Early the next morning, the Seven Shrek Monsters had already appeared at the door of the residence very early.

After breakfast, the seven stood in front of the master refreshed.

Before practicing last night, Tang San deliberately ate two pieces of Longzhi leaves, and Xuantian Gong's internal strength had completely recovered at this time.

The master's gaze swept across the seven, "The game is going on as planned. Do your best, if you can't do anything, put your own safety first."


"Well, let's go." The master waved to everyone.

Suddenly, Flander said, interrupting the steps of the Seven Shrek Devils and the master who were preparing to advance.

The master was taken aback and looked in the direction of the sound, "Flander, do you have anything else to explain?"

Today's Flander has a strangely serious expression.

Since the Shrek Seven Devils made him a lot of money in this competition, he has always been smiling, but at this time there is no smile on his face.

Flander walked up to the Seven Devils, first tidied the clothes for Dai Mubai who was standing in the front, and then said to the Seven People, "Children, for you, this will be the last battle before graduation. ..............Well, I will say so much."

Tang San smiled slightly, "Dean Flanders, people are always cheering for the participants, aren't you venting our energy? Don't you worry. We are still reluctant to die. What's more, we have to put those three souls Get the bone too."

The master patted Flander on the shoulder, and his languid gaze suddenly became sharp, "Go."

Swaggering, the Seven Shrek Monsters walked out of their residence. On the street, many spirit masters silently looked at them on both sides of the road. Although in their eyes, the spirit power of these children may not be a big deal, but they are young and they challenge Nadeng. The first person of the young generation: Uranium's courage, but all these soul masters waiting to watch the battle secretly appreciate.

That Uranium Soul King who reached level 59 at a young age might be even more terrifying in the future, but now, there are people who can challenge him, which deserves their admiration.

The sunlight brought golden brilliance to the Palace of the Pope, and everyone's eyes became solemn. Seeing the Second Team of Emperor Dou and the Shrek Seven Devils walking side by side, stepping up the stone steps step by step, the air seemed to become solemn.

The Pope, Ning Fengzhi and the three Title Douluo who were watching the battle were already seated, and the three soul bones that were rewarded were lying quietly on the side of the red brocade, releasing a faint halo.

As the finals of the final game, Bibi Dong looked a little ugly, but there was nothing to say.

Regardless of the two teams, whoever loses or wins has nothing to do with their Wuhun Palace.

In addition to yesterday’s people, Hu Liena was also watching quietly behind Bibi Dong. After the game, she would ask Uranium about how he managed to control his specialization in one sentence in the single player match yesterday. A spiritual master's?

Could it be that her mental power really crushed her?

I don’t know when, the second team of Emperor Dou was already standing next to the Shrek team. The leader Uran was silent, holding his hands on his back, but faintly forming a sense of oppression like a mountain in the whole body, and Zhu Zhuqing, Kai Ying Watching Tang San and the others with an astonishing fighting spirit, it seemed that they couldn't wait to fight.

Under this huge pressure, the pace of the Shrek Seven Devils' climbing has obviously become a little slower. Although the game has not yet started, the confrontation between the two sides has already begun.

"The finals of the Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Tournament are about to begin. The players on both sides are preparing. After a quarter of an hour, the competition will begin.

The cardinal referee standing in the middle of the ring looked at the players waiting quietly on both sides, and shouted.

On one side, the Emperor Dou Second Team, and on the other, the Shrek Team.

Both sides returned to their respective positions. The Shrek Seven Devils gathered the master in the center. Tang San explored his hand into the Wishful Hundred Treasure Bag, took out seven rolls of green leaves, and ate a roll by himself, and gave the remaining one to each of the Shrek Seven Monsters .

Consolidating the root of Longzhi leaves, after taking it, it not only increases the healing speed, stimulates the rapid recovery of soul power, but also makes people more concentrated. At this time, eating before the game is to maintain a heyday in the game for a longer time.

"Little San." Dai Mubai looked at Tang San.

Tang San firmly nodded to him, "Don't worry, I'm fine. The rest is up to you."

The master took the lead in raising his right hand. Each of the Seven Shrek monsters also raised their hands. The eight hands were stacked together, and at the same time they made a loud shout, "We must win."

Yes, they must win. This is their only belief.

However, the second team of Emperor Dou, under Uran's signal, did not make the shout of Shrek, but stood silently on both sides of Uran's side, with stern eyes, showing that cohesion in a silent manner. The conviction of winning together.

The seven people headed by Uranium are like a sharp sword, with an astonishing fighting spirit that pierces the sky.

The uncompromising confrontation between the two sides made the spirit masters who watched the battle at the foot of the mountain feel enthusiastic. Who has not been young? Who hasn't had blood before?

For them, the outcome of this game is not important, what is important is to be able to see a wonderful team battle.

In particular, I want to see, how can Uranium deal with this Shrek team that has defeated the Wuhundian team and is called a rising star?

A quarter of an hour was not long. Soon, the players from both sides walked into the square under the prompt of the referee.

"Preparing for the game, both sides can release the spirits."

The cardinal, who was the referee, immediately announced after both sides stood firmly.

The 14 people on both sides looked at each other, and no one said a word, but the violent collision of the breath caused the smell of gunpowder to rise to the limit in an instant~www.ltnovel.com~ At this moment, even the Pope is more noble than Bidong. The author also focused his attention on this game.

The confrontation between the two parties brought Uranium back to the scene of a team battle with the Shrek Seven Devils for the first time two years ago.

It's just that the current him, he was completely different two years ago.

Similarly, Tang San and the others were completely different from two years ago.

Standing in the front, Uranium, Zhu Zhuqing, and Kaiying, except Uranium is a perverted configuration of one yellow, two purple and two black, the other two are the best configuration. The other four behind them, although they are basically the souls. , The Great Soul Master is an incompetent teammate, but the spirit ring configuration is the best.

In this case, almost no one would taunt the players of the Huangdou Second Team for being too weak. On the contrary, this will only arouse the audience’s admiration for Uranium, because in the entire Huangdou Second Team, only him and Zhu Zhuqing It is the main combat power, and it is incredible to be able to come to this point with five burdens.

Even if the girls are weak, they were picked out by Uran, and they must be unique.

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