Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 364: The final battle is about to open (three k)

Papal Palace. Conference hall.

Pope Bibi Dongduan was sitting on the main seat, Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo were sitting beside her, standing in front of them were the seven team members representing the Wuhun Temple Academy.

Xie Yue, Yan and Hu Liena stood in the front.

"Do you understand what I said just now?" Bibi Dong said calmly.

"Understood. Under the crown of the Pope." Despite being the golden generation of Wuhun Palace, the Xie Yue trio still respectfully agreed.

Bibi Dong said coldly: "Because the news is incorrect, I did not expect Uranium's strength level. This will not be imposed on you. Even if I lose to Uranium, I can suppress this matter, but you lose. It was given to the Shrek team, and even the team battle with Uranium did not come."

The somewhat low voice of Ghost Douluo Guimei sounded from the Pope, "You should know what this game means, not just your chance to become famous, but also a symbol of the belonging of the three soul bones.

As the organizer of Wuhun Hall, if you really lose, these three soul bones are impossible to take back. There are people from the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect and so many advanced soul master academies watching. This is a reward for you, but now , No more, all from outsiders! "

"Now, I will fulfill the promise I made before, and I will throw all of you into the Lost Grand Canyon for three years."

Hearing the words Lost in the Grand Canyon, Xieyue Seven people shivered almost at the same time, especially Xieyue, who was reprimanded by the Pope and Ghost Douluo. As the leader of the Golden Generation, his responsibility was far greater than the others. people.

"Okay, let's go down and rest. When you finish watching the game between Uranium and Shrek tomorrow, you can set off. About this, you must be mentally prepared." Bibi Dong waved his hand, and Xieyue Seven hurried. Walked out of the conference hall from the side door.

Raising his hand and tapping rhythmically on the table in front of him, there was a thoughtful light in Bibi Dong's eyes.

Ju Douluo Yueguan said: "Your Majesty, are you worried? Although the Shrek team has reached this point, I think it may not be enough for the young man to deal with."

With a light sigh, the Pope said: "I am not worried about the Seven Shrek Monsters. Although the seven children are very talented, they are still young after all, and their potential has not been fully developed. Except for Tang San, The rest of the future is not enough. What I am most worried about right now is that uranium. Only one person can overwhelm all the young generations. No one dares to touch its edge. Even Tang San will be dim in front of Uranium. ."

"Besides, you also know that three Soul Douluos shot at him, but now they don’t even know where they died. Obviously, there is a Douluo guarding him behind him. He is not weaker than you, but it makes people The strange thing is that in Wuhun City, I cannot perceive the breath of this Douluo. Regarding this, when I was in the Palace of the Pope, I had already confirmed it, or the other party was stronger than me, blocking my perception. , Or, there is no such person at all."

A cold light flashed in Ghost Douluo's phantom, "But there is almost no existence comparable to your Majesty. Even the old dragon of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect is just a worm in front of you, even the entire martial soul. The temple, there is only a big offering, the second offering can overwhelm you."

"Why, let me kill him. Even if there is a hidden Douluo guarding him secretly, I am 80% sure that I can kill him with one blow."

The Pope snorted, "If you were so sure, then Tang San wouldn't have come here alive. Ghost, have you forgotten how the teacher taught you back then? The lion fights the rabbit, and you must do your best to underestimate the enemy. Taboo."

"Yes, Your Majesty." The ghost said, lowering her head.

The Pope continued: "As for Uranium, if he is respectful, after winning the Shrek team, he will take these three soul bones as far as he can go. Don't stay in Wuhun City, otherwise, I Just do it yourself."

"You do it yourself? How can you do this? Your Majesty, it's better to let me and the old ghost come..." Ju Douluo Yueguan was a little anxious, and couldn't help stepping forward.

Once someone sees His Majesty the Pope personally take action against a soul sect, the face of the Wuhun Temple is really lost, not to mention, even if there is a strong behind Uran, relying on him and the ghostly martial arts Is it possible that the soul fusion skill can be turned upside down?

The martial soul fusion skills of the two titled Douluo, even Bibi Dong himself had to weigh this power, maybe he would be hit.

Not to mention, Yueguan and Guimei are both ninety-fifth-level titled Douluo, not the kind of cute new Douluo who entered the Ninth Ring at the beginning of ninety-one or ninety-two.

Hearing these two capable officers say so, Bibi Dong pondered for a moment, and finally made up his mind.

"For the sake of safety, I will not change the plan, but this is just a spare, a few soul bones, I still take the shot, if he leaves immediately, I will not have the slightest complaint. It is night, you all go to rest. I have to think about it." The light in his eyes dimmed a bit, and Bibi Dong waved his hand.

Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo left quietly, and only Pope Bibi Dong was left in the meeting hall of Nuo Da.

Sitting there blankly, the light in Bibi Dong's eyes began to become complicated, muttering to himself, "Uranium is yours, did you deliberately reveal false news to make me feel bad during the game? Say, you have other plans... Wuhun Empire..."

This is the first encounter between Qian Renxue and Bibi Dong.

The Tiandou Royal Academy, headed by Uranium, competed against the golden generation of Wuhun Palace.

Because Uran was her person, and she was wearing the crown prince's gold medal, in this confrontation, Uran defeated the golden generation with a crushing posture, and slapped Bibi Dong in the face for Qian Renxue.

No words for a night.

Uran straightened his clothes, stroked a silver hair, and showed it to everyone in a complete posture.

He heard about yesterday's game that Shrek won and Wuhundian team lost.

He was not surprised, because in his opinion, if Tang San and the others could still lose to opponents he had defeated, then they would not be worthy of being the protagonists in the original work.

After all, according to the law of the protagonist's halo, unless it is a major supporting role who has a big name and can run through the plot line, the protagonist will never lose to a passerby character.

Thinking of this, Uran glanced at the team members around him who were also beginning to tidy up their faces. He cast his gaze on Zhu Zhuqing's sharp-edged body, and couldn't help but smile.

"Unexpectedly, I have come this far."

"Captain, this should be the last battle, right?" Kai Ying blew the hair on her forehead and said in a serious tone.

"Why, who else do you want to hit?" Yadele teased from the side.

Uran's expression also became serious, staring at all the players, and said in a deep voice, "Although the time with everyone is not long, I am very happy."

Following Uran's words, the surroundings gradually calmed down. Zhu Zhuqing, Kai Ying, Yadai'er, Ying, Mei Kong, and Shi Lingling, a total of six people, focused on Uran's body.

Today's captain has a strangely serious expression.

"Partners, for you, this will be the last battle before graduation, and perhaps the last time we will fight side by side. Frankly speaking, everyone’s paths are different. Everyone has their own arrangements. The world is full of banquets. The Heaven Dou Royal Academy cannot always help you grow, and I cannot always lead you to victory. The road ahead depends on you."

"Others have said before that the second team of Emperor Dou only relies on Uranium to support it alone. You are optional. In other words, anyone can be won by Uranium. However, in my opinion, that is just It’s just a clown’s speech, you don’t have to take it seriously, now I want to say to you, regardless of victory or defeat, you are the pride of the second team of Emperor Dou, and are my partners. You have been with Zhu Zhuqing and me without any regrets. , Kaiying’s training began until late at night. From the time when you maintained Zhu Zhuqing’s reputation in your respective classes at the academy, I have identified your identities. I will never allow any of you to suffer casualties in this last game. , I just say so much."

After that, Uran took a deep breath and gave everyone a thumbs up with a smile, but his eyes turned red unconsciously.

Unknowingly, after the game was over, it was time to separate again.

Yadele, Mei Kong, if she wants to continue her studies about noble etiquette, she may go back to Yuexuan and continue to be company; Shi Lingling should return to the family to inherit the title, because there is only one offspring in the family; and Ying, I heard that she is her father The person over there arranged for her to go to a certain area to do real power management, and wanted to exercise her management ability early.

Everyone has their own way.

Kai Ying said: "Captain, why are your eyes red?"

"Ah? My pupils are originally red. Why, is there a problem? I have to clean up?" Uran wiped his eyes, and found that the corners of his eyes were also a little moist, but there was still no mercy on his mouth, threatening Kai Ying.

Just as he said, everyone in the Emperor Dou 2nd team is his partner. When Zhu Zhuqing arrived at the beginning, as a member of the Star Luo Empire, it was natural that the students in the Tiandou Imperial Academy began to discuss it. At one point, the words that insulted the Star Luo Empire came out in front of Zhu Zhuqing. UU reading www. uukanshu.cOM

With the help of Yadai'er, Ying, Shi Lingling, and Meikong, this trend was calmed down. Although Uranium can threaten others, if you talk about it, you will get a headshot, but this is the slightest. Does not prevent others from continuing to discuss secretly, and even intensified.

After all, the academies here are all future nobles. If there are no good excuses, Uranium can't kill all the students. There are only a few students from the Emperor Dou Second Team in a school, so he can't help it.

It is precisely because these girls are willing to trust Zhu Zhuqing and help Zhu Zhuqing unreservedly, so Uran is also willing to hand over his back to these people.

But right now, he is really reluctant to bear these partners.

He can't move forward.

Because once the first step is taken, the road forward will continue to spread.

And the scenery he missed will all become the past...

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