The assistant walked into the office and saw Zhang Ming's happy face, and he was relieved.

Douyin has encountered a lot of things and troubles in the past few days, and the assistant knows it.

It is rare to see Zhang Ming so happy.

"You go make arrangements."

Zhang Ming said: "We want the best technicians from the company, bring the relevant equipment for live broadcast, and go to Baoshan Town, Tongling City, Tongcheng City overnight, where the craftsman Master Ye goes."

The assistant was stunned when he heard the words, not knowing what Zhang Ming's arrangement meant.

"What a daze!"

Zhang Ming said dissatisfiedly: "Tomorrow at ten o'clock in the morning, master Ye, the craftsman, will broadcast a craft production. It is very important for our Douyin company. These technicians are required to rush to the night."

"Chairman, isn't that craftsman, Master Ye, unwilling to be disturbed by outsiders?"

The assistant asked cautiously.

Wang Lizhao "The Outsider"

Hearing this, Zhang Ming said dissatisfiedly: "Who is an outsider, my daughter is still with him, hurry up and make arrangements, this... Master Ye agreed, and Qingchu only called me."

"I'll do it right now."

The assistant did not dare to neglect, and hurried out of the office to arrange staff.

It is rare that Ye Heng is willing to live broadcast such an awesome craftsmanship in the name of Douyin's official live broadcast.

Advance publicity and planning must be done.

Zhang Ming called the minister of the planning department and asked him to start planning and preparations now.

With major notification channels, users must be informed.

At ten o'clock tomorrow morning, the craftsman Master Ye will broadcast the news of the production of the beast dragon.

The director of the planning department, who has been suffocating for the past few days, immediately went to deal with it excitedly when he heard it.

Soon after the news spread, the Douyin company went up and down, and everyone was excited.

This behavior of Master Ye is undoubtedly a gift to Douyin.

It's time for their counterattack!

Chapter [-] Attention from all parties, live broadcast to create dragons

Since it is to counterattack! Then it must be done in one step! Fighting snakes and hitting seven inches, the market is like a battlefield, if you seize any opportunity, you must go all out to defeat your opponent.

Zhang Ming is not a hesitant person. If he is hesitant, he will not be able to seize all kinds of opportunities to make Douyin develop by leaps and bounds in recent years.

Since you want to counterattack with the help of Master Ye, let's do something big.

Douyin has an international version! Therefore, this live broadcast is naturally impossible to only broadcast to users in Huaxia.

The international version of Douyin will also be broadcast live in real time.

It's just because of the time difference between home and abroad, Ye Heng's live broadcast time at home is at night abroad.

But why not make the publicity in place, how many people in the overseas market will be viewed by the users.

But before that, the publicity will definitely be put in place.

Everyone in the planning department worked overtime.

Soon! A very conspicuous message notification appeared on Douyin's official Weibo and Douyin's opening interface.

"Tomorrow at ten o'clock in the morning: 1: [-]: The Douyin official will broadcast the live broadcast of the craftsman Master Ye's organ beast on time. This time, the master Ye's organ beast will be Shenlong. The only way to watch the live content is to log in to Douyin. Watch the live stream in real time.”

It can be said that Zhang Ming invested a lot in Ye Heng's production of the beast dragon this time.

It can be said that all the ways that Douyin can promote and publicize are used to announce this news.

Douyin now has a huge number of users in the 643 China market.

After this official news was released! Immediately it caused numerous hot comments.

"real or fake"

"Damn it, it's not a lie to live broadcast the production of the beasts and dragons!"

"Sure enough, after attacking the panda, Master Ye is ready to attack the dragon again."

"I'm really looking forward to it, it's a dragon."

"I don't know if it's the kind of... the legendary dragon, who can call the wind and call the rain."

"Don't think about it upstairs, call the wind and call the rain, isn't it a god, it's absolutely awesome to be able to fly."

"Absolutely watch this live broadcast, Long, it's so awesome."

...... After Douyin has done a good job of publicity.

