Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 328: Your sanity... will eventually be corroded by me...

These two moves alone are enough to make many teams difficult to resist.

In the combined state, Chu'gall possesses double superimposed spirit abilities and spirit power, which is completely equivalent to a soul king-level powerhouse, in this kind of Gu'jal's fury that weakens the enemy's spirit power defense, and two additional summons In front of the elemental creatures that came out, many soul warriors estimated that they couldn't even beat the two high fire and dark elements.

   The most disgusting thing is that the weakening of the spirit power defense of the fourth spirit ability Ku'gar's Fury can be superimposed! However, these two elemental creatures didn't last long, and compared with the environment where the pure field spirit skills were superimposed, they would disappear very quickly.

   "On top!"

   Benedictus, who was standing quietly in the distance, gave a low voice and looked at another place.

   Under the fury of Gu'gall that is almost instantaneous, no matter how fast you are, it is impossible to go faster than the speed of the ray spread, right?

   However, as the voice of Benedictus fell, only a dark figure was seen, leaping high!

   Uranium also had some predictive guesses in his heart. After this Gu'gal released his spirit ability, he jumped directly to avoid being attacked by the shadow wave of the fourth spirit ability and the dark element for the time being.

   It's just that after Zhu Zhuqing noticed the attack, he could only use the third spirit ability to destroy the spirit body to avoid it.

   "Attack him!"

   Benedictus said solemnly.

  Enemies in the air are the best to hit, because if they can’t fly, it will be difficult for them to dodge the attack.

   Almost just after Benedictus finished speaking, the two-in-one Gu'gall directly used the third spirit ability, and the arrow composed of rich black water was formed in the blink of an eye, at least the thickness of an arm struck toward the uranium.

   And Gu'gall also predicted Uranium's foothold. The second and third spirit skills used to form a black whirlpool with a radius of more than three meters on the ground, completely composed of black water, as if there was endless corruption.

   "The third spirit ability: Dark Arrow!"

   "Third Spirit Ability: Corruption Bombardment." Two voices were emitted from Chu'gar at the same time.

At the same time, the auxiliary soul master Yu Wen's body burst into two rays of light, the power of the second soul ability, the dark night curtain fell on Gu'gall at the same time, suddenly making the dark arrow bigger by one-third, amplifying the soul Skills continue to fall on Gu'gal!

   "Black Shield Throw!" The defensive spirit master's extra energy also threw his martial soul, and the edge of the rotating carapace shield exuded a sharp cold light, and flew in the direction of uranium.

   Ground, air, multiple attacks!

"Aren't you going to do it?" Uranium began to descend in mid-air, quietly watching N'Zoth with a zombie face, and Benedictus with a gentle smile. Until now, these two The soul master he cared about the most didn't have a trace of intending to make a move.

   "Forget it, I can't wait any longer." Uranium screamed, and the nuclear light blade in his hand was flashing with gray lights. With a sweep of his right arm, he directly blasted the dark arrow in mid-air!

   Then following this force, his palm curled into claws, and his slightly slender fingers, like eagle claws, slammed into the dark carapace shield that burst out.

Looking at the slender palm that came out of the hard grasp, Yu Li sneered, clenched his fists, and the first spirit ability on his body gleamed: "Toughness!" Suddenly, a pale white light flashed on the originally extraordinary rotating shield, as if It's hardened a bit, and even the potential energy is more shocking.

   "Huh." Uran noticed the other's careful thoughts, Uran snorted, and the light in his palm appeared, and the color of his arm instantly turned jade white!

   "Xuanyu Hand?" Tang Santeng stood up with a cry, his eyes widened, and he even rubbed his face with surprise.

   Suddenly, Tang San remembered that when he had fought Uranium before, he had indeed used Xuanyu hand in the fight!

When he thought of this, Tang San couldn't help but sit down, his mind was clouded, and he muttered in a low voice, "It took me just a few seconds to learn it...This is not common sense. I have practiced for many years..."

