Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 357: You are strengthened, come on!

The air in the early morning is cool and comfortable. In the afternoon, when the sun is high in the sky, the coolness has been replaced by a faint scorching heat. Although it is not midsummer, the temperature is still a bit high.

Tang San calculated a little, although he didn't know what the Golden Generation's spirit abilities were, but if he wanted to be defeated by Uranium, he was definitely not in a complete state. Therefore, the Shrek Seven Devils had a chance to defeat.

There was less than four hours in the middle, and it was impossible for the Golden Generation to recover so quickly.

However, when Tang San everyone came to the square, they were shocked on the spot.

I saw Yan, Xieyue, and Hu Liena standing on the side of the square intact.

It is a bit exaggerated to say that it is intact, because the three people's faces are a little pale, but their aura is also slightly weaker, but at least half of their strength has been restored.

Even if the vain aura on Yan's body is quite serious, but being able to continue to play for the Wuhun Palace team, this shows that there is still a battle.

A quarter of an hour was not long. Soon, the players from both sides walked into the square under the prompt of the referee.

Perhaps because of the tit-for-tat confrontation with Shrek Academy, today the Wuhun Temple Academy team deliberately changed into a fiery red team uniform, which was embroidered with gold thread, and the material was obviously excellent.

Compared with them, the shrek academy's green **** and the team uniforms with countless advertising trademarks looked ridiculous.

However, no one would make fun of them, and if they were able to get to this point and enter the second finals of the Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition, no one had the right to make fun of them.

Today, one of the two top teams will be competing for a challenge to the Tiandou Royal Academy. No matter what, the champion, second runner-up and third runner-up are already decided in these two teams!

"Preparing for the game, both sides can release the spirits."

The cardinal, who was the referee, immediately announced after both sides stood firmly.

The fourteen people on both sides looked at each other, and no one said a word, but the violent collision of the breath caused the smell of gunpowder to rise to the limit in an instant. At this moment, even the noble and powerful like Pope Bibi Dong focused his eyes completely. In this game.

The seven members of the Wuhundian Academy team moved almost at the same time, and the surging spirit power burst out from their bodies in an instant.

The three of Xie Yue standing in the front, each of them flashed with two yellows, two purples, and one black with the best spirit ring affiliation. The other four behind them were also two yellows and two purples. The best equipment for the four spirit rings.

The gaze in everyone's eyes became extremely persistent. Among them, a male student standing at the back quickly took a step back with a brilliant golden scepter in his hand. There was no doubt that he possessed an auxiliary weapon spirit.

As they released their martial souls, the Shrek Seven Devils also began to release them. The seven people stood in order, with Tang San and Dai Mubai at the forefront. Behind them stood Diana, Ma Hongjun, and Xiao Wu, the last row is Ning Rongrong and Oscar, in a two-three-two formation,

It was completely different from the previous game. This time, Shrek Academy didn't use the Seven-in-One Fusion technique anymore, but instead released its own martial soul at the same time as it was extremely normal.

After all, Seven in One can only fight unfamiliar opponents, and the form of expression is too eye-catching. Once the opponent finds a way to crack it, then Tang San and others will suffer.

Seven people, all four spirit rings, of course, the most noticeable is Tang San who has ten thousand years spirit ring.

"The game begins." While announcing the start of the penultimate battle of the Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition, the cardinal quickly retreated and vacated the field.

The first move of the Wuhundian Academy team was not the front captain Xie Yue, but his sister Hu Liena.

Moving Lianbu lightly, Hu Liena seemed to have come to the forefront with just a turn of her figure, and a faint smile appeared on her face. With the release of Martial Soul, she seemed to have become more beautiful, and she was still growing from behind. Out a big fluffy tail.

A pale red light emerged from her, her eyes flickered, looking at Tang San, his actions were exactly the same as those of Yu Tianheng who had dealt with Tiandou Royal Academy. The unique charm is so inextricable that she will miss her. go with.

But what surprised Hu Liena was that in the face of the charm she released, the Seven Shrek Monsters were unmoved, because Xiao Wu suddenly took a step forward and smiled at Hu Liena, the second soul ring on her body flickered pink and eyes The eyes had completely turned red, the soft bone charm rabbit's second spirit ability, Charm, activated.

With charm versus charm, whoever has the stronger mental power will have the upper hand.