And at home! Ye Heng's official Weibo and Douyin accounts also posted the same news.

"Tomorrow at ten o'clock: 1: [-]: The production of the organ beast and dragon will be broadcast live on time. After the production is completed, a news will be announced, and fans are welcome to watch."

Of course, with Ye Heng's lazy personality, he wouldn't announce it himself.

These are all done by Zhang Qingchu.

But the premise is that Ye Heng instigated and got Ye Heng's consent.

Zhang Qingchu never forced Ye Heng to do what he didn't want to do.

At the same time, I will fully support everything that Ye Heng likes to do.

It can be said that take out such an attitude and way to treat a man.

Anyone can imagine how important Ye Heng is in Zhang Qingchu's heart.

It is precisely because of Zhang Qingchu's attitude that Zhao Liying always treats Zhang Qingchu as her relative.

There is no disgust, a girl has been with her brother for so long and meddled in so many things.

After seeing this message! The technical director of Weibo hastened to let the technicians supervise the operation of the Weibo server anytime, anywhere.

Because of this important news, it can once again cause Weibo's server to be paralyzed.

It's okay to be paralyzed once or twice, but if it is always paralyzed, the user will be scolded to death.

Not surprisingly, the comments below Ye Heng's Weibo have exploded.

"This news is true! Master Ye really wants to make a beast dragon."

"I just want to ask what else Master Ye can't make, it's a dragon."

"I just wanted to ask if I can fly"

"Master Ye is going to make a big dragon, it won't be a mini version!"

"The mini version is not domineering at all, it's better to make the kind of special effects in the movie... It's just crazy."

...........The comment area of ​​Ye Heng's Weibo exploded, and the comment area below Wang Congcong's Weibo was also affected.

Now netizens all know that Wang Congcong lives here with Ye Heng, beside Ye Heng.

Naturally, I want to learn more about Ye Heng's production of mechanical beast dragons from Wang Conghe.

But Wang never responded.

Magic City! 1 Company Headquarters.

It's just that at the headquarters of company 1, there was another person standing beside the chairman of company 1 at this time.

The man is the vice chairman of News Today.

After the 1 company was acquired by today's news, all matters related to the 1 company were temporarily handed over to him.

As for the news that Douyin was promoting a live broadcast of a craftsman's live production of animal dragons, he naturally learned about it for the first time.

These days, the battle with Douyin to compete for the market is... he planned and decided, and the effect is good.


The man sneered: "I'm just afraid of boasting about Haikou, and it's too naive to want to rely on a craftsman to fight back when I make a worm!"

The vice chairman of Today's News is extremely disdainful of Douyin's counterattack.

In his eyes! A craftsman is just a craftsman, no matter how awesome he is, he is just a person.

How can the energy possessed can be compared with that of a company.

In their eyes, this craftsman is at most... a product of Douyin's industry.

If you can really make dragons.

Why don't you make planes and tanks? Why don't you make planes and some tricks to fool people, that's all.

Even in his mind, everything Ye Heng had done before was just a trick to fool the public with a dynamic method.

It's all things that can't be put on the table.

"Give me a moment tomorrow, I want to see how they slap themselves in the face"

This is how the world is.

It's hard to be admitted, many people are skeptical about...some things.

Unless you see it with your own eyes, you will never believe it.

And some people will even make a big statement in a field that they have never understood at all, and they are extremely arrogant.

For some successful people with identities, this is called conceit! Ye Heng's home! Zhang Qingchu said to Ye Heng: "Professional technicians have arrived overnight with equipment, if nothing else, tomorrow morning at six o'clock It should be there."


Ye Heng nodded.

This live broadcast was broadcast live to many users.

Of course, professional technicians are the most suitable for live broadcast with professional live broadcast equipment.

In this way, Ye Heng's production process can be broadcast live in all directions.

"It should be a lot of work to make a mechanical beast dragon!"

Zhang Qingchu cared: "Can you do such a large workload?"

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