Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 343: The ultimate challenge

The finals have entered the final and most intense stage.

   A total of 21 players who participated in the finals all walked quietly towards the direction of the Papal Palace. They were all waiting for this last moment to come.

At this time, the Wuhun Temple team also changed into two new faces. The one walking in the front was a man, about 1.90 meters away, with a neat black short hair standing up like a steel pin. His face was very calm, and the invisible belief seemed to have burst out of him.

  The other is a man with long fiery red hair. The long hair is scattered behind his back. Even his eyes are dark red. The appearance is the same, but like the short-haired youth before, he exudes that invisible temperament.

   "Xieyue, Yan, and the Golden Generation are all on the court. It seems that nothing has changed..." Uran glanced at her side and thought to herself inwardly.

   Shrek Academy maintained a low-key posture. Seven people walked slowly in a long snake formation. From front to back, they were Dai Mubai, Tang San, Diana, Oscar, Ma Hongjun, Xiao Wu, and Ning Rongrong.

   Tiandou Royal Academy Huangdou Second Team is also an ordinary formation. Uranium takes the lead, and Zhu Zhuqing, Kaiying, Yadell and others are arranged in sequence, walking silently.

  From the foot of the hill, about three hundred meters away, there stood the Templars of the Wuhun Temple, holding silver spears, cross-fed, solemn and majestic, forming a special ritual path.

   Soon, three teams came to the square outside the Papal Palace.

And the square in front of the Pope’s Palace is not at all smaller than the competition table used in previous games. The square of the square is covered with special stones on the ground. After careful identification, you can find that those stones carry a light and shiny layer. Light, to a certain extent, this is also a kind of stone soaked with soul power, which has the effect of being more tenacious and channeling soul power.

And the square in front of the Pope’s Palace is not at all smaller than the competition table used in previous games. The square of the square is covered with special stones on the ground. After careful identification, you can find that those stones carry a light and shiny layer. Light, to a certain extent, this is also a kind of stone soaked with soul power, which has the effect of being more tenacious and channeling soul power.

  The distance is close, Uranus can see the gate of the Papal Palace which is only a few steps away.

   The golden gate is at least ten meters high and magnificent. It is also engraved with six different special patterns, symbolizing the digital titled Douluo.

   A semi-elliptical arched gate, which seems to contain a sacred ensemble. I don't know how bright it will be when it is opened.

   At this time, the side door on the side opened.

   A group of people walked out from the side door of the Pope’s Palace, and a total of twelve cardinals, who were second only to the platinum bishop, came slowly. They walked all the way to the door of the Pope’s Palace, standing on each side, six people on each side.

   Twelve cardinals walked to both sides of the gate, like the guards of the ancient emperor.

   As they are inferior to the platinum bishop, here they only have the qualifications of a guard.

  Only one of the front cardinals shouted in a clear voice:

   "Your Majesty the Pope is here!"

   This voice seemed to be able to reach the entire Wuhun City, the voice just fell.

   Countless sounds of mountains and seas came from the foot of the mountain and Wuhun City.

   The voice of ‘Long live’, wave after wave, with a fanatical faith and loyalty in the voice.

Although I don’t know what method this cardinal used, it’s definitely impossible to reach Wuhun City with the voice of a soul master. It should have been transmitted to the inside and outside of Wuhun City through a special transmission method, symbolizing the Pope. Your Majesty is about to appear before he can make such a loud voice.

   And the scene in front of me is even more exciting than Uran’s previous life watching the opening scene of the 2008 Olympic Games in front of the TV.

  Under this kind of environment, even if they weren't from Wuhundian, they would feel solemn and respectful.

   And until the door opened, this kind of shout seemed to have reached a peak!

   The huge gate of the palace slowly opened, and the emblems on the two gates gradually deviated from the track.

  Uran also saw the visitor.

   At the moment when the door opened, it seemed as if tens of thousands of spotlights came out from inside, and the golden figure walked out of four figures and another figure.

   After a while, the group of people walked out completely before they could see clearly.

   is the Pope Bibi Dong.

  The golden dress from head to toe, purple gold crown on her head, and a scepter in hand, Bibi Dong walked out of the Papal Palace first with a solemn expression. She felt a sense of illusion in her whole body, she seemed infinitely tall.

   No one even paid attention to her beautiful face. At this moment, she only represented the authority of the Pope of Wuhun Palace.

The golden dress is extremely fit, and the dazzling dress is shining with precious light. There are more than 100 red, blue and gold gems on it. The purple gold crown on the top of the head is even more radiant. All the light condensed at this moment is only in her. On one person.

  Uran took a look, and then withdrew his gaze. Although Pope Bibi Dong said that he was the same age as the master, he couldn't tell at all. Beauty is beauty, but it is more majestic.

   And this posture reminds You of Wu Zetian in the previous life. With the blessing of this status and strength, it is enough to make people forget her beauty.

   was only overwhelmed by her majesty and manners.

  All Wuhun Halls belonged to them, all fell on one knee at this moment, "See under the crown of the Pope."

   The atmosphere at this moment is indescribable, even for people with determination like Tang San and Dai Mubai, amidst the shouts from all directions, they couldn't help but feel like they wanted to worship.

With Uranium’s mind, naturally he will not be succumbed to this atmosphere with hints of spiritual Although this scene is very grand, but kneeling to the heavens and knees to the parents, he can still give a female soul Can't the teacher kneel down?

   Even if she is the pope, that is also the pope of Douluo Continent. What does it matter to him, a stranger born in the mighty space?

   When thinking of this idea, Uranium couldn't help but smile even in such a solemn situation.

   Behind Bibi Dong, four people followed.

Three of them are in big red gowns, which are different from the red gowns of the cardinals. The red gowns on their bodies are inlaid with gold and silver patterns, especially the golden light on the chest, which has baby fists The large and small gems are full of luxurious atmosphere.

  Of course, only Title Douluo is qualified to wear this kind of dress, followed by Ghost Douluo, Chrysanthemum Douluo, and Sword Douluo.

   Sword Douluo is a member of the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect, but he is also the honorary elder of the Spirit Hall. Generally, he does not participate in the affairs of the Spirit Hall.

   The other two Title Douluos were not the same as when they attacked them, and they did not face masks.

  Chrysanthemum Douluo looks a little girly, his skin is very white and tender, and his skin care is better than that of girls.

  Although Ghost Douluo is wearing a golden dress, his face is covered in a mist, like a mosaic, making it completely unclear what he looks like.

   The last person is Ning Fengzhi. He is not a titled Douluo, but with his status, he is naturally qualified to come out with the Pope.

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