"You want me to ride on you"

Ye Heng asked with a smile.

Hearing this, Xiaolong nodded obediently.

"OK then!"

Ye Heng smiled, then turned over and sat on Xiaolong's neck, holding the dragon's horns with both hands.

"Fly, little dragon."

Following Ye Heng's order, another roar came from Xiaolong's mouth.

The figure of the little dragon slowly rose again.

Everyone was amazed!

Chapter [-] Master Ye, who rides a dragon, is awesome!

So! On the scene, and watching the live broadcast in front of everyone.

Ye Heng just rode on the dragon and flew into the sky.

Mmm! That's right, that's how I rode the dragon to fly.

"This, this is flying"

The technical staff at the scene looked at this scene with a dumbfounded expression, unable to react for a long time.

They just felt their trigeminal nerve was being greatly stimulated again.

"What are you stunned for, the camera quickly catches up."

The lead technicians are quite dedicated.

While stunned, don't forget to remind your subordinates to keep up with the camera.

Such a live broadcast scene may be shot once in a lifetime.

Zhang Qingchu covered her mouth with her hands, and her expression was also extremely surprised.

Li Qingyu also looked at the scene in the sky with a shocked expression.

This man has created a miracle again! Zhao Liying shouted excitedly: "Brother, you are too powerful."

In Zhao Liying's heart, Ye Heng is... omnipotent.

Wang Qing looked at it with a confused expression: "My dear, it's really a big game."

Even if he has driven any luxury car and played with many internet celebrities, Wang Congcong lives a luxurious life that countless people dream of.

2 But since coming to Ye Heng.

Wang Cong never found out.

The life he lived before was really old.

Compared with Ye Heng, there is a huge gap.

When he was king of luxury cars and playing famous watches, Ye Heng was already able to ride a dragon to the sky.

This is too exaggerated.

Huaxia audience: "Mother, it's really heaven."

"I always thought that people said you were so arrogant, why don't you go to heaven, so it's not a lie, you can go to heaven if you are so realistic."

"Fuck, is Master Ye's craftsmanship already ahead of modern technology?"

"What's the point of this?"

"It's awesome, I'm really incomparable with China."

"Master Ye, he is definitely the number one person in the craftsmanship world, so I won't explain it."

"This is the real master. Those masters in the country...what kind of masters are so weak, they don't deserve to carry shoes for Master Ye."

"I just want to know how this is done"

"In the society, I am Master Ye, and there are not many strong words."

"I have never found Douyin so awesome, this is the rhythm of taking off!"

"Because of Master Ye, Douyin took off."

Overseas audience: "My God, Master Ye is God."

"Huaxia, this mysterious eastern country really has dragons."

"Why doesn't this dragon have dragon wings, bad review."

"God, what the hell is this?"

"Could it be that a master craftsman in Huaxia is so strong?"

"Huaxia is really a magic, I must go to Huaxia."

In the sky! Ye Heng rode on Xiaolong's body, Jian.

The little dragon flies very smoothly, and the speed is not deliberate, and the flying height is not very high.

However, even if the height is average, but at this height, people with acrophobia will definitely have weak legs.

Ye Heng rode on Xiaolong, and the object below became: it was already very small, and the whistling of the wind could be heard in his ears.

As the saying goes, it's too cold to be at a high place! But it gave Ye Heng a great and comfortable feeling.

The production of the mechanical beast Shenlong was very successful.

Fortunately, it is in the countryside, if it is in a big city, it is really impossible to fly so freely.

Because there are many tall buildings in big cities.

In this way, under the watch of many domestic and foreign audiences, Xiaolong took Ye Heng to fly in the sky for a few minutes before landing slowly and steadily on the ground.

Ye Heng got down from Xiaolong's body, and Xiaolong crawled there very obediently without moving.

However, because of the existence of the little dragon, the other organ beasts are obviously a lot more restrained.

Although they are also mechanical beasts, the nature of the species is there.

Dragon! Such an ancient mythical beast is enough to make many species worship and surrender.

The production of Xiaolong is completed, and the result is obvious and easy to see, extremely perfect and successful.

Ye Heng smiled at the live camera and said, "About the perfect success of the production of the beast dragon, thank you very much for watching."

Ye Heng finished speaking.

No need for size, these technicians know how to do it.

Same as starting a live stream.

There are no polite opening remarks and no closing remarks.

The live broadcast of the craftsman Master Ye ended perfectly after several hours.

Ye Heng showed the public the magical craftsmanship of the same craftsman.

It can be said that this kind of craftsmanship is unmatched.

"Today, I am fortunate to everyone."

Ye Heng laughed to the technicians who were on the live broadcast.

"Master Ye, you are too polite."

"Master Ye, you are really amazing, it really opened our eyes."

"Can you sign my name, Master Ye?"

.........Faced with Ye Heng's thanks, these.........technical staff from Douyin Company were flattered one by one.

Although I stayed up all night and rushed over from the company headquarters, everyone was very tired.

But after coming here, these people felt a different kind of warmth.

Master Ye, a master with such craftsmanship, treats people with such an approachable approach.

And just now, they have also shown such magical craftsmanship to them.

There really are such perfect gods in the world! "Everyone is fortunate, I call the shots, and everyone's salary will double this month."

Zhang Qingchu said with great joy in his heart.

"Thank you ma'am."

A group of people quickly thanked.

Also started to pack up.

Their task has been completed, and it's time to rush back to the company. One and two minds are counted, and they can't be light bulbs here.

Although they all want to stay here and see more of this magical scene.

But when Zhang Qing first saw Master Ye's eyes, they all saw 453, they were not fools.

If you get the benefits, if you don't know how to advance or retreat, you should wait to be fired.

But this time, they definitely made a profit, and they made a lot of money.

Not just filming, but witnessing this magical scene with their own eyes is enough to make them proud.

Zhang Qingchu hurried to Ye Heng's side and asked with concern, "Are you alright!"


Ye Heng laughed.

Zhao Liying happily fell into Ye Heng's arms and gave Ye Heng a big hug.

"Brother, I knew you would succeed."

Zhao Liying said happily.

"Ye Heng, you are really too arrogant."

Wang Congcong was also a person who had seen the world, but at this time he was still excited as if he had seen an idol: "How does it feel to ride a dragon?"

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