Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 292: Failed countermeasures

Without hesitation, Zhu Zhuqing left again.

This time, she didn't want to keep it anymore, she directly used the fourth spirit ability to end the game, and then figured out a way to quickly defeat the players on the field behind her. If she continued to drag the phone, the probability of losing herself was quite high.

After all, this is a competition and cannot kill people, so the space fault under the third spirit ability is useless. It is a very terrifying spirit ability derivative, which is enough to cut anything, but it never stops flames.

The reason why Zhu Zhuqing didn’t immediately use the fourth spirit ability to end the game was worrying. She knew that her combat mode had been studied by teachers of many academy teams. Even if others didn’t know the specific effects of her spirit ability, she could still Guess all the same.

Therefore, after Zhu Zhuqing was aware of Blazing Academy's ultimate move against her, she would inevitably continue to think in her heart, would her fourth spirit ability also be considered by the other side?

If the opponent had already considered it, then she would use the fourth spirit ability as soon as she came on the field. Perhaps it was a very unwise move. Rather than being exposed right away, it would be better to wait for a while and try to find some opportunities.

But Huo Meng is too stable, I have never used the third and fourth spirit abilities, only the first and second spirit abilities, to ensure that her close combat will not fall into the wind, and it will be very unfavorable for her to keep dragging on. Prepare to directly mix the third spirit ability and the fourth spirit ability to forcefully defeat Huomeng!

The third spirit ability, destroy the spirit body!

After a breath, Zhu Zhuqing's figure became illusory, and the tone of the whole person was gray, with a trace of hazy color that did not belong to the real world.

And this vision attracted everyone's attention.

"Is this the third spirit ability similar to Kaiying? It's really tricky." Huo Meng frowned, but still calmly followed the teacher's instructions, and a thicker flame ignited on his body. In a flash, he seemed to be bathed in fierceness. In the flames.

Immediately afterwards, Zhu Zhuqing ignored the flames outside and rushed away to the fire.

All the blazing heat can't interfere with Zhu Zhuqing, like an illusory spirit body, as long as you get close to Huomeng, within two meters of him, then use the fourth spirit ability to defeat him!

"Second spirit ability, overheating!" Huo Meng let out a low voice, and then retreated without advancing. He kicked heavily on the ground with his right foot, and in the blink of an eye, he stepped back dozens of steps, and came to the edge of the competition platform with his hands in a defensive posture, grim wait.

The next moment, Zhu Zhuqing passed through the entire fiery storm, and the cold cat's claw cut through the burning arena, and with a dazzling cold light, it slammed into the fire.


The rest of the Blazing Academy's players suddenly felt horrified, their eyes fixed on the fierce competition in the stage, hoping that the targeted strategy in this set of ideas would work, and don't be like other academy teams.

According to their guess, if Zhu Zhuqing wanted to use the fourth spirit ability, it seemed that he had to get close to the opponent's shadow first, or get in close contact before he could release it.

As for the fierce man who possessed the flame-burning coat spirit ability, in this scorching situation, not only was the shadow distorted, he was even more powerful with the increase of the second spirit ability. If Zhu Zhuqing’s fourth spirit ability could not be used, then Huo Meng has a high probability of defeating Zhu Zhuqing!

It is this very expectation of success that makes Huo Wushuang and Huo Wu's hearts lift up. If Huo Meng loses, then there is no need for them to fight next. It is Zhu Zhuqing alone who is exhausting his soul power. Before the end, with the fourth spirit ability and the third spirit ability, all the main forces can be defeated.

Finally, the two made contact!

Zhu Zhuqing, who was under the desolate spirit body, stepped directly close to Huomeng, a bright light flashed through his beautiful eyes, and the fourth spirit ring on his body immediately gleamed. The rich purple-black spirit ring seemed to haunt infinite spirit power.

But Zhu Zhuqing's expression suddenly changed, and the fourth spirit ring had no way to target the opponent in front of him!

She looked at Huo Meng's feet in disbelief, the feet wrapped in flames, and the twisted air, and she suddenly realized that the fourth spirit ability, shadow control, also needs the shadow of the other party!

This was something she had never experienced before, even if she was playing with Uranium, when she used this spirit ability, she was still in a shadowy environment!

In the stands, Uran frowned, and the black fan-shaped icons slowly swirled in his pupils. He saw Zhu Zhuqing's every move, as well as the consternation on her face.

"There is still such a weakness in the fourth spirit ability. It was not discovered during the previous training. This is difficult. Aside from the fourth spirit ability, it is difficult for Zhu Qing to defeat a strong attack type soul sect head-on."

"However, since Zhu Qing has realized this, there may be a turning point." But when he saw the extremely favorable environment for the Flame Spirit Master, it was a lie to say that he was not worried.

"The Blazing Academy's method of creating a favorable fighting environment is estimated to be similar in other Elemental Academy. Not to mention, it is Shui Bing'er from Tianshui Academy who uses the Ice Phoenix Martial Spirit to turn the ring into The ice and snow are easy to operate, and the Kamikaze Academy can also create clouds to cover the traces of the flying spirit master in the sky. Alas, I really don't want to be on the court so early."

"However, in such a sudden situation, it can also have a tempering effect on you. If everything is solved by me, you will be abandoned. How to deal with unexpected attacks, or Situation, this is also a required course for the growth of a soul master."

Uran thought about the key points and began to look forward to Zhu Zhuqing's next actions.

Zhu Zhuqing, whom he knew, was not a weak woman who suffered a little blow, and would bow her head to give in.

On the battlefield, Zhu Zhuqing realized that the fourth spirit ability could not be effective, and he withdrew without hesitation.

After a few consecutive she returned to her previous position, raised her head, and looked at the hot storm around her.

The scorching flame distorted the outer air, and the light shining in, the first thing that collided was the gradually expanding fire tornado, but what is peculiar is that when viewed through the line of sight, the central area of ​​the fire tornado and its The sky is extremely stable!

A bold idea flashed past Zhu Zhuqing's mind.

On the other hand, on Huomeng's side, after Zhu Zhuqing touched and immediately retreated, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and then with joy, he gave a thumbs up in the direction of Blazing Academy.

This means that the teacher's method of putting on top is feasible.

"Success!" Huo Wu smiled and said excitedly to Huo Wushuang on the side.

She knows how Zhu Zhuqing crushes the enemy without restrictions. In one second, just one second, Zhu Zhuqing can shuttle to the shadows of others, and then use a fourth spirit ability to control the person. , And finally declared out.

Even if she is better than her, the core of Blazing Academy, Huo Wu has no confidence to defeat Zhu Zhuqing single-on-one!

Even, she can only guarantee that she can barely last a few seconds than others.

Therefore, in the face of Zhu Zhuqing's unparalleled strength in the qualifiers, they had to rack their brains and finally thought about such a hot storm that changed the terrain and needed to be continuously injected with flame soul power to maintain.

The cost of its formation requires a lot of soul power, which can be clearly seen from the easy defeat of the three soul masters by Kai Ying.

However, the value it possesses is also great enough. Injecting flame soul power will make it more and more swell. As long as this fire storm exists, it will continue to provide flame soul masters with a boost and provide faster recovery of soul power. , To provide soul skills enhancement, and even weaken hostile soul masters.

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