"Thank you so much, Master Ye has nothing to lose."

Zhang Zilai quickly expressed his attitude.

"Don't rush to thank me."

Ye Heng said: "I show you Xiaohu, not purely to explain the principle to you, but mainly...I want you to understand why I said before, even if I explain it to you, you still don't understand."

Ye Heng said that at this time, Wang Ping and Li Qing did not dare to speak.

Zhang Zilai also said in a deep voice: "Master Ye, don't worry, if you don't understand, it means that our Institute of Science and Technology is not good at learning, and we can't blame anyone."

"Look carefully!"

After Ye Heng finished speaking, he started to do it.

Ye Heng started to do it.

Zhang Zilai and the others stared intently, not wanting to miss the slightest detail.

Even Wang Ping, who was on the side, had already taken out his mobile phone and started to imagine.

Of course, Ye Heng knew about the camera and didn't say anything.

Speaking of filming, Ye Heng posted the crafting video on Douyin before, every step is extremely detailed.

There is no hiding in the slightest.

Even if it is like this, many people still imitate step by step, but they are completely unable to make the production of tactical beasts, and even the principle is not understood.

Even with so many technical talents from the Academy of Science and Technology working together, they have not figured it out.

Not to mention, those... ordinary individuals or forces who want to imitate.

There is absolutely no hope at all! Xiaohu is lying on the table at this time, and the tiger's head is extremely gentle.

And under Zhang Zilai and others' comments, Ye Heng slowly took out the core of the mechanism from Xiaohu's forehead.

This is a square black box that is not.

From the outside, it is impossible to tell what kind of material this black square box is made of.

But the black box is very mysterious.

As Ye Heng took out the core of the mechanism from Xiaohu's head, Xiaohu also lost his vitality.

Lying on the table motionless, and a dead thing is useless.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Zilai set his eyes on the small black box in Ye Heng's hand.

Although I don't know what this thing is, it is clear that this thing is the core of these.... magical mechanism.

Even, these...organized beasts can run, fly, and understand human speech, and they are absolutely inseparable from being in a small black box.


Master Ye, what is this?"

Zhang Zilai couldn't help but ask.

"The core of the organization."

Ye Heng didn't hide it and said directly.

"Organization Core"

Hearing this, Zhang Zilai was even more confused: "Is there anything special?"

"The core of the mechanism is the most important part of every mechanism beast."

Ye Heng explained: "Don't look at the size of the core of Xiaohu's mechanical beast, but the parts it contains are at least... as many as millions, and each part is Zhao Shi, who has a special job, is connected with each other by means of mechanism, and it is the core of the mechanism that gives life to every mechanism beast."

"how is this possible"

Zhang Zilai couldn't help but said: "There are millions of parts in such a small thing, which can't be done without extremely precise instruments, and Master Ye, can you explain in detail what it means to connect with the mechanism?"

Ye Heng smiled when he heard the words: "To tell you the truth, these......the core of the organization is also something left by the ancestors, as for how to make it, I really don't know, but I am also the core of the organization at present. There are not many left, and there are not many mechanical beasts left, and the connection of the mechanical art is a handicraft passed down by the ancestors. The connection of the mechanical art is also the handed down of the ancestors. The mechanical art, I think Dean Zhang also listened Well, I don't need to say more, Zhang Yuanzhang, do you think the current science can explain the miraculous mechanism?"

Hearing this, Zhang Zilai was surprisingly silent and did not speak.

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Chapter [-] Handed down from the ancestors

After hearing Ye Heng's words, Zhang Zilai was stunned.

"associate dean"

"associate dean"

Seeing this scene, Wang Ping and Li Qing shouted softly.

This is Zhang Zilai's reversal.

Indeed, Ye Heng's words just now evoked Zhang Zilai's memories of some things in the past.

Zhang Zilai is very old.

But when Zhang Zilai was young, he had the privilege of seeing an incredible scene.

What happened in that scene has long been blocked by the country and cannot be shared.

More importantly, that kind of thing, at that time, almost no one would believe.

, but it actually happened.

And that event, even today, cannot be explained by science, as to why.

No one can know.

And the core of the mechanism that Ye Heng said was the mechanism involved.

At this time, what Ye Heng expressed was also very clear.

Organism, even if you use science and technology to study it, you will not be able to understand it.

To be precise, organ surgery is not part of the field of scientific research for the time being.

And the so-called core of the organ was passed down by Ye Heng's ancestors.

It is also the key to every mechanical beast.

107 As for how Ye Heng's ancestors made such an organ core, I am afraid no one knows.

Moreover, whether what Ye Heng said was true or not was still impossible to verify.

"Master Ye, you said just now that you don't have many organs left in your hands."

From Ye Heng's words just now, Zhang Zilai heard another... meaning.

That is, Ye Heng still has the core of the organ in his hand.


Ye Heng nodded with a smile: "There are not many handed down from the ancestors, use one less and one, except for these... already used to make mechanical beasts, there are not many left. "

"Can you lend me one and let me take it back to study?"

Zhang Zilai asked.

Now that you have come, you can't go back with nothing.

in spite of....

, How mysterious the core of this organ is, it should be brought back to observe and study with advanced instruments.

"That's no problem."

Ye Heng smiled and said, "You wait for me for a while."

After speaking, Ye Heng entered his studio.

Outside, only Zhang Qingchu and Zhao Liying were left.

As for.., the machine Ye Heng said was left by his ancestors, to be honest, Zhang Qingchu himself did not believe it.

Because if this is the case, Ye Heng will definitely say it in advance.

And it won't be the same as the game beasts at that time.

The most important thing is that in front of them, Ye Heng never mentioned anything about the core of the organization.

Now what is involved in the ancestors, unexpectedly, Ye Heng is completely nonsense.

And Zhao Liying was also puzzled.

She grew up with Ye Heng since she was a child, and she knew the most about Ye Heng.

Ye Heng also learned the craft from his deceased father.

She doesn't know if there is any mechanical technique, but the so-called core of the mechanism handed down from the ancestors is definitely not there.

Although Zhao Liying didn't know why Ye Heng made up such words to deceive these people.

But Ye Heng did this, naturally Ye Heng had plans.

Soon, Ye Heng came out of the studio with a small black square box in his hand.

"This is a new organ core. I haven't touched it yet, so I gave it to you."

Ye Heng smiled and handed over the core of the organ to Zhang Zilai.

"Master Ye, why are you so embarrassed?"

Zhang Zilai said quickly, "You can't take advantage of Master Ye like this."


Ye Heng smiled extremely innocently: "Doing something for the country is also my contribution."

"Then thank you so much, Master Ye."

Zhang Zilai was very moved.

Zhang Zilai carefully preserved the core of this organ that Ye Heng presented.

This has to be said to be a huge gain.

Because before, when they studied, they did not know the existence of the so-called core of the organization.

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