Ye Heng shook his head helplessly: "You sleep all day in addition to eating, or you play, and your life is irregular, and it will end sooner or later."

"Okay, can't I have time to exercise?"

Wang Cong never resigned.

Only Ye Heng could make Wang Congcong, the young master, be submissive.

Originally, Ye Heng planned to go to the camp where he had been before.

Because both the venue and the environment there are very good.

And there are also tools that Ye Heng left behind before.

However, Wang Congcong suggested that he should go to other places in the mountains, go deeper into the mountains, it is best to have a kind of feeling: that kind of... mountain adventure plus camping.

No way, Wang Cong's purpose of doing anything is...exciting.

So! Ye Heng took Wang Cong from three people to a place deeper in the mountain.

It took about an hour to walk.

This has reached the belly position in the mountains.

There is no bamboo forest nearby, but there are luxuriant trees with thick branches.

After choosing a relatively flat open space, everyone began to camp.

Every time I said good camping, Ye Heng was busy alone most of the time.

Whether it is the production of tools or the processing of ingredients, it is all on Ye Heng alone.

There is no way, who told Ye Heng to be with girls the previous two times? Ye Heng has not yet instructed the girls to do this or that.

This time it was different, with Wang Congcong accompanying him.

And it was proposed by Wang Congcong. Wang Congcong wanted to eat ready-made food, which would not work.

Ye Heng said: "After putting things away, follow me to hunt."


When Wang Congcong heard the words, he showed a fox's tail and said, "I can't hunt!"

"Less load of garlic."

Ye Heng laughed and scolded: "If you want to eat well, you have to learn to do it yourself."

"As soon as I leave, who will fix the stove?"

Wang Congcong still wanted to be lazy and said, "Leave the hunting to you, and leave the fire to me."

Who knows, Zhao Liying smiled and said, "Just leave such a simple thing as the stove to me and Sister Qingchu, you'd better go hunting with my brother!"

"heard it"

"All right!"

Wang Congcong knew that his wishful thinking was in vain.

Originally, he also thought that camping could experience a different life, of course, this experience refers to the fact that he was sitting on the ready-made.

Just experience a feeling.

But now it looks like it's busy again.

"Let's go!"

Ye Heng picked up the repeating crossbow he made, and led Wang Cong to other places.

Zhang Qingchu and Zhao Liying were building a stove in the camp and looking for some firewood.

And Xiaohu stayed in the camp, helping to take care of Zhang Qingchu and Zhao Liying.

Don't underestimate the power of the tiger, with the size of the tiger and the species itself.

The power of the little tiger is absolutely no less than that of a real wild tiger, and in an environment like the mountains and forests, it is definitely a beast.

Wang Congcong followed Ye Heng to go hunting.

The belly of the mountain is deep in the forest.

To be honest, Ye Heng really never came.

This mountain existed when Ye Heng remembered.

I don't know how many years it has existed.

According to some older generation people, the age of this mountain may be traced back to the ancient dynasty period, quite a long time ago.

In the periphery of the mountain, bamboo is generally planted by the villagers.

This position deep in the abdomen is generally rarely visited.

In this era, the villagers planted crops and raised livestock, which was enough for a living.

It's totally unnecessary to be a hunter in the mountains to hunt every day...  

Moreover, in the depths, the bushes are extremely lush, and there are no convenient paths, so it is still difficult to walk.

But Mr. Lu Xun once said.

There is no road in the world, and the more people walk, the road becomes.

Where did Wang go to such a place, and followed behind Ye Heng with difficulty.

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Chapter [-] The wounded Wang Congcong

The foreshadowing hasn't gone long.

Wang Cong was tired and panting.

"Brother, slow down."

Wang Cong was sweating profusely.

There are also some scratches on the branches.

The road between the mountains and the jungle is difficult to walk, and Wang Congcong was still wearing shorts when he went camping in the mountains.

It's suffering now.

"It's been a while before you go."

Ye Heng said: "It's better for you to follow me and walk the way I walk.


Needless to say, Ye Heng's physical strength and adaptability, he walked steadily ahead.

Looking at Ye Heng's back walking in front, Wang Cong was full of admiration.

The feeling that Ye Heng gave him was always a feeling of omnipotence.

It made him feel a great sense of security as a man.

Ye Heng walked in front.

Suddenly, something strange came from the grass in front of me, some sounds like animals moving.

"Do not move."

Ye Heng said softly, and then slowly squatted down.

"What's wrong"

Wang Cong asked curiously.

"There should be prey ahead."

After Ye Heng finished speaking, Wang Cong then hurriedly squatted down like Ye Heng and kept quiet.

When encountering prey, immediately squat down and stay still.

This reduces exposure to the sight of the prey and prevents the prey from running away due to fright.

as predicted.

A wild rabbit slowly jumped out of the grass.

This rabbit was eating the weeds on the ground, and it was only about ten meters away from Ye Heng.

Because Ye Heng responded in a timely manner, no abnormality was found.

Ye Heng held a repeating crossbow, aimed, and then pulled the trigger to fire.

In an instant! Dozens of arrows were fired.

Ye Heng never thought of hunting with accuracy.

There is no need..., this semi-automatic repeating crossbow has more than a dozen crossbow arrows in it.

As long as the hand is fast enough, the launch is fast enough.

Depending on the number, the prey can be shot to death.

The hapless hare was hit by two crossbow arrows and fell to the ground.

Ye Heng stepped forward and picked up the hare.

This is definitely a pure wild rabbit, and it is much larger than the average rabbit.

Very fat.

"There is something to eat."

Wang Cong was more excited to see it.

It's a good sign for sure.

"Let me shoot next time!"

Wang Congcong said.

"can you"

Ye Heng asked with a smile.

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