to win or lose. Do you still want others to give you a nickname, such as the master of the bladder game? For example, the pioneer of tortoise tactics? Hahahaha."

Kai Ying seemed to think about it, and suddenly laughed.

Xiao Tu, who was on the opposite side, was stunned by laughter. After all, he was also a young man in his twenties. If something really came out in the future that he was very persuaded, saying that he would rather have your Majesty wait two hours. Drag the other party to death, then he might as well die!

Who wants to bear a bad reputation!

"Damn it, I will let you understand. You think that one move will win over me. It's just a wishful thinking." Xiao Tu, a flame martial soul, is a hidden sensual creature himself, stimulated by Kai Ying. , Immediately used the soul power of the whole body and rushed towards Kai Ying directly!

"Good come!" Kai Ying roared sharply, and then rushed over!

In an instant, as if Mars hit the earth, the surrounding air also solidified.

Xiao Tu carried the greatest spirit power, condensed in the flame jet of the first spirit ability, like a torrent, slammed through Kai Ying's suddenly virtual figure!

And Xiao Tu himself also passed through Kai Ying's body that suddenly turned on Glance Step!

At this moment, all of Xiao Tu's attacks were missed, and the fierce flames of the flame jet submerged into the burning fire storm, unable to turn over a trace of spray, and even made the huge tornado more and more burning.

When the two passed through each other, Kai Ying's figure also gathered together.

Kai Ying, standing behind Xiao Tu, and the other party, already frozen in place, did not dare to move at all.

"It's over." Xiao Tu paled.

"It's over indeed." Kaiying's Darkborn Demon Scythe looked back quietly and cut off Xiao Tu's red hair, but didn't hurt the opponent.

In the third game, Kai Ying won.

"I shouldn't be in the aggressive method, I'm still too impulsive." Xiao Tu smiled bitterly, and slapped Kai Ying's Darkborn Scythe with a disappointed expression on his face.

And the Darkborn Devil's sickle, after being shot by Xiao Tu, suddenly dissipated, turning into countless soul power lights and shadows, scattered everywhere.

Xiao Tu looked stunned.

" lied to me, you actually squeezed a trace of soul power!" Xiao Tu suddenly turned his head, and after seeing Kai Ying's pale face, he couldn't help sighing.

"As long as I'm dragging it for a quarter of an hour, I guess you won't even be able to use the third spirit ability. Firestorm is next to you. You will definitely resist it with your spirit power. It was very difficult for you to condense your martial soul just now. How can you win? I."

"Hehe, it's true, so you are still too young. I think the captain did the same to me back then. It will never go out of style." Kaiying smiled reluctantly, a little sweat oozing on his forehead.

"Okay, I'll admit it, but next time, you don't want to use this trick to lie to me again." Xiao Tu said.

"Referee, I won this round, but I also lost." Kaiying suddenly shouted to the referee.

He doesn't even have the spirit power to condense the martial soul, it is completely complete, there is not a drop left, so next, he has to rely on other people. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

After that, Kai Ying glanced at Xiao Tu and said softly: "You still don't accept your firestorm?"

However, in response to Kai Ying, it was Xiao Tu's surprised answer, "Come on? Why do you want to take it? This is a meal prepared by our Blazing Academy for you Tiandou Royal Academy, otherwise you think, why did I play?"

Kaying's face suddenly stiffened.

"Well, you also lost, I also lost, and I went away. My other players are still waiting to play." Xiao Tu was off the court, and then another substitute soul master, Flame Chicken Wuhun, forty The first-level assault system war soul sovereign, fiercely came to power.

On the Tiandou Royal Academy, Zhu Zhuqing took over the position of Kai Ying.

"Pay attention to the fire storm. I can feel that it has not reached its limit. Unless I take action, it cannot be driven away. It is too big." Suddenly, Uran said to Zhu Zhuqing.

He is considered to understand the plan of Blazing Academy.

There is such a fire tornado that absorbs flames and releases heat energy. As long as there is continuous flame injection, it will become hotter and more terrifying. Perhaps until the end, its explosive power will be unimaginable by others.

"Well, I see." The cold Zhu Zhuqing nodded slowly, and then turned his gaze to his opponent.

The referee's voice sounded in due course, "Game 4, start!"


Huo Meng's body suddenly ignited a raging fire, and his flame chicken spirit appeared behind him instantly, and immediately afterwards, he completed his possession.

It’s just that his martial soul is not a chicken with wings flapping in everyone’s eyes, but a human-shaped martial soul, standing upright, with a V-shaped comb on his forehead, and a white feather wrapped around him. The bandaged sharp claws and strong, feather-covered legs.

This martial soul also indicates that the fierce melee level is quite high!

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