Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 313: Lunar Silver Trial Spear vs Burst Kick

On the stage of the competition, as the two of them fought, they gradually entered white-hot. The powerful soul power surging out from the two people's bodies almost at a spouting speed. Between the impact of soul power and soul power, strong energy exploded. The ringing kept ringing in the square.

In the arena, silver light flickered, bursting fists and fierce moonlights, constantly shooting out from the silver light enveloped, two shadows flashing and moving quickly in the limited field, crisp swords and steel The sound of intersecting also continued to be heard from the two people's confrontation, and the attacking force of the two people became more and more crazy as the battle intensified, making people feel more and more stunned.

Looking at the two blurred and moving figures in the field, the faces of Huo Wushuang and Feng Xiaotian who were watching the battle around them were slightly sluggish. In the previous stalemate battle, they could clearly feel that Diana at least used it. There are several spirit abilities that do not have a spirit ring illuminated. Obviously they are self-created spirit abilities, or even if they have to rely on the fourth spirit ability field, they are also special combat methods!

However, these spirit abilities that were enough to make Diana easily defeat the low-level soul king were all easily defeated by Uranium. Only now did the two of them realize that even if Diana played in the previous discussion, it would be difficult to defeat their Blazing Academy. What a fool's words.

And being able to fight Diana, who is comparable to the Soul King, for so long, they have even suppressed Diana's Uranium strongly, thinking with his butt, they can also know that the silver-haired, red-eyed and indifferent youth in front of him has definitely reached Soul King level!

   This is the Soul Master Competition. Everyone is at level 30 or 40. How come out a Soul King!

   Feng Xiaotian and Huo Wushuang looked mad.

Within the scope of the small fourth spirit ability to invite the moon phantom array, the tyrannical spirit power and the fierce moon silver blade light burst out from the field continuously, leaving a trail of clearly visible on the surrounding hard floor. Deep marks.

Everyone held their breath at this moment, and their eyes moved with the flash of the two looming figures. The increasingly fierce and fierce battle caused many people's hearts to be held by their throats. .

Looking at the fierce battle between the two sides, Diana, who should have been defeated by the touch in their minds, was unexpectedly just falling into the wind, and with the close combat of the strong armor, she was on the offensive. , There are still faint signs of gradual recovery, which really made those fans of the Tiandou Royal Academy Huangdou Second Team who originally thought they had a chance to win a little bit stunned.

  Most of these fans are members of the academy team participating in the Soul Master Competition, not ordinary civilians, and civilians are not eligible to observe in this barracks.

   Is Diana, who doesn't show up very often in Shrek Academy, is so strong?

Of course, not only the ordinary team members, but Uranium was also secretly surprised, "Is this armor really made of soul bone? It's not a **** bestowed soul bone? It's hard and tough, and it's hurt. The harder I fought, the stronger my soul power counterattack was, and it became disgusting."

   But immediately he became a little envious. Without this armor, with his physical fitness and spirit power level, Diana would have been defeated long ago.

Perhaps, to a certain extent, foreign objects are really difficult to be replaced. Even gods, there are some artifacts, super artifacts and other aids. Diana can resist the hurricane attack of Uranium right now. To a large extent, thanks to the Battle Armor of the Moon of Vengeance.

   Under the appreciation of the various spirit hall powerhouses and the high-level barracks, the two intertwined figures in the field that looked vaguely in the eyes of the ordinary team spirit masters, have become extremely clear.

In the    field, the flashing and staggered figures retreated once again. With the sound of the energy explosion, the two figures violently retreated more than ten meters against the ground.

  The retreating figure slowly stopped, Uranium and Diana's figure finally appeared clearly under everyone's gaze, looking at the appearance of the two, they were all taken aback.

The battle armor of the Moon of Vengeance on Diana's body has already appeared in broken places. Under the deep fragmentation marks, you can still see the red blood. Obviously, in the previous close to crazy. During the battle, Diana's armor was not invincible.

The appearance of the uranium did not seem to have changed much. The original smooth long hair with a single ponytail was almost cut by the moon blade, and a little fragment of hair floated out. In addition, only the sleeves on the arms disappeared, and the fracture was extremely smooth. .

