
Ye Heng hesitated for a while.

It's a lie to say that you don't like it, who doesn't like such a capable and beautiful beauty.

But say you like it, Ye Heng just... think about it.

Seeing Ye Heng's hesitant appearance, Zhang Qingchu had no plans.

He asked again: "You hate it.

Me? "I don't hate it."

"Okay, then you don't hate me, just... hi."

As a result, Zhang Qingchu showed a very domineering field in front of Ye Heng at this time.

directly to this conclusion.

Ye Heng was dumbfounded.

However, he didn't seem to intend to refute Zhang Qingchu's words.

The next second! Ye Heng only felt the warm jade in his arms, and a soft body pressed against him.

Before Ye Heng could speak, Ye Heng felt that his mouth was blocked.

He was forcibly kissed! As a man, Ye Heng was forcibly kissed by a girl! But Zhang Qingchu did have a girlish fragrance on her body.

They come, the security.

Ye Heng is ruthless, he is a dignified man, how could he still be embarrassed by this kind of thing, Zhang Qingchu, a girl, has put down the reservedness that belongs to a girl, what is he afraid of?

As a result, Ye Heng changed from passive to active.

The two of them released their minds as much as possible.

Sleepless night! This night is a very wonderful night.

The lights in the room are off! Fortunately, the sound insulation effect is good.

The next day! When Ye Heng woke up... and found himself lying on the bed alone.

If it wasn't for Ye Heng's lucid brain, he probably would have thought that last night was a dream.

Ye Heng doesn't have the habit of sleeping in, so it's time to make breakfast.

Ye Heng walked into the kitchen and started making breakfast.

After breakfast was ready, everyone else went out one after another.

Ye Heng observed the expressions on everyone's faces.

Li Qingyu still had an indifferent expression on her face.

Zhao Liying is also not unusual.

On the contrary, Wang Cong, who came downstairs, gave Ye Heng a playful look.

However, Zhang Qingchu was not seen.

The crowd began to sit down for breakfast.

Ye Heng asked, "Where is Qingchu?"

"Sister Qingchu is still sleeping and said that she is a little uncomfortable."

Zhao Liying looked as if she didn't know what happened, and said innocently.

Ye Heng nodded.

Then I used chopsticks to pick up the dishes that Zhang Qingchu usually likes to eat, and brought them to Zhang Qingchu.

Ye Heng still knew why Zhang Qingchu was not feeling well.

The fundamental reason is that Ye Heng is too strong.

The physical quality is there, if you want to be strong, you can't.

Ye Heng knocked on the door.

Zhang Qingchu opened the door with a tired face, and when he saw Ye Heng, his face turned red.

She still knows what happened last night.

Although it was almost dawn, she slipped back to her room.

But the body still couldn't take it.

"The food has been brought to you, so let's take a rest today!"

Ye Heng cared.

Zhang Qingchu nodded shyly, and then had breakfast in her room.

However, Zhang Qing's heart was still warm at the beginning of 597.

She is not the kind of girl who likes Xiaoniaoyiren, feeling Ye Heng's heart, all of this is enough.

Zhang Qingchu understands what it means to be satisfied.

"Sister Qingchu is okay, do you want to see a doctor?"

Zhao Liying asked with concern.

"It's okay, just rest and rest."

Ye Heng's face turned red.

The pure Zhao Liying made Wang Cong never laugh and almost spit out the food in his mouth.

"What are you laughing laughing"

Ye Heng glared at Wang Congcong fiercely: "Hurry up and eat well, come out and give me a hand."

Wang Congcong quickly restrained his smile and continued to eat seriously.

After eating, Zhao Liying cleaned up the dishes and washed the dishes.

Ye Heng, on the other hand, dragged Wang Cong, who wanted to escape, to build a swimming pool.

The swimming pool is half dug and not finished yet.

I have an excavator at home, and it is very efficient to do it.

However, Wang Congcong has been a bit sloppy recently. Under Ye Heng's coercion and enticement, Wang Congcong, who has a personal wealth of several billions, drove the excavator and started construction under Ye Heng's instruction.

Although the efficiency is slower, it is still ok.

However, Wang Cong, who has driven various luxury cars, has never really driven such a thing as an excavator.

It felt a little fun for a while.

After digging, Ye Heng took Wang Cong to perfect the processing from the beginning.

Living cement, laying tiles, a series of activities are progressing in an orderly manner.

Chapter [-] The Arrival of Zhang Ming

Building a swimming pool with Ye Heng.

Wang Cong can say that he has never done such a thing since he was a child.

But after a busy morning, although he was tired and sweaty, it gave Wang a different feeling.

It turns out that when you do something by yourself, it will be such a sense of accomplishment.

In a morning, it was basically busy.

The side wall of the swimming pool is covered with tiles, and the water inlet and outlet pipes are photographed.

These...... are simple things for Ye Heng, although Wang Cong Cong is a little slower, but he has completed about one-fifth of the workload.

The remaining four-fifths of the workload was done by Ye Heng.

The rest is to wait for the cement to dry completely, and then you can put water in.


Ye Heng cooked and specially made some great food.

After resting for a morning, Zhang Qingchu was also much better.

Zhang Qingchu did not expect that Ye Heng, who usually looks gentle and refined, did not expect that kind of thing would be so lasting and powerful.

At the dinner table, everyone was eating, and Zhang Qingchu was still a little shy.

in the afternoon.

What everyone did not expect was that an unusual guest came to the house.

Even the identity of this guest is a little subtle to Ye Heng.

"Dad, why are you here?"

Hearing the movement outside the house, Zhang Qingchu came out to take a look, and saw the person coming in with a look of surprise.

The person who came was Zhang Ming, the CEO of Douyin, and he brought an assistant with him.

"My daughter is here, why can't I come?"

Zhang Ming looked at Zhang Qingchu and smiled.

I haven't seen Zhang Qingchu for a while, and Zhang Ming still misses his daughter very much.

After Zhang Ming finished speaking, he looked at the surrounding environment.

The strong rural atmosphere makes Zhang Ming, who came out of the countryside, miss him very much.

The most important thing is that Zhang Ming is extremely satisfied with the place where his daughter lives.

Spectacular and atmospheric bamboo buildings, exquisite bamboo houses, and a group of magical mechanical beasts.

Zhang Ming saw the huge and magnificent mechanical beast dragon at a glance, and was amazed in his heart.

This craftsman, Master Ye, is really a god.

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