"Dad, come in and sit inside!"

Zhang Qingchu invited with a smile.

Zhang Ming smiled and nodded.

Zhang Qingchu led the way, and Zhang Ming followed behind.

Zhang Ming, who is proficient in the world, discovered the abnormality of his daughter.

This kind of abnormality is the kind of temperament that Zhang Qingchu's gestures exude.

Zhang Ming sighed in his heart.

The thing that every father fears most about his daughter is still happening.

My daughter's succulent cabbage is afraid that it will be bullied by other people's pigs.

Even if Zhang Qingchu's pig is extremely good and cannot be compared by ordinary people, from the perspective of every father, no matter how good a pig is, it is also a pig.

Although Zhang Qingchu was different, Zhang Ming didn't show anything.

As a father, the most important thing is to take care of his daughter's face and thoughts.

Zhang Ming believes that with Zhang Qingchu's character, unless Zhang Qingchu is extremely willing, this kind of thing will not happen.

Zhang Ming and his assistant were invited to the living room, then made tea and served it.

Zhao Liying's voice came from the room.

"Sister Qingchu, are there any guests at home?"

Zhao Liying walked out of the room and asked.

"Liying, let me introduce you."

Zhang Qingchu pulled Zhao Liying to her side and said, "This is my father Zhang Ming, and that is my father's assistant Cheng Qiang."

Then he said to Zhang Ming, "This is Ye Heng's younger sister, Zhao Liying."

"Hello uncle."

"Brother Qiang, hello."

Zhao Liying greeted her very politely.

"Hey, hello."

Zhang Ming responded with a smile.

The kind of... clean and innocent temperament on Zhao Liying's body, Zhang Ming can see it at a glance, and I like it very much.

"Hello, Miss Zhao."

Cheng Qiang said quickly.

This is the younger sister of that Master Ye.

Cheng Qiang didn't expect that Master Ye's sister would also say hello to one of his assistants, but he was very moved....

While everyone was talking, Ye Heng also came down from the second floor.

After the morning was over, Wang Congnong dragged Ye Heng to play games.

Here in Ye Heng, Wang Cong lived quite comfortably.

When I have nothing to do, I ride a Simba or a tiger to go out, but the sun at noon is too poisonous, and it is obviously irrational to go out.

It was to ask Ye Heng to play games with him.

Ye Heng's hearing was relatively sharp, so he came down to take a look when he heard the movement downstairs.

"Ye Heng, this is my father."

Zhang Qingchu quickly pulled Ye Heng to introduce.

In front of Zhang Ming, Zhang Qingchu took Ye Heng's hand, no doubt announcing his relationship with Ye Heng.

"Hello, uncle."

Ye Heng laughed.

This is also the reason why Zhang Ming is Zhang Qingchu's father.

Otherwise, Ye Heng would use the title of Mr. Zhang.

Hearing this, Zhang Ming nodded, looking at Ye Heng with a calm expression.

Invisibly, Zhang Ming exuded an aura.

This is the temperament of a leader.

As the CEO of a multi-billion company, Zhang Ming has hundreds of employees, and his position in the company is needless to say.

A person who has been in a high position for a long time will naturally develop a temperament of a superior.

In the face of such a boss, most young people will feel the oppression of temperament, and become: restrained and uncomfortable.

But I watched it for half a day.

Zhang Ming found out.

How satisfied is this young man, who has defied Zhang Qingchu.

He is handsome in appearance, has a calm temperament, and gives a very stable feeling.

Moreover, the technical strength of the people is there, and they can't pick out the slightest fault at all.

"Well, hello."

Zhang Ming smiled, then walked to Ye Heng's side and put a hand on Ye Heng's shoulder: "Young and promising, very good."

Zhang Ming's words made Zhang Qingchu extremely happy.

This means that Ye Heng has been recognized by his father.

"Dad, what's the matter with you coming here?"

Zhang Qingchu couldn't help but ask.

"It's okay, I can't see you anymore"

Zhang Ming was dissatisfied.

"If Uncle Zhang is willing, you can come whenever you want."

Ye Heng laughed.

"Look at what Ye Heng said, and then look at you."

Zhang Ming said, "I really raised your daughter in vain."

The style suddenly changed.

Zhang Ming became: I like Ye Heng very much.

This is also in line with the performance of a father.

If the pig who bowed to his daughter is recognized by himself, then the status in the heart of the father will rise in a straight line, surpassing his own daughter in an instant, even more kissing than his own son.

Zhang Qingchu couldn't help but glance at Ye Heng.

She naturally knew that Ye Heng said this on purpose, but she felt warm in her heart.

How did Ye Heng usually talk to others with such an attitude?

Even the last time the county magistrate came, Ye Heng just smiled and behaved a little more politely.

To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu

Chapter [-] The hormones in the body rise again

However, Zhang Ming really had something to do this time.

Originally, I came to see Zhang Qingchu, who lived here and didn't go home for a long time.

Then I will discuss with Ye Heng about the development of Douyin and Ye Heng in person, and thank Ye Heng by the way.

After all, because of Ye Heng's live broadcast, Douyin is now a real national fire.

The most important thing is that Zhang Ming, the CEO of Douyin, clearly feels the attitude of the relevant departments above towards Douyin.

Completely different.

Of course, in addition to... Ye Heng's great help, Zhang Ming also made some changes to the relevant personnel.

Douyin is now more than just an entertainment short video platform.

On the contrary, Douyin has also opened a column dedicated to craftsmanship to promote positive energy and other columns.

Most of the videos on Douyin are now promoting positive energy and positively bringing a good impact to the society.

Such a change has been quite successful.

Of course, it was Ye Heng who gave the most power.

At first Zhang Ming planned to thank Ye Heng well, as long as Ye Heng made the request, Zhang Ming would satisfy as much as possible.

But now it seems that I am also thankful to someone whose biological daughter has become someone else, and they are all involved, so what else is there to be grateful for.

Now that 763 is here...the family is not for... Ye Heng, Zhang Ming is also extremely satisfied.

Not only because of the current relationship, but also because Zhang Ming believes in Zhang Qingchu's vision.

Zhang Ming asked his assistant to take out a document from the document bag.

The above details some cooperation with Ye Heng.

Cheng Qiang respectfully handed the document to Ye Heng.

Ye Heng took it with a smile, and then handed it to Zhang Qingchu.

Said: "I never care about business matters, it's all handled by Qingchu for me."

Looking at Ye Heng's attitude when he said this, it was very obvious.

It means that Zhang Qingchu became Ye Heng's housekeeper.

Zhang Ming is very satisfied with Ye Heng's trust in his daughter.

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