   On the other hand, Diana was also a little gaffe. The messy silver thread was stuck on the smooth and clean forehead with some sweat, her teeth were biting her red lips, and her breathing was a little short.

   This look of the two people seems to have slightly won and slightly lost in the previous fierce battle.

   After the two showed up, the original whispers in the spectator stand were once again completely silent. Everyone was infected by the tit-for-tat momentum between the two, and they dared not speak to break it.

   A breeze blew across the competition platform, and a few dead leaves blowing from nowhere followed the wind and curled, passing between the two.

The silence lasted for a while, Diana finally took the lead in action, with agile eyes with a few complex emotions, she looked at the indifferent Uranium on the opposite side, and the jade hand slowly removed the black hair band tied with three thousand silver threads. , Slightly swinging his head, full of silver threads like moonlight, pouring down, along the shoulders, straight to the slender waist.

   Under the moonlit night, the woman undressed her belt, her hair slipped, and she combined with a dusty and agile temperament. The moving scene made Diana, who was dressed in armor and looked like a Valkyrie, added a touch of tenderness.

   At this time, a sharp-eyed person suddenly said: "Look at the moon on the competition platform, it has gone from new moon to full moon!"

   Sure enough, as the person just said, the crescent moon is extremely close to the full moon state.

   There are also stronger perceptive soul masters who close their eyes and know: "I don't know if you feel that the soul power contained in the scene on the competition stage has become stronger and stronger, as if it is about to reach the top."

   "Blooming means withering. She is going to the limit." The master murmured as Diana's aura became stronger and stronger.

In the arena, Diana's eyes slowly closed along the silver wire. After a while, they suddenly opened. Suddenly, the silver wire rose automatically without wind, and her long hair fluttered. Dancing, her body unexpectedly began to levitate up without the help of the force of ejection or the effect of wings.

   As Diana's figure slowly lifted into the sky, the energy around her body was also like boiling water at this moment, rioting, and circles of pale white substantial ripples continued to diffuse out of her body.

Behind her, above the full moon, the moonlight halo scattered in the field suddenly began to condense, and the moonlight above the sky suddenly condensed towards the direction behind Diana. In just a moment, it formed A silver-white long gun, above the gun body, is a bright light, dazzling light, like the second round of moonlight in the sky.

   "Uranium, let's decide the outcome."

   her fair and pretty face was slightly transparent by the light, and Diana pointed at Uranium far down.

   This is the second ability of her one hundred thousand year soul bone, and it is also the most powerful offensive soul ability, the Spear of Moon Silver Judgment.

  Uran raised his head and looked at the dazzling light. Under the light, terrifying energy was condensing crazily.

   "Finally use the hole cards, forget I don't hide my personalities anymore. I haven't met a peer who can play like this in a long time. I'm very happy."

  Uran smiled. He was very happy. However, he would not use nuclear explosive kicks to neutralize this place. In this kind of conventional battle, at most he would not use radiant energy burst kicks.

Since he has such a powerful opponent as Diana, he is also looking forward to this collision. He no longer hides anything. With the opening of the martial soul, the original rose-red eyes have turned into black and yellow, three tiny The fan-shaped icon slowly rotates around a black dot in the center of the eye pupil.

   Immediately afterwards, five circles of spirit rings of different colors floated from bottom to top, surrounding Uran's body, moving up and down in an orderly rhythm.

   Soul King!

   "What! How is this possible?" Platinum Bishop Salas stood up grotesquely, his pupils dilated, staring at the uranium in the field.

   And at this moment, the surrounding spectators, especially the members of the Academy team participating in the Soul Master Competition, were shocked, and even reached the point where they couldn't speak!

  Uranium is the Soul King, this sentence madly echoed in everyone's minds.

   is followed by a strong sense of suffocation!

   "I rely on" Feng Xiaotian's face twitched, and said weakly.

  Uran ignored what these outsiders thought. He stared at Diana above the sky. The fourth spirit ring on his body began to glow slightly.

   in a trance, the whole stage of the competition seems to be windy

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