"You can promote some more talents to help you share the burden!"

Ye Heng said.

"Already paying attention."

Zhang Qingchu said: "When Liying has almost finished her studies, she is ready to slowly hand over the company's affairs to her."

"She still has to go to school."

"Don't worry, it won't affect her studies."

After Ye Heng and Zhang Qingchu said something, Zhang Qingchu started to prepare for Ye Heng's opening of his Twitter account.

Twitter is an American social network and microblogging service website, and it is one of the ten most visited websites on the global Internet.

Up to now, it has more than [-] million users.

Even some leaders of the United States will speak on Twitter.

It can be seen the influence of Twitter in social software in the United States.

Therefore, it is undoubtedly the fastest way to let more foreigners download Douyin and become users of the national version of Douyin, Ye Heng opening, Twitter.

Just... take out one that will make those foreigners want to stop, be conquered by Ye Heng's craftsmanship, and then obediently go to download Douyin.

At the same time, with the help of Ye Heng's influence, it can also spread the popularity and popularity of the international version of Douyin.

Of course, before opening Twitter, Ye Heng posted the news on the international version of Douyin.

Ye Heng's fans on the international version of Douyin also exceeded [-] million.

He is still one of the people with the most fans on the international version of Douyin, and some of the videos released before are also sought after by these... foreign users.

Especially that magical organ beast.

On the international version of Douyin, many foreigners even started imitating production and publishing videos.

But no one has succeeded in making it like Ye Heng.

Those foreigners thought to break their heads and studied for a long time, but they didn't come up with a reason.

It's like, most foreigners are confused about Chinese language, Chinese culture, and Chinese history.

It's all that they can't understand.

After all, China is an ancient civilization that has been passed down for thousands of years, and its culture is extensive and profound.

Ye Heng is about to open, and the news of Twitter will be released on the international version of Douyin.

It immediately attracted the comments and expectations of countless foreign users.

"My God, Master Ye is going to open, is twitter?"

"How many twitter accounts...I want to follow."

"I really want to worship Master Ye as my teacher"

"The magical master of Chinese craftsmanship, the craftsmanship amazes me."

"Those mechanical beasts are incredible, how did they do it?"

Ye Heng still has great influence in the hearts of many foreigners.

After all, many foreigners make airplanes and cars by themselves, but they are mechanical beasts, no matter how they imitate them, they can't make them.

Soon! Ye Heng's Twitter account was officially opened.

account name!

Chapter [-] A little sensation!

Ye Heng's Twitter account was officially opened, and later.

The number of fans began to grow at a terrifying rate.

You must know that Master Ye on the international version of Douyin, just like Master Ye, the craftsman on Douyin, has an extremely terrifying influence.

Soon, Ye Heng's Twitter followers grew rapidly.


million fans.


million fans.

One hour.

million fans.

Ye Heng's fan base is growing.

Although the speed is not as fast as the fans who open Weibo in China.

But after all, the international version of Douyin only has so many users.

On the international version of Douyin, Ye Heng has only about [-] million followers:.

However, on the international version of Douyin, after Ye Heng released a video announcement, the conversion rate of Ye Heng's fans was still extremely terrifying.

Even if the growth rate of the number of Twitter followers is not as fast as the growth rate of domestic Weibo followers.

But this kind of fan growth is still a record on Twitter.

Ye Heng's Twitter is naturally an official identity verification.

Master Ye, the craftsman! Below are the comments of many foreign users.

"Hello, Master Ye."

"Welcome to Twitter, Master Ye."

"I really like you, Master Ye, will there be any magical works in the near future?"

"Those...the magical organ beasts are really cute and dead, how are they made?"

"Master Ye, I'm your fan, I like you so much."

"Master Ye, please contact me, please contact me."

Even though Ye Heng opened his Twitter account, he hasn't posted any tweets yet.

But below Ye Heng's Twitter community, there are messages from many foreign fans.

It is enough to see the great influence of Ye Heng.

And these... Foreign fans are chasing stars, and the fanaticism is also rising.

After the Douyin account and Weibo account, the Twitter account is Ye Heng's third public account.

Ye Heng has an idea.

Whether it is foreign fans or domestic fans, they are all Ye Heng fans.

What cheers up these... fans is undoubtedly the perk of their idols.

In addition to Ye Heng's magical craftsmanship, if you can use Ye Heng's crafts to give these...... fans some benefits.

That will definitely make these...... foreign fans excited.

So! Ye Heng intends to give ten 10 hand-carved puppets as welfare rewards.

Hand-carved puppets, this is Ye Heng's earliest fame, attracting many fans.

Ye Heng didn't think about making institutional beasts to give benefits to foreign fans.

Such a thing as an organ beast, once it is sent out.

It is estimated that some foreign research institutions will take the opportunity to acquire them under various names, and then dismantling and research cannot be done......

Although these.... to Ye Heng, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter.

But there are definitely some people in the country who care about such a thing.

In the best possible circumstances, Ye Heng didn't want to cause unnecessary trouble for himself.

So Ye Heng planned to use hand-carved puppets as a benefit.

The vivid puppets are also enough to make these... foreign fans amazed and excited.

Of course, Twitter just opened.

It's not the best time to announce a giveaway just yet.

But now that Twitter is open, the first message to say hello is still to be sent.

Of course, these things, under Ye Heng's inspection, were all done by Zhang Qingchu.

"It's a pleasure to meet you. When I was a child, there would be small surprises for everyone. Zhang Qingchu handled it first hand, and sent the first message on Ye Heng's Twitter.

Soon after the news was released, it was shared and commented by many fans.

After all, Ye Heng has gained a lot of fans even though he has released video works on the international version of Douyin.

But I haven't spoken to them directly.

Coupled with those...magic craftsmanship, Ye Heng is extremely mysterious among these foreign fans.

Many people are guessing what the so-called surprise is, "My God, is Master Ye going to give us a surprise?"

"A surprise from a master craftsman, I'm looking forward to it!"

"Master Ye, I have liked you for a long time, can you be friends with me?"

"When you have time, will you go abroad, Master Ye?"

"In Huaxia, are there many master craftsmen like you... The craftsmanship is really amazing."

These....comments from foreign fans are extremely lively.

One or two, very free to express their opinions below the message.

But there is no doubt that one or two are extremely curious in their hearts.

They are all looking forward to what kind of surprise the master craftsman they like can give them.

At the same time, Ye Heng's Twitter followers are still growing.

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