Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 314: Respective limits (three k)

It seems that the wind is blowing...Uran sighed slightly.

  While thinking, he slowly bent down and gently stroked the bluestone brick that had been ravaged by the moonlight and spirit ability, "However, this battle has already ushered in its end."

  Uran raised his head and looked towards the sky.

   Above the sky, the shining Moonsilver Judgement Spear suddenly paused, Diana's teeth clenched, her hands firmly holding the leaping spear, and the terrifying energy contained in it had already made her difficult to grasp.

At a certain moment, when the energy on the spear was brewing to its peak state, Diana was finally no longer depressed, her pretty face was dignified, and with a clear shout, the glare of sunlight on the spear suddenly skyrocketed again. , The strong light on the gun actually concealed the radiance of the moon in the sky!

   "The Spear of Moon Silver Judgment!"

In the sky, a soft voice fell, and the terrifying energy fluctuations finally caused a riot. A fierce moonlight, from the silver-white spear above the sky, began to shine, as if it had descended, shooting away at the uranium overwhelmingly. The hard floor, under the pressure of that fierce light, actually burst into cracks that spread to the end of the entire area.

Feeling the horror of the spirit ability in the sky, the spirit masters who are in charge of the order of the competition field hurriedly shot, and a wave of spirit power rose from their bodies, and the spirit rings rose, and finally condensed into a pair The huge energy cover that almost encompasses the entire arena, by this, only got rid of the oppression caused by the fluctuation of spirit power in the sky.

   And only in this way, those escaping spirit powers will not endanger those noble spectators, such as Xueye the Great, such as the high-level people of Wuhun Hall.

   Anyway, this is also the five-year Pan-Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition. It gathers young talents from all over the continent. Naturally, there are spirits of similar types?  Professional soul masters who can form a protective shield to maintain order.

"It's actually a 100,000-year spirit bone skill?   I didn't expect that Diana would still have such treasures, but based on her strength and age?  I'm afraid it is the heir of an unborn hidden family, right? As far as I know?   even count. It's the Clear Sky School, and there is no soul bone of one hundred thousand years!" Looking up at the silver spear that fell like a round of bright moon?   Platinum Bishop Salas murmured.

   "Your Excellency, I am very confident about Uranium, the captain of the Emperor Dou 2nd team?   Still very confident..." Xue Qinghe said with a smile?  Others don't know, don't he know? Uranium’s strength is so strong that even if he regained his true identity as Qian Renxue, he would be surprised at him?   Even now?   He still didn’t understand why Uranium’s martial soul was called Eye of Destruction, and Uranium’s battle was only fists and feet. Seldom use spirit skills.

Turning his gaze to the uranium in the field, Platinum Bishop Salas had not spoken yet, and his pupils suddenly shrank?  I saw the uranium in the field, and suddenly his figure bowed down slightly?  The fourth spirit ring on his body was brightened. !

"This situation..." His eyes fixed on Uranium's posture?   Salas' eyes were almost narrowed into a gap, and he felt an extremely majestic spirit power fluctuation?   No less than the blooming above the sky The gun of silver judgment.

Slowly turned his head?   looked at each other with Xue Qinghe?   The expressions of the two were extremely weird and wonderful. It seems that now they have finally determined something, "Even if they are as strong as Diana, they are not qualified to force it. Uranium's fifth spirit ability!"

   "Eye of Destruction Martial Soul...Let me see uranium, what is destruction..." Xue Qinghe whispered.

Of course, Xue Qinghe, Salas, on the viewing platform, Ning Fengzhi, military leaders, teachers from other academy teams, and others were not the only ones who discovered something from Uran's move. They were also dumbfounded at this moment. .

   "The fourth ring of ten thousand years, the second ring of thousand years, how is this possible? This completely breaks the spirit master's rule of absorbing spirit rings!" Yi Gan said with his pupils widened and his face in disbelief exclaimed.

   The vast majority of spirit masters didn't care about the surprise of the spirit power fluctuations produced by Uran's spirit ability at the moment, but there was a more important thing before them.

   With a Tang San, you can also use a special case to comfort yourself with a once-in-a-lifetime encounter.

   But right now, a more perverted Fourth Ring of Ten Thousand Years and the Second Ring of Thousand Years of Soul Master, how can this not make them crazy?

   Isn't it true that the law of the soul master's spirit ring that they have studied throughout their lives, and thus summed up, is wrong!

At this time, many people who knew some information set their sights on Shrek Academy. They heard that the'master' who proposed the core competitiveness of the top ten martial arts was there, and they wanted to see it more, who boasted What kind of feeling did Yu Xiaogang, a master of Wuhun theory, feel when he saw the second ring of the millennium.

