Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 356: Wuhun Palace vs. Shrek

Wuhun Hall, in the convalescent hall.

Bibi Dong looked at Hu Liena who was lying on the bed, who had basically recovered completely, and asked calmly:

"Leena, what's the situation?"


Hu Liena sat up gently from the bed.

"Lie down and tell me directly about the situation."

Bibi Dong held Hu Liena's shoulder.

With a single look, you can directly control Hu Liena, who has reached the level of the spirit emperor, a special spirit master, and there has never been such a bizarre thing in the soul master world.

It was too ridiculous, and Bibi Dong naturally wanted to ask Hu Liena about the specific situation at the time. After all, there are some things that only I can know.


Hu Liena recalled that time and said softly: "At that time, Uran said to me,'Hu Liena, give up for me.' After that, I felt that my consciousness was stripped away. I could only watch the body move by itself, even if my heart kept moving. It's no use shouting, my mental strength suppressed me to death."

"My mental power has been perfectly suppressed... I think Uranium is not as specialized in spiritual spirit abilities as I am. His melee combat is second to none at our age. I think he should have one more. A spirit bone specializing in mental power, and its level will not be lower than the piece that teacher you want to give me."

Hu Liena thought for a while, then continued.

"Head soul bone..."

Bibi Dongdai frowned, her voice slightly colder, "Sure enough, is it a monster that ran out of a hidden family?"

"Then do you think that when the team fights, how sure are the three of you to unite and use the Martial Soul Fusion Technique?"

Bibi Dong asked again, this kind of martial arts fusion skills pay more attention to their respective states, as an outsider, it is difficult for her to judge the outcome based on subjective assumptions.

Hu Liena shook her head and gritted her teeth and said: "The demon master control, although it is very strong for ordinary spirit masters, I have no confidence in Uranium."

Hearing this, Bibi Dong frowned and snorted softly.

"The situation is complicated now."

"Yan is still lying in the nursing home, and his soul power has been absorbed. Even if he took the medicine to restore soul power, some auxiliary soul masters gave him food to increase soul power, but in the afternoon there was no way to restore his full strength, and There is still a certain degree of sequelae, and the strength is at most only 60% of the heyday."

Then Bibi Dong continued, "Xie Yue is in a better state, but the spirit power has been consumed too much, and the martial soul is slightly broken, and it will take some time to repair. It is only about 80% of the heyday. This time, you don't need to use martial soul fusion. It’s a skill, leave this to Uranium, otherwise you have no chance of winning."

Having said that, Bibi Dong said nothing about the destination of the three spirit bones.

In fact, she could also see that the power of uranium was unstoppable, and these three spirit bones might be dazzling.

When she thought of this, Bibi Dong's eyes darkened. If Qian Renxue’s message is correct, Uranium has reached the fifty-ninth level of the soul king, not the fifty-three-fourth level. Will not come up with three soul bones as a reward for the champion.

These three spirit bones are all treasures that are extremely suitable for the Golden Generation, one for each person, but now, they are very likely to fall into the hands of others.

When I thought of having such a big loss, I could only forcefully swallow it, and Bibi Dong felt like he was going to be blown up.

Otherwise, what else?

Uranium is obviously guarded by a super Douluo, even as strong as her, there is no way to perceive the existence of the unknown guardian in the Wuhun Hall, plus three spirit Douluos are planted in Uranium’s hands inexplicably. If he was forced to act against him, maybe a Title Douluo would die, then the Spirit Hall would lose out.

She can only bear it, and hopes that this uranium will be more acquainted, and leave after taking the soul bones, and walk far away, otherwise the three soul bones will be intercepted by the greedy soul master. Once they become entangled, then don’t Blame her for her cruelty, she shot it herself.

Just to clear out Qian Renxue's future elites, so as not to compete with him for the command of the Wuhun Empire!

That's right, Qian Renxue and Bibi Dong are in a competitive relationship.

The reason why Qian Renxue went to the Heaven Dou Empire to pretend to be the prince was entirely because Bibi Dong didn't like her at all. Although she was sheltered by her grandfather in the Spirit Hall, she didn't feel a trace of happiness, so she could only leave.

Otherwise, a girl who would like to pretend to be a man for more than ten years?

After hearing the teacher finish, Hu Liena nodded slightly, expressing approval.

After all, Bibi Dong went out, leaving Hu Liena alone to ponder. As the pope, she was very busy.

Time flies, and it's the afternoon immediately.

Uranium did not come to watch the battle because the Pope did not allow it.

Therefore, he could only wait in the rest room, and boringly took out a few different pieces of cardboard, and played some card games from the previous life to relieve the boredom.

He also didn't go to Tang San and the others, and told them the spirit abilities of the three people he knew from the Golden Generation.

Because it is not necessary.

If you can't beat it, you can't beat it, and if you can beat, it will only be easier. He is not Tang San's nanny, so please teach him and protect him when you encounter anything.

That is what Tang Hao should do, not what he should do.

But he actually had some expectations. In theory, the biggest contradiction between Tang San and Wuhun Palace: Xiao Wu's threat has been resolved by him, so will Tang San vs. Wuhun Palace appear in the future?

Uranium is very curious.

As for avenging his mother, Uran thought about it and found it unreliable. After all, his current Qianxun disease had been killed violently, and the culprit was punished due to Tang San's similarity to the world. The protagonist's existence, shouldn't he do the kind of ransacking the family and damaging the entire Wuhun Hall?

This is too detrimental to the image, it will give people a feeling of villain.

But this is not right, because it’s not right now, it’s just that Tang San’s strength is not enough. Later, when Wuhun Palace starts the soul hunting plan and begins to cleanse the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect and the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect. Ning Rongrong's teammate, Tang San is bound to have friction with Wuhun Hall anyway.

And this kind of friction was probably the fuse that detonated everything. After all, Tang San himself was assassinated by the Spirit Hall. Although he was unsuccessful, the old hatred and the new hatred were counted together. Then the world line of the Douluo Continent would be Was pulled back again.

Thinking of this, Uranium suddenly became interested, and began to scrutinize his future plans.

"Actually, I also prefer the unified spirit empire, but it is not ruled by Bibi Dong. The worst, Xueqinghe is also good. With my ability, it is not easy to be a prince and duke."

"Bibi Dong, who is always engaged in assassinations and assassinations, is very annoying. He has the ability to go out in person, huh!"

On the other side, in the outer square of the Papal Palace, a battle will soon be staged.

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