Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 336: Huangdou's trump card, martial soul fusion skills

Soon, the battle began.

   Almost the first time, Yu Tianheng and Dugu Yan came together.

   There was no nonsense on both sides, Zhu Zhuqing took a defensive posture for the first time, and stood in front of Ying, Yadele and others with Kaiying, leaving Uran to stand alone at the forefront.

   The auxiliary spirit masters in the rear continued to exert auxiliary spirit abilities on Kai Ying and Zhu Zhuqing, but none of them were released on Uranium.

   They all understand that, as strong as uranium, these auxiliary soul skills play a very small role, and the cost performance is too low, far inferior to Kai Ying or Zhu Zhuqing of the same level.

   "Uranium, let you see our fetters." Yu Tianheng glanced at the leading Uranium, then changed his hand and held the jade hand of the lone geese beside him. The two held each other tightly, and an invisible spirit power fluctuation suddenly occurred.

The bodies of the two of them exudes energetic refraction colors. The small ball of light engulfed them in the blink of an eye. More and more intense spirit power fluctuations continued to brew, and the blue electric Tyrannosaurus rex's strong aura that overwhelmed all beast spirits suddenly The overflowing overflow made the hearts of the audience and the members of Huangdou Second Team feel tight, as if they couldn't breathe.

   The two quickly merged together without any hesitation, while the basalt shield spirit master graphite and stone mill stood directly in front of them, the shield transforming spirit ability was activated, forming a copper wall and iron wall.

   "Martial Soul Fusion Skill? It seems that Yu Tianheng and Dugu Yan have grown a lot in the past two years."

  Uran sighed lightly, and did not interrupt and interfere with the other party.

   In fact, although the martial arts fusion skill may seem mysterious, if the two people get along for a long time, the fit between the martial arts will increase.

   Once you have been together for several years, ten years, and decades, even if the martial spirit is repellent at first, as long as you try for a long time, you will have a certain chance.

   This is the most difficult part of the Martial Soul Fusion Technique.

   Not everyone can have this kind of talent, and not all martial souls have the ability to merge. Otherwise, how could there be so few martial soul fusion skills, such a decisive combined soul ability?

Yu Tianheng and Dugu Goose happen to have this kind of talent. Although the Bilin Snake is a snake, it is a dragon, and the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus is a powerful dragon-attributed martial spirit. Combining the two, Perhaps, there will be extraordinary martial arts fusion skills!

   The most famous of these is Meng Wei’s grandparents, Long Gong Snake Po!

   These two people, one is a dragon and the other is a snake, how similar are they to Yu Tianheng and Dugu Goose?

   Obviously, Yu Tianheng is very cautious, knowing that the two teams are very different, and wanting to win, only by relying on martial soul fusion skills, this kind of skill beyond combat power, can have a chance to defeat the opponent.

   has prepared the tactics before the game.

  Perhaps, this is exactly what he said to Uranium that will surprise him.


   Did not let Uranium wait long, a loud dragon chant broke the silent ring!

  In an instant, the entire arena boiled, and spots of light with blue arcs continued to pour up from under the ring, converging to the center, forming a blue-green thunder dragon with a length of more than ten meters and a fierce head!

   The dragon's body was surrounded by lightning, as if he was wearing a blue armor, crackling and flashing electric lights, and even the surrounding air was a lot anxious.

   "Martial Soul Fusion Skill: Azure Thunder Dragon!"

   Yu Tianheng's voice exploded from the Thunder Dragon's mouth, like the sound of rolling thunder. Obviously, this was a martial soul fusion technique led by Yu Tianheng.

  The huge thunder dragon claws slapped on the ground, and countless electric arcs were suddenly produced, and they swiftly raged in the direction of uranium like an electric snake!

"Uranium, my spirit fusion skills are not the same as Dai Mubai's one with only one chance to attack." The rumbling sound continued, and the blue thundering dragon rotated half its body extremely flexibly, and the huge dragon's mouth spouted Yuan Yuan. The constant thick green fog, like a poisonous array, completely enveloped all the ring within a few breaths.

Facing the strong attack of poisonous fog and thunder array, Uran's face was still flat. In his feeling, this martial arts fusion skill is equivalent to the strength of the fifty-sixth-level soul king, not very strong, at most It can only have the same strength as Diana with full spirit abilities, but it is also quite good, with a poor level of spirit power that can raise seven or eight levels.

   generally against other teams, it is a spike effect.

   But now, Yu Tianheng is facing, but Uranium...

   "Ding!" Uran slammed on the ground, and his strong soul power immediately exploded!

   The aura of the Peak Soul King instantly glowed with unparalleled spirit power fluctuations, and a translucent color shock wave visible to the naked eye suddenly appeared, forming an arc in the direction of the uranium, sweeping toward the thunder and green fog.


When the two forces collided, there was a violent collision and strong wind. The poisonous fog that seemed to be only gas was directly fused with the lightning torrent on the ground and merged together to oppose the power of uranium, but it was still invincible. It was quickly dispersed.

   But the thunder and lightning hidden on the ground are becoming more fierce, like a dark thunder, with infinite destructive power hidden.

"Huh?" Perceiving that Yu Tianheng's martial arts fusion skill seems to have a great effect on thunder and lightning, Uran frowned slightly, and his figure was instantly blurred. He rushed directly towards the blue thundering dragon. past!

   "Oslo, Yufeng, cut assistance." The lone geese's voice resounded from the dragon. As a martial soul fusion technique, she also has the right to control it.

Hearing that, the Black Panther Soul Master Oslo and the Bird Soul Master Yufeng immediately began to one left and one right, taking a very fast pace, swiftly flying towards the rear of the second team of Emperor Dou. Away.

   In fact, most people are a little strange at this time. After these auxiliary soul masters have used their soul skills, why haven't they finished?

   Is it still a drag on the court?

  Uran understands all this, but he is more confident in his own strength.

The next moment, the expressionless Uran rushed to the feet of Thunder Dragon, raising a hand to sweep out a light blade. At this moment, Thunder Dragon's huge body suddenly showed unexpected agility, as if ascending to heaven, withdrew one step quickly, but Unexpectedly, the extension speed of Uranium's light blade was much faster than Yu Tianheng's.

   With just a single knife, he slashed the Thunder Dragon’s lightning armor and cut it into the flesh.


   Thunder Dragon let out a painful roar, gritted his teeth against the light blade, raised his hand and patted it on top of Uran's head!

  The huge size carries the pressure that I am afraid of, and the turbulent airflow suddenly blows a head of uranium silver hair into chaos.


   There was a dull sound of physical collision in the field!

   Yu Tianheng opened his dragon eyes in disbelief. He is now a real dragon. His rage was actually blocked by Uranium's physical fitness!

   Under the giant claws, Uran raised his left hand and put it on top of his head. Even under this huge pressure, Uran's arm did not waver, as firm as a golden mountain.

   It seems that Yu Tianheng is not alone.

   is a mountain!

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