   Not to mention the frustrated Tang San, after Uran opened the lowest-level Xuanyu hand, he brazenly caught the shield throw of the defense spirit master's spare force, then grabbed it backhand and threw it back towards the opponent.

   Suddenly, a deep whisper sounded in Uran's ear!

   After a daze, his eyes flickered, and the shield in his hand dissipated instantly.

   And in the hands of spare power, the shield named Dark Carapace emerged.

"The spirit of martial arts can be cancelled at will...I almost forgot." Uran landed lightly, flashing through a series of long-range spirit ability attacks extremely cleverly, and the dark and fire elements at this time were constantly vomiting at him. The spirit power light **** of the same color were all dodged by him one by one.

Immediately, the dark element and the fire element reached the duration. In front of Uranium, Gu'gall immediately absorbed the red light spot emitted by the fire element, and then a circle of fire suddenly appeared on the ground, and the fire circle was delayed. With the high-heat flame, the surrounding space is a little distorted with the heat.

   After Gu'gall had eaten a dark element, he immediately raised his body and released a circular shadow wave from his body!


   Shadow Wave swept toward the audience.

   And Zhu Zhuqing, who had just forced the agile attack type spirit master Ashila to use the last spirit power to release the strong stealth spirit ability, immediately noticed the indiscriminate aoe attack, and immediately used the shadow fold and came to Uran's side.

   "She has no spirit power and can be defeated at any time." Zhu Zhuqing whispered to the side.

   As expected, after the duration of the forced invisibility of the third spirit ability expired, the Ashila on the other side immediately jumped off the stage to indicate her withdrawal.

"Look at the surroundings, black water has spread." Uran glanced at the surroundings. Unknowingly, the surrounding area of ​​Twilight Academy was covered by black water, and N'Zoth's tentacles were still touching the ground, and the other party's remaining Most of the six people stepped on the black water, but they didn't have the slightest influence. It seemed to be a spirit ability that only took effect on the enemy.

   Although N'Zoth didn't do anything on the surface, Uranium still felt it, and secretly he must be doing something undetectable.

   frowned, Uranium looked at the remaining Benedictus who seemed to be an honest man, and the other party responded and gave Uran a nod and smile.

   "The temptation is over. If you only have such a little ability, then please leave the field first." Uran exhaled gently, and said coldly to the most conspicuous Gu'gall in the center of the game.

   This is the only assault soul master in Twilight Although it is a combination of two, the combat effectiveness has been greatly increased, and ordinary people are not opponents at all, but if this is the case, then it would be too small for Uranium.

  During the battle, he has been guarding against that Soul King Controlling Soul Master, and that Benedictus whose spirit is the Shadow Light, otherwise, would Chu'gall still be able to output safely?

"Damn fellow... Don't underestimate us!" "What a great strength!" Gu'gall said in unison. Several of his spirit abilities were easily destroyed by the opponent, and the opponent, even the spirit of the opponent, was useless, relaxed. Extremely, he is now enough to match the conventional soul, he is so underestimated!

   "Is this your last explanation?" Uran chuckled lightly, a flash of cold light flashed in his eyes, and immediately stepped on his feet and rushed towards Gujal!

   Suddenly, Zhu Zhuqing's figure suddenly flashed, and the cold light on the cat's claws flashed, and he directly activated the spirit bone skill to jump in front of Uranium, swept it, and cut the Uranium off!

  Uran's face changed in an instant, and his elbows covered the spirit power and directly touched it. Suddenly, there was a harsh sound of gold and iron on the surrounding court.

   Zhu Zhuqing made another leap and launched a surprise attack on Uranium from this unexpected angle behind him!

  Uran only had time to sweep it out, she disappeared again, this time it was Uran's lower right, and a sinister kidney hit hit the waist!

The alarm bell in Uran's heart made a big sound, slammed on the ground, as if people had moved two meters, but before Uran responded again, Zhu Zhuqing leaped behind him again like a tarsal maggot with a black mark. The tiger digs his heart out and takes the uranium back!

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