Xiao Wu and Hu Liena snorted almost at the same time. Hu Liena just shook his body, but Xiao Wu fell back three steps, her face was pale, two lines of blood flowed down the nose like a winding snake, which was obviously a disadvantage. .

In terms of soul power and spiritual power, there is still a big gap between her and Hu Liena.

Although Xiao Wu was injured, it undoubtedly broke Hu Liena’s initiative, saving the team from a crisis of group destruction. With a slight change in her face, Hu Liena suddenly moved, and after quickly retreating to the scene, as a control spirit master, She didn't have Tang San's ability to forcibly rush into battle.

At the same time, Tang San, who was standing at the forefront of the team, also took the scarlet light thrown by Oscar backhand. This was Oscar's spirit ability: the bloodthirsty sausage, which could draw the opponent's physical strength through attacks.

Then Tang San stepped forward and walked straight to the other seven people, attracting everyone’s attention. At the same time, six blue silver grass shot out from his right hand and wrapped around the waists of the other six people on his side. , Blue Silver Grass control has been launched.

Suddenly, Diana, Oscar, and Xiao Wu took a step back, quickly backed up, forming a circle, hiding behind Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun.

At the next moment, Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun released the group spirit attack skills at the same time, but the direction of their attack was not the spirit hall team in front of them, but towards the front of Tang San. The spirit hall team had to concentrate in front of the attack. aoe blow!

The White Tiger Meteor Shower, Phoenix Howl Sky Strike, Phoenix FireWire, White Tiger Lie Light Wave and other spirit abilities repeatedly used. Suddenly, the front of the Wuhun Palace team was repeatedly bombed, causing Xie Yue to stop the forward momentum and maintain a guard posture. , And also signaled the people behind him not to rush.

However, when the Spirit Hall team was unable to observe the critical point of the Shrek team through spirit abilities, Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun stepped forward, while Tang San stepped back and entered directly into a circle formed by the four. On both sides are Oscar and Ning Rongrong.

At the periphery of Xiao Wu, Diana headed by Tang San, the former grabbed the latter's shoulders.

Oscar and Ning Rongrong on both sides held Tang San's back with both hands at the same time.

The Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda in Ning Rongrong's palm burst forth four rays of light in turn, falling on Tang San.

Immediately afterwards, the five spirits all lit up!

Twenty spirit rings were shining with dazzling light, and the first part of Tang San's body was enveloped in light, and he suddenly made a long howl!

"You have been strengthened, come on!" Diana's face became weak, and her spirit power was passed to Tang San. She doesn't have the slightest ability to resist now, but she still patted Tang San on the shoulder and said.

That’s right, the seven-person fusion technique is too dangerous. As long as the opponent uses the spirit ability attack during their fusion, it will be interrupted with a high probability. Bai and Ma Hongjun are in front of them, while using their soul skills to interfere with the other's then this tactic is very likely to succeed!

Tang San stood up immediately, his expression was firm, and he didn't say much. The time that Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun bought with their spirit abilities was quite precious, so soon, the spirit rings on their bodies began to shine!

"Blue Silver Cage!"

The blue silver grass in Tang San's palm became extremely bright, as if it had become crystal clear.

The instant-on blue silver cage instantly trapped the attacking Yan and Xieyue, as well as the two agile attack type war spirit masters.

In addition to Hu Liena, there were also two auxiliary spirit masters who directly gave the four a boost. Although they were not as good as Ning Rongrong, they were not bad compared to ordinary disciples of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

But at this moment, Tang San, who was only less than the forty-fourth level, directly trapped the four Xie Yue with a blue silver cage.

It stands to reason that with Xie Yue and Yan's strength, it would be right to break through this blue silver cage in an instant, but at this time they just did not break.

"It's a five-person fusion technique."

Ning Fengzhi nodded slightly, "Gather the power of the five people on one person... or on Tang San. The rest of the people closed their eyes and closed the five senses. This is something that can be done by trusting Xiao San completely. "

"It seems that the master has succeeded and successfully cultivated a real team. No matter how many people there are, they can gather their strength in one person. It's just not clear whether they can only gather on Tang San or other people. Yes, if this is the case, perhaps this cultivation method will change the pattern of the soul master world."

Thinking about this, Ning Fengzhi couldn't help but smile. Although the master's theoretical research is not as deep as their research on the Qibao Glazed Tile School, it is extremely important for this kind of soul master personal training and team training. Perhaps this is why he Why do you like this team?

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