Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 327: Fury of Cho'gall! 2 elemental abilities!

On the ring.

  Uranium can be regarded as seeing this complete Twilight Academy team.

   As the perception is swept away, combined with the information given by Xue Qinghe just now, the strength of these seven can also be seen.

   Captain N'Zoth, Wuhun unknown, fifty-two control type battle spirit master.

   was behind him, followed by three young people, one tall, one fat and the other bald.

  Ancient, martial soul double-headed ogre, forty-sixth level assault system.

  Gal, Wuhun two-headed ogre, forty-sixth level assault system.

   Benedictus, Wuhun Shadow Light, forty-eight level control system.

   There is also the only female, Ashila, the jaw of the ancient sage of Wuhun, a dagger with a barb, forty-five-level sensitive attack system.

  Remaining power, dark carapace of martial soul, forty-five level defense system.

   Yu Wen, Wuhun Dark Scepter, Level 43 auxiliary system.

   In terms of configuration alone, Uranium really couldn't find anything wrong, especially the N'Zoth. Although he didn't know what the opponent's spirit was, he still felt it. It is estimated that there is no obvious weakness.

  The game has begun, and the seven martial arts on the opposite side bloom instantly!

   soul ring is the best configuration, yellow, yellow, purple and purple!

   and the leader of the team, the black spirit ring quietly shining light, exuding an unparalleled sense of oppression.

   Uranium had never seen this team in the original work, so it was the first time to see the opponent's martial arts.

From the phantom, N'Zoth's spirit appears to be a huge octopus spirit. The image is very vague, and it flashes by, and the whole body is black and gray. Besides, Uranium has not observed any more. The details.

After the spirit possessed, the opponent's temperament also changed, with a cold and gloomy aura, behind him, several black and purple tentacles appeared, exuding pus, the tentacles touched the ground, and immediately released A pool of black water came out.

   The black water attached to the ground and slowly expanded, as if to swallow the entire arena.

"We must fight quickly!" Uranium realized that something was wrong, and immediately said to the back, "Swipe the booster and step down, so are you Kaiying!" He said, directly turned on the soul bone skill, the nuclear light blade flashed gray light, facing the leader. N'Zoth slashed away!

   Yadai'er, Ying and the others used all their soul skills without stopping. The sky was covered with grass and the incense burner shield was shielded in front of Zhu Zhuqing, and then they immediately jumped off the stage.

   Kai Yingben wanted to struggle a bit, but after seeing his 30-odd-level Soul Sovereign, and the lowest level of the forty-three-level Soul Sect opposite, he felt bitter and jumped down.

  At this moment, only Uranium and Zhu Zhuqing are left in the field.

As Uranium’s light blade slashed away, Zhu Zhuqing immediately used his soul bone ability to make a shadow leap. The figure of the whole person was suddenly blurred, like an instant soul ability, and he jumped directly to the Twilight Academy captain N'Zoth. Behind!

   But before Zhu Zhuqing appeared completely, her face suddenly changed. When her toes touched the black water, she didn't hold back, using all her energy to jump back again!

   It seemed that it was only a flash, and Zhu Zhuqing completed a jump and return. She hurriedly said to Uranium: "Uranium, there is a problem with black water, I feel very dangerous!"

   At this time, the remaining power of the opposing defense system spirit master opened his fourth spirit ability: "Dark barrier!"

The creaking sound seemed to be a mechanical assembly, and the dark carapace of the martial arts on Yu Li’s arm was divided into countless hexagonal ridges, and then a huge single-sided shield was formed, with dim spirit power fluctuations on the corners, An auxiliary type spirit master and two control type spirit masters were fully protected.


   The nuclear light blade rubbed a gleaming spark on the dark barrier of Yuli's fourth soul ability, and then cut it off!

   "Fuck!" Yu Li's face changed drastically, and he cut off his fourth spirit ability with a single knife?

   "Dark Asylum!" Before Yu Li's other spirit abilities had time to use, a soft drink came from behind him, and a dark barrier that looked like a substance blocked Yu Li's reluctance, and could withstand the nuclear light blade of uranium.

   It’s just that, looking at the unstable ripples of the barrier, it won’t last long.

"Hurry up!" Yu Wen, the auxiliary soul master, roared to his side. Amidst the barrier of darkness, the tall woman nodded slightly. Then, the first soul ability on her body gleamed and banged. There was a soft sound of smoke, and an intangible shadow suddenly rushed out of the barrier, rushing in the direction of the second team of Emperor Dou!

   "The first spirit ability, shadow movement!" She went invisible in a short time!

  Uran's eyesight was very good, and his perception was extremely keen. He immediately noticed a vague shadow rushing towards their back not far away, as if it were an assassin!

Reminiscent of the opponent's agile attack type spirit master, Uran immediately had a judgment, "Zhuqing, there is an agile attack type soul master about 30 steps to the left, invisible, hold her!" Uran did not specify the opponent's specific location, according to Zhu Zhuqing With her ability to react, she will not lose to this kind of agile attack!

   Zhu Zhuqing nodded immediately, retreated quickly, his toes touched the ground, and galloped toward the place Uranus said, the cat's claws in his hands shone cold, exuding a chill.

   "Darkness!" Gu roared, the strong attacking spirit master at the forefront, the **** man shook his body, and the huge double-headed ogre spirit appeared behind him!

"Corruption!" Gal, who stood by Gu, also smiled sullenly. The double-headed ogre spirit behind Gu's spirit began to flash with deep whirlpool light. In the blink of an eye, Gu and Gal, together with the spirit, The same light began to flash on his body!


  Uran frowned slightly, and he felt a disgusting breath, which originated from the dark vortex created when the two merged in front of him.

   The fusion process is so fast that Uranium tried to interrupt it, and it was done.

   "Hiss!" The audience from the Heaven Dou Empire looked at the scene in front of them, and couldn't help taking a breath!

   Even Uranium felt a little uncomfortable, frowning tightly.

In front of him, Gu and Gal have merged into one With the double spirit possession, the'person' opposite is very tall, about two and five meters tall, with a broad body and a big waist. round.

   The most peculiar thing is that he has two heads, as if mutated!

   One is the ancient head, the other is Gal's head, both are on the shoulders, the whole is enlarged in proportion, and the forearms are thicker than the thighs of Uranium!

"Chugal, I will let you know! The taste of failure!" Facing the first place Uranium in the Tiandou Empire promotion competition, Gu Na's arrogant words immediately sounded, and Gal's voice also roared with Gu's voice: "Feel the ancient Gal's Fury!"

   As he said, the fourth spirit ring on Gu'gall instantly rhythmic!

   In Gu'gall's eyes, black and purple rays burst out suddenly.

   The four rays shoot toward the uranium at a speed that no one else can react!

   "Second Spirit Ability: Flame Assistance Order."

   "Second Spirit Ability: Order of Shadow!"

   Double head, double the speed of releasing spirit ability.


   Four purple and black rays cut through the void and fell directly on the ring!

  In a short time, almost half of the ring was shining with the dust of purple-black soul power light spots.

   Amidst the dust and haze, a fiery red elemental figure ignited the area, and the human-shaped fire element that was as tall as a person made a silent roar.

   The darker human-shaped dark element supported the ground with both hands. Suddenly, a wave of circular shadow waves followed the ground and spread towards the surroundings!

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