In fact, for most of the famous people, the public account for the public is more like a personal public relations method.

It is also a way for many famous people to maintain their popularity and reputation.

From a commercial point of view, these can be operated by commercial means.

Even, if the management is good, with Ye Heng's terrifying popularity, it is definitely a great potential wealth.

However, Ye Heng did not have this idea.

Whether it's opening, for Weibo or Twitter, it's purely... think about it, open it, and play with it.

It's just that Ye Heng simply wanted to test his influence and attract more fans to become Douyin users.

This is Ye Heng's only purpose.

As for Ye Heng, who makes money, he really didn't think about it.

He is now on Douyin and Douyin International, two channels for unlimited money.

It is estimated that the money spent from the beginning of the lottery to the current lottery is really much faster than doing any business.

In just a few days, Ye Hengguang spent more than one billion yuan to get out of the lottery.

Is there any legitimate business that can earn as fast as Ye Heng? Because of Ye Heng's previous video released by Zhao, it has attracted many fans internationally on Douyin.

This time, Ye Heng's opening, Twitter, can be regarded as a small sensation.

Even the speed of the growth of fans, as well as the news of Ye Heng's opening and Twitter, were also reported on a foreign news website.

However, this kind of news has no other bad effect on Ye Heng, except that it can increase exposure and attract fans for Ye Heng.

There is one thing in common! Whether you like Ye Heng or don't believe in Ye Heng.

Knowing that Ye Heng opened, after Twitter, they all followed Ye Heng.

Foreign fans who like Ye Heng are naturally supportive, and those who do not believe in Ye Heng naturally want to question and challenge Ye Heng through Twitter.

After all, many people's imitations of that magical organ beast have failed.

Although many people questioned Ye Heng's video comments on the international version of Douyin.

Seriously, Ye Heng really hasn't seen the video comments on the international version of Douyin.

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Chapter [-] Artist, Lord Bei, Black Widow!

The growth of Ye Heng's followers on Twitter is still very scary.

Deadline hours! Ye Heng's Twitter followers successfully exceeded [-] million.

Such a number of fans, even on Twitter, is extremely terrifying.

After all, on Twitter, users with more than [-] million followers are either...well-known star actors or...foreign government officials.

With his Chinese identity and millions of fans, Ye Heng is definitely the first.

This shows how attractive Ye Heng's craftsmanship is to these foreign fans.

Of course, this is not only attractive, but also has some people's doubts.

You know, the craftsmanship of foreigners has always been very strong.

In the eyes of most foreigners, Chinese young people are busy with studying and exam-oriented education.

Foreign countries are more open, focusing on craftsmanship and creation.

Therefore, many foreign young people like to make some novel things by hand in everything they do.

It's even been reported in the news before.

A pair of young brothers, relying on their own research, imitated and created an aircraft that can take people to fly.

Although the aircraft has flaws.

107 But after all, it is made, and it is a fact that it can fly.

There is also an [-]-year-old who studies nuclear in his own backyard, even attracting a visit from the country's leaders.

These............ all reflect the importance foreigners place on .. hands-on creation and production.'s not uncommon to see things like making roller coasters by hand in your own backyard.

But in Huaxia, children of most age groups are educated from childhood to adulthood.

Of course, this does not mean that the Chinese people's hands-on ability is weaker than others.

China's population of more than one billion cannot be overlooked, and there are countless masters hidden in the people.

It's just that Ye Heng's craftsmanship can amaze countless people even more.

By the end of the hour, Ye Heng's Twitter followers exceeded [-] million.

At this time, Ye Heng posted welfare news on Twitter.

"From now on, ten lucky fans will be randomly selected from the comment area, and a custom carved puppet will be given away."

After this benefit message is sent.

It immediately caused a stir among fans.

Many fans have seen the sculptures of this craftsman on Douyin.

The wooden sculpture carved with the girl as the model is vivid.

It also reveals a good temperament, which can be called a handicraft.

Just amazed them.

Heart of beauty in everyone.

These...foreign fans, who don't want Master Ye to carve a puppet of his own based on his own appearance. Immediately, the number of comments in the comment area began to grow wildly.

In order to increase the probability of being drawn, not everyone has posted a lot of comments.

This time Ye Heng didn't long is the deadline.

After all, it is not my race, its heart must be different, and the number of comments is almost the same.

Let the system randomly select ten 10 lucky fans to get it.

Anyway... Ye Heng is not familiar with foreigners, so it's different who they send.

When the number of comments in the comment area exceeds [-] million.

Ye Heng asked the system to randomly select ten 10 fans, and then announced them.

After the fan list was released, there was a sensation again below the comment area.

Ye Heng didn't care at first, if it wasn't for Zhang Qingchu reminding Ye Heng, it seems that some of the ten 10 fans seem to be quite famous.

It is estimated that Ye Heng simply ignored it.

Many people in the comment area are talking about the popularity of fans.

Jack Macquarie, Belle Grisley, John News, these three 3 fans drawn by Ye Heng are extremely famous people.

Jack Macquarie: American sculptor, artist, has great fame, and even his sculptures are collected by many collectors.

A sculpture once sold for $[-] million at auction.

Bergris: He once served in a certain airborne soldier in China, and received extremely cruel military training. After retiring, he engaged in wilderness exploration. Nicknamed Lord Bei, he is known as a man standing at the top of the food chain. He even recorded a program with the head of the United States. It can be said that , Even in China, Lord Bei is very famous.

Sly John News: In the American Hollywood blockbuster, a super heroine actor, with a charming appearance, was once rated as one of the top ten beauties in the United States.

Twitter, as a social network and microblogging service website in the United States, is one of the ten most visited websites on the global Internet.

These...people with great fame naturally also have their own Twitter.

Because it can communicate with fans who like themselves.

What Ye Heng didn't expect was that these three people actually followed him and became his fans.

And in order to carve a puppet, leave a message under the comment area, and it was selected by the system.

Ye Heng even doubted whether the system was intentional. "The system, you're afraid it was intentional."

Ye Heng couldn't help but ask.

Writing the plot in this way can easily make readers think that the author is in the water plot! "This system calculates accurately, and there is no intentional theory."

said the system.

"All right!"

in spite of....

Whether the system was intentional or not, Ye Heng couldn't say anything.

However, the influence of these three people is indeed very large.

Many Ye Heng fans are also fans of these three people.

One is an artist and also a master sculptor.

One is a strong man in the wild, known as a man standing at the top of the food chain.

Another is a beautiful and well-known actress.

These three people, no matter which one they are, are the existences that are sought after by the public! "What are you going to do now?"

Zhang Qingchu asked.

"Contact them, ask them to post photos, or come over in person, I will carve the puppets for them, and it's done."

Ye Heng said very calmly.

If these three people go out, they will definitely be sought after by a group of people.

But when he arrived at Ye Heng, Ye Heng was extremely bland, even casual.

"that's it"

Zhang Qingchu couldn't help but ask.

"Then what do you think"

Ye Heng smiled and said, "Should I invite them!"

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