Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 291: Difficult Fire Warrior

The fourth battle, under everyone's attention, began.

"Wuhun possessed."

Zhu Zhuqing screamed, and his pupils changed color, like the different pupils of a Persian cat, his five fingers became barbed, extremely sharp cat claws, and his body became smoother.

On the other side, Huo Meng became even more peculiar under the possession of Wuhun. Both his hands became sharp chicken feet, and his body was covered with feathers. The figure became a bit taller and his hair turned white. His feathers were gorgeous and scattered behind his back, and his entire forearm began to burn with flames, which was really conspicuous.

Slowly lifted the soles of the feet, and then stepped on them suddenly. With a violent spirit power surging sound, Zhu Zhuqing's figure suddenly turned into a small light, almost after a few breaths, it was close to the fire. .

Looking at Zhu Zhuqing whose speed was soaring in an instant, Huo Meng's face changed abruptly, his pupils shrank slightly, and he stared at the black light that gradually expanded in his pupils.

In the next moment, an aura that was a bit more ferocious than Zhu Zhuqing suddenly burst out of Huo Meng's body. The pair of sharp, pointed claws were like hand knives, with a sharp sound of breaking wind. Smashed against the light fiercely.

He seemed to perceive the oncoming fierce energy, the light and shadow like a flash of lightning, after a sudden stop, his body instantly moved laterally, and then he appeared strangely behind Huo Meng.

"Nether Thrust!"

Zhu Zhuqing's body whirled slightly, as the cat's claws raided, energetic engulfed, carrying his soul skills and stabbing out. At this moment, there were a few sonic booms in the air.


With a low muffled sound, Zhu Zhuqing's spirit skills stabbed fiercely at the place of Huomeng's back vest. The dull sound made the surrounding crowd tremble.

"Kacha!" A few cracks spread rapidly where the fire stood on the ground. From this we can see how strong this blow was.

What is astonishing is that Huomeng actually held it!

"Fast speed! But Zhu Zhuqing, do you really think that the increased defense in a hot storm environment is so easy to be broken?" After Zhu Zhuqing hit, Huo Meng's body trembled violently. After a little silence, his left foot suddenly fell silent. He kicked out fiercely at the back while making a dull sound in his mouth.

"The first soul ability, flame burning coat!"


Suddenly, Zhu Zhuqing felt the temperature on Huo Meng's body rise rapidly, and immediately stepped back and looked at the other side vigilantly.

Huo Meng was bathed in endless flames, but there was no pain on his face. He was obviously immune to the high temperature caused by the flame soul power he produced.

However, under this distorted environment, Zhu Zhuqing is extremely disadvantageous.

Because she is a spirit master of the melee agile attack system!

"Damn it, it is actually a coat formed by flames." Zhu Zhuqing gritted her teeth and prepared to use the spirit bone skills, but she was surprised to find that there was no shadow around!

Zhu Zhuqing turned his head abruptly, looked to the side of the hot storm that was getting bigger and bigger and burning faster, and then he moved his eyes to Huomeng's feet.

No shadow!

"Is this impossible?" Zhu Zhuqing murmured, then seeing Huo Meng's solemn expression, he realized that Blazing Academy had come prepared!

If shadows are to be produced, there must be two necessary conditions, light and opaque objects.

Fire is the energy released in the form of light and heat. Fire is a light source, a luminous body. Light shines on an opaque object. Part of the light is blocked by the object and cannot pass through. It will form the shadow of this object. Since fire is a luminous body, When there is no obstruction, there is no shadow.

The principle of shadow generation is due to the scientific principle that the object occludes the light. The light travels in a straight line in the same homogeneous medium and cannot pass through the darker area formed by the opaque object. The projection formed is the shadow.

However, the fierce shadow, in this swiftly burning environment, within the scope of this fiery storm, has been distorted!

"However, even without soul bone skills, I can still defeat you." Zhu Zhuqing's eyes narrowed, staring at Huomeng, and said softly.

