Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 375: Pinnacle showdown

The two landed quickly and looked at each other. Tang San knew that he didn't have much time, and Uran didn't want to delay it.

"Uranium, don't blame me for bullying you with Soul Sage's capital!" Tang San yelled in a low voice, holding the Clear Sky Hammer in his hand and confronting Uranium.

"Tang San, let me see what you are capable of." The light in Uran's eyes widened, and the faint transparent ripples began to slowly seep out of his body. The invisible spirit power energy was letting him go. The air around him became distorted and illusory.

With the disappearance of the transparent color ripples, Uranium's rose-red eyes were gradually replaced by the radiant eye martial soul style. In a flash, a pair of eyes was transformed into three fan-shaped icons filled with black and yellow colors. The pupils rotating around the central black spot.

"Second Spirit Ability: Extreme nuclear energy reaction, turn on."

A flat voice slowly sounded in Tang San's ears, and when the last word fell, Uran's aura suddenly fully converged into his body. After an instant, his aura burst out like a volcano that broke through the **** of the earth!

Invisible spirit power fluctuations rushed out of Uranium's body, and immediately swept through the air. The terrifying pressure directly formed a domain-like area on the square. Naturally, Uranium's strength was not so powerful that it could be overwhelmed by its momentum. Everyone, he relied on the mixed energy of pupil power and mental power. Some spectators with poor strength could not help but sweat on their faces.

At this time, the aura of Uranium has far exceeded the level of the Soul King and Soul Emperor, and if it is vaguely measured, it is at least enough to match the Soul Sage power!

Looking at the uranium in the field that burst into full strength, and then feeling the aura of sudden skyrocketing, in the stands of the square, countless people looked stunned and dull.

"this is......."

Seeing this scene, even Pope Bibi Dong couldn't sit still, with a look of uncertainty in his eyes, and the scene before her was familiar to her.

This was what she had experienced before condensing the Killing God Realm!

The so-called domain is to condense its own battle area with its own aura, or kill intent, or communicate with the origin of heaven and earth, or pure spirit power energy guidance, kill **** domain, blue silver domain, In the Poseidon domain, all are so!

And this young man in front of him, at the stage of a soul king, has already explored the threshold of the realm?

"Would you like to let him go..." Bibi Dong's face showed a tangled look for the first time, so amazing and stunning, if it can be pulled under her command, the future can be expected, but what is wrong? Qian Renxue's men?

In the end, Bibi Dong made up his mind, but his expression didn't show any attitude at all, only a pair of bright eyes became deeper.

At this time, in the audience.

"Fengzhi, the Pope may not easily let go of these two teams."

Sword Douluo said, "I felt a weird murderous aura, but the Pope might not find any excuses to do it."

Ning Fengzhi was startled, but there was no change on his face, still staring at the square faintly.

With Uncle Jian's strength, he could feel this subtle murderous intent, Ning Fengzhi had no doubts, because he also vaguely felt a special atmosphere.

"Soul Sage level?" Tang San's expression couldn't help but change a little while staring at Uranium, and the master in the audience also had a solemn expression on his face.


Tang San’s voice had not yet fallen, an energy explosion sounded from his side, a vague black shadow, with a sneer, tearing through the air obstacles, a full distance of tens of meters, but still In one second, he shuttled past, at such a terrifying speed, only Tang San felt a flower in front of him, Uran's imaginary figure brought a sudden gust of wind and appeared in front of him.

In the howling wind, his fists exploded and turned into afterimages, carrying the potential of collapsing the mountain, and slammed into Tang San's head fiercely.

He had completely exploded his own strength. After using the second spirit ability, Uran's speed had already increased to a speed that even ordinary soul sage powerhouses could hardly reach. Therefore, when the shadow of the fist was about to reach his head, Tang Sanfang felt his face. With a slight change, in a hurry, the Clear Sky Hammer lifted up on its own, hurriedly covering the front of the head with a huge side, and immediately the spirit power surged, continuously strengthening the defense.


The fist wrapped in translucent soul power fell heavily on the side of the huge Clear Sky Hammer, and suddenly, a muffled sound, abruptly sounded, even after seeing Tang San's face rosy, his feet The floor, retreat quickly.

After Tang San stepped back for nearly ten steps, his soles slammed on the ground, finally dissolving his energy, feeling the arm that was nearly numb by the uranium bombardment, a touch of shock appeared on his face, unexpectedly Suddenly, Uranium's strength soared to such a tyrannical level. Under the circumstances that he now liberated the Wuhun real body, not only was he not defeated, but he was oppressed to a disadvantage.

"Sure enough, you were just playing around with us before, Uranium!" Tang San's aura grew even stronger. Facing such a powerful enemy, he understood, and he finally understood through this fight.

But this did not hinder Tang San at all, and even made Tang San's enthusiasm ignited by Uranium's strength.

That's right, this uranium is an opponent worth challenging!

"I'm coming!"

Tang San laughed, and his left hand moved.

After a few slight jitters, the hammer body of the Clear Sky Hammer shone with a black light visible to the naked eye, and as the black light flickered violently, the huge soul power was condensed on the entire Clear Sky Hammer, and There are subtle ripples.

The next moment, Tang San flipped the Clear Sky Hammer and threw it directly in the direction of Uranium!

The hammer did not rotate in any way, it just rushed straight in one direction, and at the same time as the shot, a thunderous roar sounded from the Clear Sky Hammer, seeing that the originally small hammer rose in the air against the storm. In an instant, the hammer head has become like a water The magnificent lines are released from the hammer body under the sunlight, and the horrible breath blooms with a strong black light, dragging out in mid-air There was a black tail flame.


Seeing this unobtrusive throwing hammer, Uran's face changed slightly. He felt the majestic pressure. It was just a Clear Sky Hammer without any spirit ring attached. Under Tang San's eyes, this Soul True Body, unexpectedly Can you do this?

"The light blade unfolded!" Uran low shouted. He didn't avoid the clear sky hammer that went straight forward. Instead, he set up a charging posture. With his left hand wiped on the back of his right hand, a gray light blade instantly made a faint sound. !

Immediately after that, Uranium galloped in the direction of the Clear Sky Hammer!

Uran's right hand leaned forward, and the soul bone light blade began to extend, and his soul power became more solid, and his cutting ability was also greatly improved. This attack, he was bound to win.

"Look at me, cut off your attack!"

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