Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 344: 3 soul bones

The fourth person who walked with the three Title Douluo obviously did not have the strength of Title Douluo, but he still walked out of this door, which meant that he had another identity: the elder of the Spirit Hall.

   To be precise, it is an honorary elder.

   Originally Dugu Bo had such qualifications, but he did not join in, but stayed quietly beside the Golden Triangle.

   After Bibi Dong walked out with the four people, all the people in the Wuhun Hall present knelt on one knee to show respect.

   But Tang San and the others did not kneel down.

  Uranium certainly did not kneel down. In such a place, it is actually a kind of disrespect in theory, but there is no rule that kneeling is required.

   is like a person from the Star Luo Empire, seeing the Emperor of the Heaven Dou Empire, he is not under the control of the Heaven Dou Empire, so naturally he does not need to kneel.

  Bibi Dong's gaze fell directly on these seven youths and Uranium, and all the Spirit Hall belongings were glaring at the Shrek Seven Devils and Uranium.

   Ju Douluo Yueguan, who was standing behind Bibi Dong, buzzed Bibi Dong’s lips, and Bibi Dong’s eyes immediately fell on Uranium.

   What Ju Douluo said was very simple. He just said one sentence: Three Contras are missing, suspected to be guarded by Douluo, no less than him and Ghost Douluo.

When her eyes condensed on Uran's body, Uran clearly felt that an invisible mental power enveloped his body, like an invisible palm, trying to cover his spiritual power. Peel off a little bit to see his essence and thoughts clearly.

   But the next moment, Bibi Dong let out a surprise and seemed to want to reexamine Uranium.

   The mental power she just released was suddenly defeated!

   Although she didn't have much perceiving mental power, at best she was at the Soul Emperor level, but it disappeared like a mud cow into the sea in just an instant. This was the first time.

   The most special thing is that this is from a young man who is not too old, even Hu Liena, who is inclined to spiritual cultivation, does not have such skills.


  Uran is not the kind of character that makes a beating after being beaten. After Bibi Dong's mental power dissipated, Uran also raised his head and looked directly at the crown of this majestic pope boldly.

   Seeing this, the cardinal behind was angry and about to get angry.

   was stopped by Bibi Dong waved his hand.

  Bibi Dong was able to inherit the position of Pope because of the recognition of the previous generation of Pope and the support of several elders, but she was able to secure this position entirely by virtue of her thunderous wrist and strength.

   Her eyes first swept across the seven Shrek, and then quickly fell on Tang San.

   Tang San is a master's disciple, Bibi Dong knew exactly who Tang San was.

   With a faint smile on his face, Bibi Dong stared at Tang San, "Are you the master's disciple Tang San?"

   Tang San was shocked, he didn't expect the very beautiful pope before him to know his teacher.

   "Yes, under the crown of the Pope." Replied neither humble nor humble.

Although    was just a scrutiny, she had a special majesty in her eyes. Seven people didn't dare to look at her, and the purple light in Tang San's eyes revolved, so she barely dared to look at Bibi Dong.

Uran watching all this quietly, Bibi Dong was almost fifty in terms of age, with rich experience, having been in charge of the Martial Soul Palace for so many years, that kind of power was not angered, plus the strength of her own hidden Title Douluo, Not to mention the more than 40-level soul sect, even the more than 60-level soul emperor would not dare to look at her.

   Even if he is stronger than him, he cannot guarantee that he will gain an advantage in the mental power confrontation with Titled Douluo. He has topped the Heavenly Ninety-one Power Attacking Douluo mental power level, and will only lose in confrontation with Bibi Dong.

   But seeing now, Uranium sometimes thinks that the identity of a master and Bibi Dong are simply different. How did they fall in love back then?

   One is the saint of the Spirit Hall, a dull young man with a spirit power level of more than 20, can this be seen right?

   But thinking about Bibi Dong's vision back then, he shouldn't value a person's strength, but rather a person's abilities in all aspects.

   Although the master was martial arts trash, the upper limit was very low, but the intelligence should be one by one. In contrast, he can naturally attract others.

  Bibi Dong is like this, Liu Erlong is like this.

   Otherwise, I can't explain that Yu Xiaogang actually has two beautiful women in love, it can't be the halo of the harem.

   And, in the original work, if there is no master's teaching, Tang San's early path, I am afraid I don't know how many times it would be difficult to walk. The Shrek Seven Devils would not exist either.

  Bibi Dong looked at Tang San for a while, without seeing any changes in his eyes, just nodded slightly, his calm voice couldn't hear any traces of time, only round beads and majestic majestic:

   "Qing is blue, yes, compared with your teacher, you are not inferior to him."

   Hearing these words, many people were surprised, even the people of Wuhun Palace, the same was true.

   After all, there were few people who knew Bibi Dong's relationship with the master.

   Except uranium.

   Tang San just replied neither humble nor arrogant: "His Majesty the Pope praised him, and there is still a big gap between me and the teacher."

Although    is self-effacing, many people obviously don't think so.

  Bibi Dong didn't stay on Tang San for too long, waving the scepter in his hand slightly, "Flat."

Uran nodded slightly. Although Bibi Dong is a villain in the original book, as the Pope of the Wuhun Temple, her words really make people feel like spring breeze, without any overwhelming meaning, but in full view, in order to maintain her pomp status, Naturally it won't mess around.

  All the people who fell on their knees waited until this to stand up, because the Pope's inquiry to Tang San and the similar affirmation, their eyes on the Shrek Seven Devils were not so angry.

   A smile appeared on Bibi Dong's face, his eyes from left to right, scanning all 21 young soul masters who participated in the finals of the top three.

"From you, I see hope. In front of the Palace of the Pope, I hope to see all your talents and strengths. The ultimate winner will receive the greatest reward from the Hall of Souls." As she said, she had a light scepter in her hand. Wave.

   No one can see exactly how she did it, and the three points of light instantly magnified in front of Bibi Dong, floating in the air.

   Those are three different things. They are not big and shaped like bones. They are a right arm bone, a skull and a left leg bone. The above was also shining with fiery red, light blue and dark green lights.

   Soul bones, those are three soul bones ~ Uran glanced at them, and these soul bones were only about 50,000 years old, which was not bad.

   But he really doesn't like it.

  Fifty thousand years old is a skull, besides that, there is a left hand and a leg bone.

   are spirit bones over ten thousand years old.

He doesn’t have much need for spirit bones. To be honest, he might prefer to use spirit bones produced by radiating spirit beasts. Although it has not been tested yet, radiating spirit bones can absorb energy from each other to increase their life span. Very useful, if possible, perhaps he can strengthen the spirit bones of his body to the level of one hundred thousand years.

But there is one thing that surprised Uranium. In theory, his strength and intelligence should already be in the hands of Xue Qinghe, and Xue Qinghe and Wuhundian have this kind of relationship between them, so Wuhundian must be. I also know that he is a high-level soul king.

   But since he already knows his strength, why are there still three spirit bones?

Uranium vaguely remembered that these three soul bones were those that Pope Bibi Dong wanted to give to the Golden Generation on his own initiative. Among them, Hu Liena absorbed the spirit of wisdom skull, Yan absorbed the right arm that burst and burned, and Xie Yue took that one. He hurried forward to chase the wind with his left leg, but the other elders failed to pass, only to have the three soul bones as the ultimate prize of the Soul Master Competition.

   Anyway, according to their prediction, the ultimate champion must be Wuhundian team, so the other elders can only turn one eye and close one eye.

   "But, aren't they afraid of me?" Uran said secretly in his heart.

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