Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 337: Breath of Thunder Dragon, humanoid weapon


   On the arena, Uran used a mortal body to resist the giant dragon beast's attack, and remained motionless, shocking everyone at once.

   This kind of physical quality comparable to human-shaped soul beasts made many people feel sore.

Although they had been shocked by Uranium's soul power level and physical fitness before, today they have once again refreshed their understanding of Uranium. You must know that the martial soul fusion skills of the two top soul sects can completely suppress the soul. King, and even the soul emperor has no confidence to use his flesh to fight the dragon claws!

   Use spirit skills to compete for power at most, instead of the current situation, one person and one dragon enthusiastically collide, fists to the flesh.

   This physical quality is simply not human.


   After carrying the Thunder Dragon's claws for a few seconds, Uran gave a low cry, and his whole body was mixed with strength, and the power continued to flow up. His right hand directly grabbed the Thunder Dragon's claws, his waist and horse were unified, and his backhand tugged!


   The blue thundering dragon created by Yu Tianheng and Dugu Goose was directly pulled by uranium, and was knocked over by uranium before he was ready!

The increase in physical fitness of the three gou jade and the power of the top soul king make Uranium fully able to compete with the power-type soul saint for pure power, which is Zao Wou-ki's level, so at this moment a thunder dragon close to the soul emperor level is overturned. It can be done.

After    threw the Thunder Dragon over, Uran regained his strength, patted the floating soil on his body, and looked around, all with a shocked expression.

  Fuck the dragon...

After the martial soul fusion skill is activated, this dragon is not much different from the soul beast. That is to say... Uranium can now hit the soul beast with its flesh, and if the soul master is placed on the soul beast Angle...........

   Tang San and the others couldn't help taking a step back when they thought of this kind of picture, their faces horrified.

   Who can stand this!

  With Uranium's physical fitness, don't you throw people into the sky?

boom! boom!

   The dull physical beating sound continued, and at the same time, the sound of the screaming dragons screamed, which filled the ring for a while.

   In the game field, as if the basalt shield soul master graphite stone mill had forgotten the captain, let him be madly beaten, and he continued to use his soul skills and shields to assist Yu Feng against Zhu Zhuqing.

Without the assistance of the Shi family brothers, I am afraid that Yu Feng would have been cleared out of the field by Zhu Zhuqing as soon as he contacted. On the other side, Kai Ying and Oslo also played enthusiastically, although Oslo’s spirit power level was as high as 44 However, he was from the agile attack system, and even though Kaiying's spirit power level was only thirty-four, which was a full tenth, under the full care of the four auxiliary spirit masters, he played vigorously with Oslo.

   Of course, if it wasn't for Kaiying's own assault system, it would have been defeated long ago.

   But soon, Uranium's serious beating was over.

Yu Tianheng and Dugu Goose almost exhausted all their soul power, struggling to use their last strength and swept the uranium out of the dragon's tail abruptly, and then grew their mouths with a huge flash of thunder and lightning. !

"Take it, Uranium, this is my last soul ability!" Even if Uranus beat him like this, Yu Tianheng still did not give up, the lightning in the dragon's eyes became more shining, and even the entire thunderball was rendered pale. !

   The slender Thunder Dragon’s mouth was brewing a destructive spirit ability, which instantly attracted the attention of most people!

"This power..." Yu Tianxin in the spectator seat looked at his cousin with a complicated expression. It was obvious that everyone was a blue electric Tyrannosaurus, and he was older than him, but why, his cousin It will be so strong!

   This kind of power level thunder and lightning spirit ability has exceeded his understanding of the current level of spirit power!

Suddenly, Yu Longyun, the leader of the Thunder Academy, patted Yu Tianxin on the shoulder, and said in a deep voice: "You are no longer qualified to compete with Tianheng. Have you seen the martial arts fusion skills? It is Bilin Douluo's granddaughter, Dugu Goose!"

