Whether it is a failure or a miracle, it will be revealed soon! Please download Feilu to read the underlined version of the novel

Chapter [-] The beasts worship, the dragon descends

: All kinds of requests, the main story is progressing, please support! One second! Two seconds! Three seconds and 3! .....At this time, whether it is on the spot, or those who watch this scene through the webcast, can't help but remember in their hearts Time.

Timed in seconds.

Except for Ye Heng, all the people at the scene were holding their breath and staring.

The viewers watching the live broadcast are all highly concentrated.

Whether it is a success or a failure, it will be witnessed immediately.

After watching the live broadcast for so long, what I expected and wanted to see in my heart is this result.

No one has the patience to wait any longer.

If there is no result in seconds.

Anyone who does not believe or believes in Ye Heng will be disappointed.

Although they have watched the live broadcast for so long before, they are now completely impatient and spend another hour or even ten minutes waiting for the result.

"Five Zero Three"

Whether it is a success or a failure can be said, both China and overseas countries are looking forward to it.

Domestic Douyin Live Room! "Whether it is a success or a failure!"

"I'm dying of anxiety."

"Move, why don't you move?"

"Did it really fail, Master Ye is really a liar"

"It's uncomfortable, Master Ye didn't explain it."

"Why is Master Ye so calm, my excited heart is about to jump out."

"Move fast, move fast, if I fail, I'll be a fan."

... Douyin International Live Room! "Why did it stop"

"My God, why is Master Ye quiet?"

"Has it failed"

"No, I can't accept it."

"God, pray for a miracle to happen."

"Is this Chinese man a liar?"

"It's not going to be a goddamn hype!"

Whether it is the domestic Douyin or the international version of Douyin, many viewers have gone crazy.

"Did it really fail"

"Make such a big move and fail like this"

"So disappointed, Master Ye won't miss it this time."

"Master Ye is very nice, he doesn't look like a liar."

The technicians at the scene were all looking at each other eagerly.

At this time! Ye Heng raised his right hand slowly, and a smile appeared on his face that had been indifferent.

The voice came out of Ye Heng's mouth and reached everyone's ears.




Ye Heng was counting down loudly.

With Ye Heng's last sound, it fell.

Boom! Suddenly the dragon crawling on the ground moved.

Witnessed by countless audiences, this one moved.

And it's getting bigger and bigger.

At first it was the tail of the dragon, followed by the claws of the dragon, and finally the slow rise of the dragon's head.

The mechanical beast dragon made by Master Ye really moved.

Roar! A roar that seemed to run through the heavens and the earth came out.

This mechanical beast and dragon seems to be resurrected, with spirituality and life.

And with the sound of this dragon roar.

All the mechanical beasts behind Ye Heng, no matter what species, were all kneeling towards the divine dragon by coincidence at this time.

It was as if he was welcoming the arrival of the king.

All beasts worship, and the dragon is coming! The dragon is definitely the title of the king of the beasts! And it deserves it! The dragon flew from the ground to the air.

The ten-meter-long dragon slowly flew up under the witness of countless people.

The dragon that flew into the air twisted and twisted, causing a great impact on everyone's vision.

The sensory stimulation of the crowd at the scene is the greatest.

If it wasn't for Ye Heng who kept smiling and motionless, it is estimated that these technicians would have run away in fear.

At the scene, everyone was stunned:.

The leading technician took a long time to react. Looking at the dragon hovering in the air, he quickly said, "The camera, close-up, close-up."

Only then did the other technicians react and focus their cameras on the dragon flying in the air.

The dragon in the sky seems to be... a little guy who was just born. Although he is huge, he is extremely lively.

It has always been: the sky above everyone's heads, flying around.

The height is not very high, and there is no wayward flying far.

This scene has been completely shown to everyone in the live broadcast room.

Huaxia audience: "Damn it, it's really flying."

"Master Ye is awesome, he really made a flying dragon."

"Hahaha, I knew Master Ye would not fail."

"That's the dragon, the dragon, it's invincible."

"Excited, so excited. As a descendant of the dragon, I am so proud."

"Shenlong is awesome, Master Ye is awesome, Huaxia is awesome."

"I knew that there is no other country that can compare to China, an ancient country with five thousand years of history and civilization..."

"It's spectacular, it's really spectacular."

Overseas audience: "My God, a miracle, this is a miracle!"

"The terrifying Chinese man, it's incredible."

"It's not a special effect!"

"I'm going to Huaxia, I'm going to apprentice."

"As expected of a mysterious eastern country, it is too powerful."

"I decided, I want to immigrate, I want to go to Huaxia."

............Under the watch of everyone, Ye Heng broadcasted the completed mechanical beast Shenlong, which was a success.

The shock that this scene brought to everyone is needless to say.

The live broadcast continues.

Everyone continued to calm down their moods and continued to watch.

This isn't some kind of movie and TV, and it's not some special effects.

This is a miracle created by a master craftsman with his own hands.

This live broadcast will definitely go down in history, and no live broadcast can compare to it.

The dragon flew in the sky for a while.

Finally, it slowly descended in the direction of Ye Heng.

It's just that this drop refers to the fact that the dragon's head is attached to Ye Heng's side, like a well-behaved pet.

And the huge body is still floating in the air out of thin air.

"From now on, you will be called Xiaolong."

Ye Heng laughed.

When it comes to naming, Ye Heng has always been more casual.

Such a random name was passed into the ears of everyone, and everyone was directly blinded by black lines.

Xiaolong's name is too random.

This is a dragon, a dragon! The mighty and huge 1.

4 Appearance, where small is not small.

However, Shenlong's departure was beyond everyone's expectations, and he nodded obediently.

The dragon head rubbed against Ye Heng's body, as if acting like a spoiled child.

Even Shenlong, as a mechanical beast made by Ye Heng himself, is extremely loyal to Ye Heng.

What Ye Heng said was what he said, and he would not have the slightest opinion at all.

Xiaolong's faucet rubbed against Ye Heng's body, as if he was saying something.

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