   It's just a pity, they are destined to be disappointed.

The master learned about uranium a few years ago. At the time, it was impossible to say that his heart was not complicated, but now that it has been so long, his mind has faded, just like his. Like the proud disciple Tang San, who stipulated that the Douluo Continent could not have a few perverts?

What's more, according to Tang San, Uranium's family is already studying the deepest inheritance of Wuhun and the origin of its mutation. This means that Uranium can achieve such an achievement with experts in the family who specialize in theory. Inseparable.

   After all, in the final analysis, he is only a Soul Venerable who turned to the theoretical school for more than ten years after being unable to improve his spirit power level. How could he compare with others' huge family?

   A cool breeze blew across the sky, and the spear of Moon Silver Judgment that was flying in the sky seemed to slow down countless times in Uran's eyes.

   But the sense of threat it brings is a warning to him.

   Before the soul skill arrived, the pressure had already cracked the ground every inch.

Uran raised his head and faintly looked at the dazzling light that was constantly expanding in his pupils. He also discovered the reflections of those around him, but he did not care too much. It was a matter of exposing it sooner or later, he did not think about it. How long to cover up.

On the right leg, the energies of various colors have condensed into an energy vortex, as if an infinite suction is gathering these unowned soul powers. The blue and cyan ripples are mixed to form a mysterious color like a star. The fierce energy ripples also constantly rushed out from the middle, and when they merged with each other, there was a thunder-like loud noise, which made everyone on the watching stage a little surprised.

   Finally, when Diana's spirit ability was about to enter, Uranium moved. Under his feet, the ground had formed a vortex like a star map. It was clear that the energy had already accumulated to the apex, but it was still spinning.

All eyes gathered at Uran's feet. Although it is not clear what the power of the soul ability that has formed a star map on the ground, the protective shield soul masters seem to have felt something, some close to the two people's battle circle. The spectators couldn't help taking a few steps back.

   moved his feet slightly, and unloaded the pouring huge effort into the ground. Uran took a deep breath, and after a moment of silence, he suddenly raised his leg and kicked it sideways!

   "Burst kick!"

   The sound fell, and the shock wave spirit power formed purely by energy, turned into a stream of light, like a shooting star across the sky! Lightning to the Moon Silver Judgement Spear, greeted him!

   Under the gaze of countless tense gazes on the square, the two streams of light flashed across the air quickly, and finally, at a distance of ten meters from the ground, they collided like a meteorite and collided fiercely!


   The huge roar, at this moment, resounded through the entire royal hunting ground!

   A loud thunderous noise rang out over the huge hunting ground, like the thunder god’s anger, making people’s minds tremble with fear.

   After the loud noise, it was the energy collision that bloomed like a volcanic eruption. When two fierce and unmatched energies touched in midair, they madly released each other's hidden terrifying energy.

   Suddenly, a gust of wind appeared out of thin air over the hunting ground and whizzed past. At the point where the two touched, even the illusory air was blurred and distorted by the collision of powerful energy.

   The violent wind whizzed past, and the energy shock wave raging in the sky, like a sky fire, swept away in the direction of the entire Royal Hunting Ground and Diana!



The energy shock wave was the first to come into contact with the defensive shields set up by some professional soul, but the latter obviously underestimated the horrible energy generated by the collision of the two energies. The current tough defensive shields were immediately affected by the energy. The shock wave was shocked to the point that it was completely destroyed in less than a second. These few strengths were slightly weaker, and only the soul master of the Soul King level turned pale, and blood spurted out frantically.

   "Uncle Jian, trouble you!" Ning Fengzhi glanced at something wrong and immediately said to his back.

The white-clothed old man known as Uncle Sword opened his eyes slightly, raised his head to look at the approaching energy shock wave, a touch of surprise flashed in his eyes, "Unexpectedly, the Soul Master Competition can also have such a powerful confrontation, and, among them, It's hard to imagine that one person is still Rongrong's teammate."

However, Sword Douluo is not just talking about it. As the world's top Title Douluo, this level of shock wave is still not difficult for him. After all, Uranium has not even arrived at the Soul Emperor, and Diana is also In this way, he saw that he didn't even possess a martial spirit, and walked to the front of the VIP table, relying solely on his spirit power level, pressing his hand toward the spirit power shock wave.

Suddenly, the latter was like the lake that had been thrown into a huge boulder, ripples continuously spreading out, but this time, the defense of the field constructed by Sword Douluo did not face being breached again. crisis.

Although Diana and Uran are both in the Soul Sect Soul King's power, the energy exploded after their attacks collided with each other, but even a Soul Emperor powerhouse did not dare to be easily touched without protection. on.

   Even a few soul kings teamed up, and they couldn't last for a second, which was obvious.

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