"Won!" Lin Yang's mentality is not as gentle as Lu Shen. When he sees the result, he can't help but reveal a little surprise.

Lu Shen had expected this result for a long time, so he didn't show any big mood fluctuation. He just nodded slightly and asked, "how much did you buy in altogether?"

Lin Yang looked down at the data that came from the manipulators and reported: "this morning plus the present, a total of 8 percent."

Lu Shen raised his eyebrows slightly: "only eight? I thought there would be 10% of them, my third uncle It's more stingy than I thought. "

Lin Yang smile: "add this 8%, your shareholding ratio has been very difficult to exceed."

Lu Shen's smile was a little more fierce.

"Who said Only these eight percent? "

Lin Yang stopped and looked up at Lu Shen: "so you are..."

Lu Shen's tone was a little more casual: "wait, you will know."

Lin yangman's questions can only be suppressed and nodded.

But he didn't wait long.

Half an hour later, the door of Lu Shen's office was knocked angrily.

Lu Shenyi raised his eyebrows and motioned to Lin Yang.

Lin Yang went to open the door.

Just as the door was just opened, it was pushed open from the outside by a strong force, and Lin yangtui almost fell down.

Lu Shen raises his head and sees the angry third uncle rushing in with the second uncle who is huddled together.

"Lu Shen!" The third uncle's face was flushed. Regardless of it, he roared to Lu Shen, "how dare you! How dare you do such a thing? "

Lu Shen but a polite smile: "uncle, what are you talking about, I can't understand."

Third uncle sneered: "my good nephew, don't say, today's stock is not your move."

"Oh?" Lu Shen tilted his head and looked up at him, "uncle, what you said is that Lu's company is my company after all. Seeing that someone is making a malicious short, I'll protect the company's share price. Is there any problem?"

The third uncle was attacked by a general, and he didn't know what to answer for a moment.

Lu Shen's eyes flashed a trace of cruelty, but his tone was still careless: "uncle, aren't you a member of Lu family? We should not worry about the abnormal fluctuation of Lu's stock as much as I do. How can we blame me in turn? "

The third uncle was open and speechless.

The smile on Lu's face slowly closed up and sat upright. His eyes became sharper: "still Third uncle, you know, who are the people who want to sell Lu's family at a low price on purpose? "

Three uncle a meal, behind the moment out of a cold sweat.

He was just in a fit of anger, and his mind was not clear.

If the performance of the other side in the morning still let him have a bit of luck, as soon as the opening of the afternoon, he immediately knew who the other party was.

This kind of hegemonic, no leeway, can not be others, only Lu Shen's means.

It's just that even if he's identified now, it's too late for him to quit.

He has thrown all his money and loans in, and now there is no possibility of withdrawing.

If he loses this game, he is not only penniless, but also heavily in debt.

So he had to bite his teeth and go on.

The only consolation in his heart is that Lu Shen does not have the support of his parents now, so the funds he has in hand will not be much different from his own.

But I didn't expect

Lu Shen's financial strength is much better than he expected.

He watched as he ran out of food and thought of the huge debt he was carrying behind him. He was angry for a moment, and regardless of it, he quarreled with Lu.

Although Lu Shen could not have failed to grasp his own handle, but he was so stupid to send his head to the door, which was a bit of a trap.

Lu Shen did not have to wait for the third uncle to understand the time, his body forward, posture showed a little aggressive.

Uncle, you and the second uncle, suddenly did not cry out

The second uncle didn't expect that he would be called suddenly. His body trembled for a moment, and his face was not bloody. He gave Lu Shen a weak smile: "no, I'm a little tired on the way here..."

"Oh," Lu Shen nodded in a pretentious manner. "I thought you did something bad. It seems that you just shrunk."

The second uncle's expression suddenly stiffened on the face, stiff smile: "you Are you kidding... "

Lu faint smile, did not continue to speak.

But the conversation between them has all fallen into the ears of the third uncle.

The third uncle's mind is like electricity. Within a few seconds, he recalled the actions of the second elder brother from this morning.

Abnormal heart, dodgy eyes, and what Lu Shen said just nowIn the morning, he was still wondering how Lu Shen predicted what he was going to do in advance.

If the second uncle betrayed himself Everything has been reasonably explained.

The third uncle suddenly turned his head to look at the second uncle and squeezed out two words from his teeth: "is it you?"

The second uncle hid and shook his head: "what What are you talking about... "

The third uncle glared at him: "you! You traitor! It's all you It's all your fault! How can I pull you in with such a straw bag

As he spoke, he approached the second uncle and raised his fist.

The second uncle flashed back, trying to avoid his fist.

But the third uncle's fist did not fall.

The second uncle turned his head and found that Lu Shen didn't know when he came out from behind his desk.

One hand held the fist of the third uncle, while shaking his head at the third uncle: "uncle, it's better not to fight in my office."

The third uncle wanted to break free of his fist, but Lu Shen was so strong that he didn't break free.

"Let go Third uncle after all or open mouth, "I don't fight!"

Lu Shen slowly relaxed.

The third uncle suddenly took back his hand and adjusted his clothes. He gave the second uncle a cold look and then took a step back.

"It seems that you already know," the third uncle turned his back to Lu Shen and said, "in the morning and in the afternoon, you are deliberately playing with me?"

Listen to his tone, should be to disclose all the responsibility to the second uncle.

This is not a mistake for the second uncle, so Lu Shen is too lazy to help him explain.

He just chuckled: "second uncle, you have admitted that you have done all this."

The third uncle glanced back at him: "I don't admit it's still useful? Is it not that all the old men have been revealed? "

The second uncle saw that the situation was not right and said, "I didn't..."

"Shut up!" The third uncle spoke impatiently and stopped him.

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