But the fierce fire on the opposite side was as unshakable as a reef, without the irritability or impulsive temperament that most fire attribute spirit masters should have, but extremely stable.

"Second spirit ability, overheating." Huo Meng let out a low growl, and the flame-burning coat on his body suddenly shrank, not as big as before, but the temperature has increased to a certain extent.

This spirit ability is to increase one's own physical fitness, the more extreme heat the surroundings are, the more one's own strength and speed will get an exaggerated increase.

The next moment, Huo Meng rushed towards Zhu Zhuqing!

Zhu Zhuqing did not dare to face Huo Meng head-on, and immediately flashed aside.

And Huomeng's fierce hand knife flew out against her waist. The sharp wind, even if it was blocked by spirit power, still caused Zhu Zhuqing's skin to appear a little. Small bumps.

To dodge the fierce attack, Zhu Zhuqing gritted his teeth and violently bullied himself up. With the help of his loach-like evasion ability and fast speed, like a flexible and elegant civet, he constantly flashed around the former. Appearing, the cat's claws containing powerful spirit power will be stamped on the opponent's body.

However, every time she touches, Zhu Zhuqing’s cat's claws will come into direct contact with the hot flames, and even as the battle lasts longer, her sleeves have already begun to burn!

However, Zhu Zhuqing does not have a long-range spirit ability, so she can only grit her teeth. Under the protection of her spirit power, she has no injuries, and even the other party can't touch her at all. It's just that the fierce and terrifying aura is climbing up, as if she is accumulating. Average power!

Under Zhu Zhuqing's almost non-stop offensive, Nether's Hundred Claws and Nether's spurs were used repeatedly, and the dull sound of "bang bang" in the field was never stopped.

The fierce second spirit ability is overheated, not only will give fierce tyrannical defensive power, it will even strengthen the flame burning vest, weakening the spirit power attack to a certain extent.

A quarter of an hour passed.

The battle became more and more anxious, and Zhu Zhuqing, who had lost the means of surprise and beheading, fell into a bitter battle for the first time, but after Zhu Zhuqing used his strength to dodge the fierce serial and then tried to counterattack, she suddenly felt heartbroken. trembling!

An unknown hunch broke into her heart!

Without hesitation, Zhu Zhuqing flashed away directly when his soul power was surging, and after a few consecutive jumps, he came to the dead corner of the competition platform. Beautiful eyes stared at the center of the competition platform, the burning, as if in the hot storm that could not be stopped. .

She had already discovered that Huo Meng would always intentionally or unconsciously use her own flame spirit power, or try to get as close to the edge of the storm as possible, and inject her own spirit power into it, causing it to continuously expand slowly.

When it is unobservable, its energy level is slowly rising.

In just a quarter of an hour, this storm has already occupied four-fifths of the arena, leaving only four corners, and even such a small corner is constantly being swallowed. After a quarter of an hour at most, the entire arena will be swallowed. Will burn.

But in Zhu Zhuqing's calculations, even if there was no soul bone shadow jump, she still had a fourth soul ability, and shadow control, a soul ability called a magic ability, was enough to make a final decision.

However, the fierceness in front of her also didn't use the third and fourth spirit abilities, so she couldn't take any chances until she saw the other's spirit abilities.

She wanted to wait for the other party to launch the explosive tactics, and directly use the Desolation Spirit Body to forcibly avoid all powerful spirit abilities.

But right now, Zhu Zhuqing has realized it.

If it drags on and waits for the storm to engulf the competition platform, then only the center of the storm is left in the battle!

Only the center is safe, but this thing, for the fire system spirit master, has increased too much!

She couldn't guarantee that she could defeat the opponent steadily. Perhaps Uranium was right. After all, she was not omnipotent. If she continued to stand in a stalemate, her spirit power would also be constantly consumed by resisting the heat.

In other words, she is going to fight quickly!

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