The villagers of Jiling Village always have a feeling of going from the ground to the sky for the days that have passed during this period of time.

In the past, Jiling Village was just... a dilapidated and backward village, poor and remote.

As a result, it has become famous all of a sudden.

The people in those towns are very envious of them.

Of course, the folks all know who this is because of.

After dinner! Li Qingyu, who didn't say a word at first, said now, "I'm going back."

Li Qingyu has been here for several days, although not as long as Zhang Qingchu's life, but much longer than that of Xiao Tiantian and Wang Jing.

Because of her personality, Li Qingyu doesn't usually like to talk much.

However, it can be seen that Li Qingyu's own quality is still very good.

"Why are you going back all of a sudden?"

Zhang Qingchu asked.

Li Qingyu knew at a glance that it was the mainstay of a rich family, if it was said that he would go back to work, it would be unrealistic at all.

"Did something happen?"

Ye Heng asked.

"My grandfather asked me to go back and take over the family business."

Li Qingyu was extremely depressed.

"Another poor girl who can't accomplish what she wants to do and will go back to inherit the property!"

Wang Congcong sighed.

Wang Congcong was like this before he started his business. Wang Congcong's father gave Wang Congcong hundreds of millions of funds to invest in his business. If he succeeds, just do what you like.

If you fail, you must come back and inherit hundreds of billions of property.

The poor worry about being poor, and the rich worry about being rich.

Ye Heng gave Wang Congcong a look, and Wang Congcong immediately shut up and buried his head to eat.


Taking over the family business is a good thing! Why are you unhappy, Sister Qingyu!"

Only Zhao Liying asked naively.

Hearing this, Li Qingyu smiled at Zhao Liying, and then said, "It's alright, it's just... I'm very reluctant to let everyone go."

Li Qingyu didn't want to say it, and everyone naturally wouldn't force it.

Ye Heng said: "If you have time, come as you want, you are always welcome here."

"Thank you."

Li Qingyu smiled.

"when are we leaving"

Zhang Qingchu asked.

"Let's go in the afternoon."

Li Qingyu said.

"Then I'll take it to you."

Ye Heng said that Li Qingyu came in his car, and it was impossible for others to go back by train.

"No, someone will pick me up."

The obtained Zhao Li Qingyu rejected Ye Heng's kindness.

"OK then!"

Ye Heng has never forced anyone's idea.

At this time, Li Qingyu suddenly said: "Before leaving, can you give me a present?"

"you say."

"That's it... When we first met, can you make a model of the Harley you assembled yourself and give it to me?"

Li Qingyu looked at Ye Heng expectantly.

"it is good."

Ye Heng agreed immediately.

Speaking of which, if it wasn't because of Ye Heng's Xiaolu who assembled the Harley.

It is estimated that Li Qingyu's competitive spirit could not be stimulated, so he came to Ye Heng.

Everything is fate, and fate is such a wonderful thing.

Soon Li Qingyu began to simply pack her things.

Some people want to leave, although it is a little reluctant, but after all, they are all adults.

Moreover, now that the transportation is so developed, and the money is not bad, if you want to come, you have the opportunity at any time.

So there is nothing to be sad about.

Chapter [-] Camping in the mountains

When Li Qingyu left, Ye Heng gave her a wooden sculpture.

The appearance of the wood carving was exactly as Li Qingyu asked.

It was the Harley that Ye Heng assembled by himself in front of Li Qingyu.

Just like that, Li Qingyu left.

A girl who is not very talkative, but has a good heart and goes back to inherit the family business.

A car manufacturing company with a market value of [-] billion.

That's why! Some people struggle for reasons other than money.

Maybe, if the struggle fails, he will go back to inherit the huge family property.

After sending Li Qingyu away, everyone was busy with their own affairs.

Zhang Qingchu and Zhao Liying both have work to deal with every day.

Wang Congcong is equivalent to being raised by Ye Heng.

Whatever he is playing games, or flirting with internet celebrities on his mobile phone, or going out to play on a mechanical beast, it's up to him.

Ye Heng continued the production of parts.

Regarding the production of the ancient giant dragon, this time the work was not rushed, and Ye Heng did not maximize the efficiency, step by step.

The rhythm of life seems to have returned to the usual leisurely life.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, it was time to prepare dinner.

Wang Congcong proposed to go camping on Mount 107.

It has been a few days since I came to Ye Heng's house. Wang Cong has never tasted Ye Heng's craftsmanship.

But I haven't really tried to go camping in the mountains.

Although camping is a very common way of entertainment for Wang Cong.

As a wealthy young man, when he was in the imperial capital, when he was in the mood, he would take a few friends to go camping together.

But that kind of...camping is not the same as this kind of camping.

One is to bring your own ingredients and special tools, and camping with Ye Heng is called real camping.

The ingredients are beaten in the mountains and the tools are made by yourself, which is much more interesting.

Of course this requires everyone's opinion.

After all, Ye Heng is a very democratic person.

Zhang Qingchu and Zhao Liying had no opinion on Wang Congcong's proposal.

It's true that I haven't been camping in the mountains for a long time.

It has been busy for a while, and it is also a very good thing to relax while camping.

Besides, with Ye Heng there, camping will also have a very good enjoyment.

So! The task of carrying simple kitchen utensils was handed over to Wang Congcong.

Even if Wang Congcong protested, it would be ineffective for Ye Heng.

The four of them went into the mountain together, but at the strong request of Wang Congcong, they took Xiaohu into the mountain together.

As the king of the forest, Xiaohu has a very natural feeling for the mountains and forests.

Even if Xiaohu is just a kind of mechanical beast, the mechanical beast made by Ye Heng is not an ordinary mechanical beast.

After entering the mountain, the little tiger became even more excited.

The crowd jumped up and down.

Once on the tree, and rolling on the wall for a while, it was a lot of fun.

Rather.... Wang Congcong was sweating profusely and looking sullen.

"I said it's time for you to exercise."

Ye Heng said: "You are a big man, such a physique is really not good, it's too empty."

"Just kidding, I'm also strong."

Wang Cong was never dissatisfied with his rebuttal.

I want to show my man power in front of two women.

It is automatically ignored.

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