Seeing the appearance of the three of them, Ye Heng knew that the three were afraid that they had misunderstood their meaning.

Ye Heng said with a smile: "You misunderstood what I meant, I have no other meaning, but it is useless for you to study the beasts."

"Master Ye, what do you mean by this?"

Zhang Zilai asked.

"Let me tell you the truth, the craftsmanship involved in the production of the beasts is simple and simple, and complicated and complicated. The most important thing is the use of the mechanism. I will ask you, how much do you know about the mechanism?"

Ye Heng said.


Hearing this, a thoughtful expression appeared on Zhang Zilai's face.

"Any mechanism, everything can be explained by science."

Wang Ping retorted: "If you can fully describe this so-called mechanism technique to us, we can use science to prove the principle of this mechanism technique."

"That's right."

Li Qing echoed: "Any mechanism has its own principles, and these... can be answered through knowledge."

"Wang Ping, Li Qing, you two are going too far."

Zhang Zilai couldn't help scolding at this moment.

Anyway, in someone else's house.

Such a tone of speech is extremely impolite.

And the other party is also a famous craftsman.

Li Qing and Wang Ping are both seniors, so they can't talk like this.

"Vice President, I have no other intentions."

Wang Ping explained: "I just want to explain that science can explain everything."

"Vice President, any thing can be studied with knowledge. As long as we can understand the principle and mechanism of its existence, we will be able to understand it."

Li Qing said.

"I think you two are confused about reading."

Zhang Qingchu sneered.

Zhang Qingchu, who was on the side, was extremely dissatisfied with the attitude and tone of this man and woman, the two young people.

After hearing what the two of them said now, the anger in the stomach is even more, and now it is directly vented.

"What do you mean, am I right?"

Li Qing was dissatisfied.

"I don't know anything else, your attitude of making a final decision really makes me doubt whether you are a genuine employee of the Science and Technology Park, I dare not say anything else, but the North Muda Triangle, and those... ....The whirlpool black hole that exists in the sea, can you explain it with science?"

I heard what Zhang Qingchu said.

Li Qing's expression suddenly froze.

In her excitement, she really forgot about this.

But in fact, there are still many things in the world that science cannot explain.

But they study in the Science and Technology Park all day, and sometimes they ignore many common things.

"These...unsolved things, it's not that our country has not researched them, and so many countries in the world have not yet used scientific and reasonable explanations."

Wang Ping defended.

"Elder Zhang, it's not that I'm rude, but the logic of these two young people's thoughts is really disturbing."

Zhang Qing had something to say at first.



Wang Ping and Li Qing were about to refute, but they were interrupted by Zhang Zilai.

"associate dean."

"You two really threw the face of the Academy of Science and Technology."

Zhang Zilai hates iron not being steel: "I train you every day and take you to do experiments. As a result, after a long time, there is no basic logic and judgment on external things. It really disappoints me."

The one in Zhang Zilai's heart... Angry! Wang Ping and Li Qing are just making a fool of themselves and slapping their face.

As a scientific researcher, no one dares to talk too much about scientific matters.

Even those masters of science who have been famous for a long time would not dare to speak like that.

It turned out that the two young academicians in the Science Park actually directly said that 107 made such a mindless remark.

It's just a joke.

"After the two of you go back, make a deep review. If you can't reflect on it, there is no need to continue to stay in the Academy of Science and Technology."

Zhang Zilai said angrily.

Wang Ping and Li Qing did not dare to speak when they heard the words.

Don't look at Zhang Zilai who is usually easy to talk, but when he really gets angry, no one in the Academy of Science and Technology is not afraid.

Seeing Zhang Zilai getting angry, Ye Heng also smiled.

"Little tiger, come here."

Ye Heng shouted.

At this moment, outside the house, a... huge figure walked directly into the house.

Wang Ping and Li Qing were almost scared to death, and even the two bodyguards next to Zhang Zilai almost started to do it.

No way, who let in a tiger with such a huge size.

Anyone else would be afraid.

"do not worry."

Ye Heng smiled and said, "Xiao Hu is very obedient, isn't it, Xiao Hu"

Hearing this, Xiaohu nodded very obediently.

Zhang Zilai and the others looked incredible.

Sure enough, it is such a miraculous mechanical beast, it can even understand human speech, it is obviously... something made of wood, why does it have such miraculous properties and below, Ye Heng showed it to them with his own hands.

Chapter [-]: The Mysterious Organ Core

In the terrified eyes of Zhang Zilai and others.

The tactical beast, the little tiger, was obediently lying on the table, extremely obedient.

Although that huge figure completely occupied the table.

But what reassured Zhang Zilai and the others was that, at least....... this behemoth didn't make any changes.

And the two bodyguards who followed, also had lingering fears at this time.

They looked at each other and saw what the other was trying to express in the eyes of the other.

If such a behemoth launches an attack, there is really nothing they can do to stop it.

Even if both of them are special forces of the special forces.

But such a behemoth, at such a close distance, is more terrifying than any weapon.

"To be able to make this kind of thing, what kind of person is this... Master Ye?"

The two special forces acting as bodyguards thought to themselves.

In front of Ye Heng before, Wang Ping and Li Qing, who had spoken loudly, were terrified and did not dare to move.

"Master Ye, you are"

Zhang Zilai was extremely shocked in his heart, but he still asked with a calm expression on the surface.

"Don't you want to know the detailed production principles and processes?"

Ye Heng smiled and said, "Then I will use the little tiger as a model and explain it to you in detail."

Hearing this, a surprised smile appeared on Zhang Zilai's face.

Many people in the Academy of Science and Technology have been studying Organ Beasts for a long time, but the progress is really slow.

To be precise, there is no progress at all.

Even before, there were videos of every step of the young man's production process, but in many places, they still didn't understand at all.

Therefore, Zhang Zilai decided to bring two academicians to come in person.

If this... Master Ye can fully explain their doubts in detail, it will naturally be the biggest gain.

If this... Master Ye is unwilling, you can also negotiate conditions.

As long as the conditions are not excessive, they will be satisfied.

After all, the production of mechanical beasts is a completely new technology.

At least......, these technologies, they have not mastered.

Even, if it is based on the operation mechanism of beasts and the detailed process of power source, it will definitely be of great help to the domestic independent engine.

Therefore, such an opportunity must not be passed up.

But, from the beginning to now.

Zhang Zilai was not in a good mood, because Li Qing's rudeness and language were completely embarrassing to the Academy of Science and Technology.

This kind of appearance will leave the other party a very bad one. If Wang Ping and Li Qing caused this... Master Ye was angry, then it would really be worth the loss.

But from now on, the development of the start-up style is not bad.

This... Master Ye didn't care, nor was he angry.

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