After Ye Heng said his decision.

Wang Congcong stepped forward excitedly, grabbed Ye Heng's hand and said, "Dude, you are not being kind! You can't focus on sex and friends!"

As a businessman, Wang Cong has already seen the industry prospects that Ye Heng said.

With such a magical signboard as a tactical beast, this idea will definitely make a lot of money.

"Cough cough."

Wang Congcong coughed twice: "Ye Heng, in fact, I'm also very jealous of the beast, see if you can?"

"Don't think about it."

Ye Heng said: "My organ beasts are only for sale, not for sale."


Wang Congcong was a little disappointed to hear that.

He actually wanted to buy a mechanical beast from Ye Heng as a pet.

But Ye Heng said immediately, "I can give you one."

Wang Congcong's eyes suddenly lit up, he hugged Ye Heng and almost didn't kiss Ye Heng.

"I love you, don't worry, if you like the female anchor on my live broadcast platform, just tell me and I will arrange it."

However, as soon as Wang Congcong's voice fell, he felt that he was stared at by two eyes full of murderous intent.

Wang Congcong knew that he had made a mistake and said something wrong, and quickly added: "Just kidding."

This decision of Ye Heng is equivalent to authorizing the organ beast to Douyin to develop some business.

If it is done well, making money is secondary. The main thing is that the reputation of Douyin will be completely launched, and it will be taken care of by the government departments above.

But since some people poured dirty water on Ye Heng for profit.

Ye Heng simply planned to play a big game and counterattack directly.

Ye Heng said to Zhang Qingchu, "Help me arrange the venue and shooting facilities. I will start a live broadcast at ten o'clock tomorrow morning."

"Tik Tok Live"

Zhang Qingchu asked.


"What's Live?"

"The production of the mechanical beast dragon."

Ye Heng smiled and said, "A mechanism beast dragon that can fly in the sky."

The voice fell! Zhang Qingchu and the three were all shocked.

Ye Heng is finally planning to make an organ beast dragon, the most mysterious beast dragon among the twelve zodiac signs.

If you can really make a mechanical beast dragon that can soar in the sky, it will be of great significance not only to Douyin Company, but also to Huaxia.

As a descendant of Yan and Huang, the descendant of the dragon! China really has a dragon! Please download Feilu to read the underlined version of the novel

Chapter [-]: Sending charcoal in the snow and starting to fight back

Douyin company headquarters! Zhang Ming and Zhang Qingchu are talking on the phone at this time.

"Really, you mean it"

Zhang Ming looked excited at this time.

"Ye Heng said this, you arrange for the company's staff to come here overnight. I have already found a venue, and the broadcast will start on time at ten o'clock tomorrow, and you can announce it in advance."

Zhang Qingchu's voice came from the phone.

"Okay, okay, no problem, wrap it on me."

After Zhang Ming and Zhang Qingchu hung up the phone, they looked excited and excited.

Douyin has encountered a strong opponent these days, although on the surface it is... 1 The company is competing with Douyin.

But the main support behind it is today's news, a veteran news enterprise.

Just relying on a 1 company, Douyin is not afraid.

With Ye Heng's golden signboard and the characteristics of Douyin itself.

In the overseas market, 1 company was beaten and retreated.

Now, although I have reached out to China, I have thought about competing with Douyin in China's market, but I am not worried.

Although Douyin has a short development time, its speed is extremely terrifying.

In the Huaxia market, it is not afraid of any short video company's attack.

Even Kuaishou, which was all the rage before, is still being pressed by Douyin.

So 1's plan to compete with Douyin in the Chinese market is difficult to achieve.

However, the 1 company has been secretly acquired by today's news. Today's news, an old news company, has been hit by major news websites and search websites in recent years.

Traffic dropped quickly.

This time, I want to increase my user traffic by acquiring the now popular short video company and adding its own news reporting attributes.

However, the idea of ​​acquiring Douyin was rejected by Zhang Ming.

Douyin is Zhang Ming's hard work, it is impossible to sell the company so easily.

The acquisition plan was blocked, and today's news did not give up, but adopted... this method.

Indeed, Douyin suffered a lot.

Zhang Ming is having a headache these days. If it goes on for a long time, it will be a matter of time before Douyin loses.

Because the base is still too thin.

And now Zhang Qingchu's phone call to him is like sending help in the snow.

The craftsman Master Ye, who doesn't know that he has an extremely terrifying popularity on the Internet now.

Last time Weibo was paralyzed for some time because of Master Ye's lottery.

Moreover, the terrifying comments and the growth rate of fans broke two Guinness records.

There are always signs that Master Ye is now a fierce man with huge user traffic.

But although the craftsman Master Ye has been posting his works on Douyin.

However, he has never received any commercial advertisements, nor has he signed a contract with Douyin.

In the view of Douyin, if it can help, there are definitely countless precious resources that can be tapped and utilized.

And now, I didn't expect that this master craftsman Ye would actually be willing to host them.

What Zhang Qingchu said was naturally Ye Heng's.

In Zhang Ming's view, it is very feasible and very feasible.

To develop Ye Heng's place to live is not harmful to Douyin.

This is equivalent to indirect investment, which will definitely allow the local government to focus and take care of it.

Moreover, the thing invested is an organ beast, and it is definitely something that will succeed as long as it is invested in development, and there is absolutely no risk at all.

In addition, this master craftsman is actually willing to let Douyin officially broadcast it for him.

Live production mechanism beast dragon.

That is a dragon! An extremely mysterious existence! Children of China, descendants of Yan and Huang.

The one who believes most is the beast, that is the dragon.

This is the symbol of Chinese totem.

Making a live broadcast of a dragon will definitely make this live broadcast of Douyin break out and attract all eyes from the outside world.

The traffic of Douyin will definitely skyrocket tomorrow.

With these two methods, Zhang Ming has been assured.

This time, Douyin has won.

"Sure enough, I didn't hurt this future son-in-law in vain! Yes, really good, Zhang Ming paced back and forth in the office excitedly.

Zhang Qingchu started going to Ye Heng's place, and has not come back till now.

Zhang Ming did not stop Zhang Qingchu, but strongly supported it.

As long as your daughter likes to be happy, it's a small matter.

Later, Zhang Qingchu even wanted to help Ye Heng open the company for free, or Zhang Ming's investment, all of which were free.

Zhang Ming has done a very good job, which means he is optimistic about Ye Heng.

From a father's point of view, Zhang Ming can be said to be doing his best.

Moreover, Zhang Ming has only one daughter, Zhang Qingchu, and has no son. He will grow old in the future, and not everything will still belong to Zhang Qingchu.

Even Zhang Ming thought about it in his heart.

If Zhang Qingchu was really with Ye Heng, Ye Heng would become his son-in-law.

All company assets, Zhang Ming intends to hand over to Ye Heng to take care of them.

After all, he was born in the countryside and came step by step. Zhang Ming's practice and attitude are really very few in the rich circle.

Now, Ye Heng, the future son-in-law recognized by Zhang Ming, did not disappoint him.

He still has a conscience, although he has never admitted his relationship with Zhang Qingchu.

Now it seems that Zhang Qingchu still has a lot of weight in his heart.

Otherwise, it would not be impossible to watch Douyin fail and fall into the hands of others.


Nice, really nice."

Zhang Ming became happier the more he thought about it, and then let his assistant enter the office.

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