Yu Tianxin's body trembled insignificantly, and said with a complicated face: "So, their couple has demonstrated martial arts fusion skills. In the future, they will definitely be tied together forever by marriage. Behind is a titled Douluo, that is to say, Yu Tianheng has firmly taken the position of patriarch, right?"

Yu Longyun didn’t say much that you still have a chance. He tried hard to talk nonsense. Instead, he sighed and said sincerely to Yu Tianxin, “Tianxin, you have no chance. As Tianheng’s brother, you will help him in the future. Well, the future family will be you under him. You are brothers, and the gap is not to the point of life and death."

After speaking, Yu Longyun continued to turn his head to look at the game. This is the end of the story. If Yu Tianxin really doesn’t know how to stop, I’m afraid the patriarch will talk to him in the future. Heirs of both parties continue to inherit!

   is like the royal family of the Star Luo Empire, the Zhu family and the Dai family!

It’s just that Dugu Goose has to consider this point. After all, Bilin Douluo has no sons anymore, and he can’t succeed in the ancestry. Only Dugu Goose can continue the blood of the Bilin Snake. I, unless I have a few more births with Yu Tianheng, I won't see this martial soul fusion technique named Azure Thunder Dragon in the future.

Of course, if it can be continued, then Yu Tianheng’s bloodline will last forever. After all, with the advantage of a martial soul fusion skill innate, it will be difficult for other tribesmen to defeat him in this aspect, unless, He also ran a stronger Martial Soul Fusion Technique, but the probability was so small that it was negligible.

   Yu Tianxin was silent for a moment, and finally, he lowered his high-spirited head heavily.

   There is nothing to fight for...I have already lost...

   "But, I'm not reconciled..." Such a sentence flashed in Yutian's mind, and he couldn't help gritting his teeth and not letting him break it out.


   No one noticed, Yu Tianxin's eyes suddenly flashed with darkness.

   At this time, the power of the Azure Thunder Dragon had also reached the top, and the lightning ball in his mouth was unprecedentedly large, and the horrible spirit power fluctuations caused many people to look at him.

   "This level of spirit power fluctuation, I am afraid that it has reached the level of the soul emperor, right?" The senior management of the Wuhun Hall whispered.

"Well, it deserves to be the lightning attribute with the most violent attack power. If it is replaced by any other martial soul, I am afraid it will be difficult for this spirit power level to reach such a level. The Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Martial Soul is still the number one beast in the mainland. Wuhun."

   One of the cardinals couldn't help but sigh, as if he knew quite well about the martial spirit of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus. UU Reading

   "Have you been able to do this level, Tian Heng, it was beyond my expectation." Uran calmly looked in the direction of Thunder Dragon, and couldn't help but admire.

   "Uranium, this is my last blow! Breath of Thunder Dragon!"

   Yu Tianheng let out a dragon roar that resounded through the audience, and then blasted the ball of light in his mouth toward the uranium!

   The next moment, the breath of the thunder dragon suddenly turned into a stream of light, directly incarnate into the crazy sea of ​​thunder and lightning, bathing in the sea of ​​thunder and going forward.

   "Burst kick...!" Uranium didn't hesitate anymore, and snorted, directly facing the sea of ​​thunder and lightning.

   Under his feet, a breathtaking coercion was brewing, like a black hole of energy, constantly absorbing the spirit power around him, expanding the power of burst kick!

   This is the strongest soul ability on Uranium, and it also represents his respect for Yu Tianheng.


   The two collided!

   The electric current of thunder and lightning spread instantly in the collision, crackling electric snakes were flying around, and for a while, the entire ring seemed to shine!

   The turbulent shock wave swept across the audience, and even the air was filled with invisible static electricity. Zhu Zhuqing protected a group of auxiliary spirit masters from stepping off the stage to avoid being affected by this tyrannical fluctuation.

   The same goes for the Xuanwu Shield Spirit Master, covering Ye Lingling from jumping off the ring. By this time, their role as the Spirit Master is not big anymore, and what is more important now is the duel between the top powerhouses.

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