Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 374: Soul St. Tang 3

When the nine-color rays of light connect the seven people together, this seven-in-one fusion technique has been completed.

Although Ning Fengzhi frowned when he saw Oscar hugged Ning Rongrong's waist from behind, when he saw the seven-in-one fusion technique completed, his eyes still showed breathtaking mood swings.

This may be the strongest soul master in the soul master contest that can be shaped in history.

Just after feeling Tang San’s breath, Ju Douluo, Ghost Douluo, and Sword Douluo all showed a trace of shock on their faces. Soul Sage, at least, a Soul Sage above level 75. , It's not the kind of elementary soul saint who can step into the threshold of soul saint last time.

Facing Uranium slowly walking towards them, and standing at the front of the team, Tang San trembling slightly, after briefly experiencing the sudden increase in power, he immediately raised his left hand.

As soon as the Clear Sky Hammer appeared, it floated on Tang San's palm, and a surging black light rushed out of Tang San's left palm. At this moment, he raised his head abruptly, and purple-golden light spewed out from his eyes. It is not to launch a mental shock, but to see everything in front of him more clearly.

Under the action of the purple magic pupil, everything in front of Tang San seemed to slow down, countless data accurately gathered in his brain, and for a while, Tang San felt as if he was already omnipotent.

But soon, he shook his head slightly to abandon these illusions, because he immediately observed Uranium's posture through the purple magic pupil and did not make any vigilant movements. Everything was so natural, like a stroll in the courtyard, This sense of oppression that is more silent than sound made Tang San immediately feel Uranium's thoughts!

"He was telling me...Come on..." Tang San flashed such a thought.

Under the pressure of Uranium, Tang San only felt his temples bulging, his heartbeat was accelerating, his breathing became quicker, and all kinds of phenomena showed that the opponent's power was overwhelming him.

"But, I can't lose...I have the faith of my friends on my back." Tang San gritted his teeth, resisting the tremendous pressure, and took a step forward, raising the Clear Sky Hammer in his left hand and blocking him.

Immediately afterwards, the huge light pattern on the hammer body suddenly burst out, and the dark golden brilliance was extremely dazzling. At this moment, it seemed that there was an extremely powerful voice roaring crazily, and Tang San himself, like a hammer handle, The whole person seemed to have merged into the Clear Sky Hammer.

The enlarged Clear Sky Hammer showed an incomparable aura, and almost instantly, it shrouded Tang San's body, and resisted Uran's aura of oppressive spiritual power!

"The soul of the weapon." Ning Fengzhi, who was sitting next to Bibi Dong, frowned and said softly.

After a spirit master with a beast spirit reaches level 70, the seventh spirit ability with the seventh spirit ring will inevitably be the spirit body, incarnate as its own spirit body, possessing huge explosive power and increasing strength geometrically. .

The situation of the weapon soul master is slightly different from that of the beast soul master. Their seventh soul ability is the soul of the weapon soul. They use themselves as the soul of the weapon soul, so that the power of the weapon soul can reach the extreme. If they have a terror of their own The weapon spirit body, then, the weapon spirit body will only be more terrifying than the spirit body.

Before the seventieth level, the beast soul master is undoubtedly stronger than the non-controlling soul master, but after reaching the seventieth level, the soul master will surpass it by relying on the soul body.

Actually, did you use the trick of pressing the bottom of the box when you came up?

This means that Tang San seems to have come with the idea of ​​a quick battle and a quick decision, but that's right, the seven-person fusion skill cannot last, and Uranium is only a fifty-ninth-level soul king, relying on the spirit of the weapon. The real body should really defeat him in one fell swoop.

"It's a pity, I originally wanted to see the battle between the two sides, but Uranium actually allowed the Seven Shrek Monsters to use the seven-person fusion technique, so there is nothing to look at, just like Uranum crushing other spirit masters. Tang San, whose spirit power level is 75 or higher, can also easily crush uranium," Ning Fengzhi said.

He does not doubt Uranium's strength. On the contrary, he recognizes Uranium's strength very much. The future powerhouse will definitely have his place, but the difference between Soul King and Soul Sage is so big that Uranium is the same as ordinary Soul Sects. Great, this is not a young genius at all, with a special talent, what the spirit ring spirit bone can make up for.

Undoubtedly, Uranium’s young soul master’s position as the first person is considered solid. Even if he loses to Tang San at this moment, it won’t be a shame, and no one will take this to taunt Uranium, because now Tang San Third, this is an opponent that no one dares to imagine.

As for Tang San facing Uranium, even Tang San himself did not expect that he would be able to exert the power of the Soul Body so smoothly. When his aura was forcibly overwhelmed by Uranium, he held the Clear Sky Hammer in his hand. I did this almost subconsciously.

It seemed that this hammer also had its own consciousness, and he didn't want to see his own dignified mainland's first martial arts soul being so suppressed.

The huge power continuously formed a strange cycle from itself and the Clear Sky Hammer, as if those powers were about to break out of the body.

The Clear Sky hammer held in his hand began to change. The original black hammer body completely turned into a brilliant dark gold, and the hammer body was also rapidly shrinking. The hammer handle was about 1.5 meters long and the hammer head was as big as a bucket. Stopped.

At this moment, Tang San himself was also covered with a layer of dark golden light, and the aura released from him and the Clear Sky Hammer could no longer distinguish each other.

"Oh? It's actually possible to achieve this level, the real body of the instrument soul, it is really extraordinary..." Feeling the aura of fighting against himself, Uran raised his brow slightly, a little surprised.

Although it was a bit of a surprise, this did not hinder him in the slightest. Uran hooked his finger towards Tang San and said, "Come on, go Otherwise, for your teammates who have no ability to resist. , I’m afraid even the aftermath can’t bear it.”

As he said, Uranium pointed to the other direction of the Pope's Palace square, stepped heavily under his feet, and flew towards that place first.

Saying that it is flying, is actually just a simple jump, but it can stay in the air for a short time, and it feels like flying.

Although Uranium didn't show any more abilities, Tang San's brows were frowned with this hand alone.

"What he said makes sense..." Tang San thought for a while, then immediately turned around, using his soul power, to cut the link between himself and the other six monsters.

Immediately afterwards, Tang San jumped forward and dashed directly in the direction of Uranium!

If it were to output from a stand, the Seven Shrek Monsters could continuously provide Tang San with spirit power support, but his just cut the link cut off the spirit power supply.

This means that Tang San at this moment has no source of soul power reserves. This is an unreserved last fight!

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