Lu Shen looks at the tense atmosphere between the two men and knows that even if the second uncle really finds a chance to clarify with the third uncle, what he and Lu Wei revealed is only a little bit of fur, which is not enough to support Lu Shen to make such a full preparation, and the third uncle is hard to believe.

"Third uncle," Lu Shen said at the right time, "are you tired of staying in Nancheng for so many years, so you want to make such a fuss?"

The third uncle sneered: "I'm so old. What are you doing with all this? Even if I get it, how many years can I enjoy it? All I have done is for the sake of my useless son

Lu Shen nodded slightly, and the answer was not unexpected.

At that time, his grandfather, out of brotherhood, sold a small part of Lu's shares to his brother, the father of the second and third uncles, at a very low price.

After the death of their father, they inherited the shares.

However, according to grandfather Lu Shen's will, after the death of the second and third uncles, if the next generation is required to inherit, the equity needs to be diluted by twice.

Grandfather should also worry about the possibility of power seizing in the future, so he specifically indicated this situation.

But he didn't think that his will would would make the second and third uncles unable to sit down.

"Third uncle," Lu Shen's tone was very light, "my father and I hardly go back to Nancheng. It doesn't mean that you do those things in Nancheng. We don't know."

The third uncle looked like a meal, his lips moved, but he still didn't speak.

"After all these years of private use of the Lu family's signboard to do business, because it's not too out of line, I didn't take care of it." Lu Shen continued with a light tone, "but according to what I know, the money you've got for so many years It's a lot more. "

He looked at two people in a casual way, but he didn't know why he felt a little chilly.

"Third uncle," Lu Shen walked up to him with one hand on his shoulder. "Even if the equity in your hand is diluted by half, plus the money earned over the years, your son can live well. You've been tossing about like this, but there's nothing left. "

Lu Shen's words hit the third uncle's pain.

In order to make such a fight today, he has promised countless favors and borrowed huge amounts of money.

But what he expected was nothing.

He estimated on his way that even if he sold all his assets, he would not be able to make up for the debts.

After living for so many years, he felt that money was like a mountain for the first time, and it oppressed him severely.

His back fell unconscious.

"Third uncle," Lu Shen's voice was a little comforting, "I've been tossing around all day today. I've estimated that the amount you put in should be about three times of your accumulated assets over the years."

The third uncle was no longer curious about why Lu Shen knew everything about himself. He was too lazy to continue to refute. He just nodded tired and did not speak out.

Lu Shen said softly: "that How are you going to repay it? "

The third uncle snorted coldly: "you didn't hurt me when I came here? Why shed crocodile tears with me

Lu Shen shook his head: "uncle, you are wrong. It's you who have brought you to this scene. But I It can save you. "

The third uncle, of course, didn't believe it. He thought Lu Shen was saying something sarcastic about himself. He looked up at him and said, "Lu Shen, you don't have to be too arrogant. Feng Shui turns around. You're happy today. When you get married tomorrow, without your powerful mother to support you, we'll see what will happen afterwards."

Lu Shen didn't poke her into the pain at all. Instead, she chuckled: "it seems that the third uncle doesn't believe me very much. Then I'll tell you the truth. Uncle, if you want to pay off the debt, you can't keep the Lu's equity. I can pay for it. You can take it to pay off the debt. Isn't this saving you? "

The third uncle stopped for a few seconds, but his expression did not ease down: "I underestimated you, Lu Shen, you have a big appetite. Isn't it enough to buy eight percent today? Do you want my stake? "

Lu Shen was not irritated by him, but shook his head gently: "uncle, why don't you understand? After today's day, haven't you seen it? I want shares. There are many ways to buy them. But if you want money, you have to sell the shares. I'm not hurting you. I'm helping you

Before the third uncle opened his mouth, the second uncle, who had been standing on one side, suddenly rushed over and grabbed Shen landing's arm and said, "Lu Shen, I can sell it to you! I can sell you all the stocks! "

Lu Shen turned his head and looked at his worried face and nodded gently: "uncle, don't worry. If you need money in a hurry, of course I can buy it from you."

The second uncle's face was full of anxiety: "yes! Of course I will

It is impossible that the second uncle has not spent any money at all. Although he must have spent less than the third uncle, he will naturally be in debt.The position of the third uncle was not very firm. His face was shaken by the second uncle.

"Second uncle," Lu Shen said mildly, "but I have to tell you something in advance. I will pay for it, but I can't trade with you at market price. After all, today's thing If you don't do well, no one will blame me if I don't help you. I'm willing to help you because we are consanguineous. I can't bear to see you forced into a desperate situation. "

The second uncle grabs his arm, just like a drowning man grabs a driftwood in the water. As soon as Lu Shen's voice falls, he quickly nods: "of course, I know! Price and other things are easy to discuss! If you don't pay back the money you owe... "

He shivered when he said this.

A little doubt flashed in Lu Shen's mind.

If you just borrow from the bank, I'm afraid the second uncle will not be so afraid.

It seems that They also borrowed some high private loans.

Seeing this clearly, Lu Shen felt more and more confident. He comforted his second uncle repeatedly to ensure that he would not bully others too much on the price, and would let him pay back the debt. At the same time, he pretended to look at the third uncle who was frozen in the side.

The third uncle's face is very stiff. He stares at the interactive second uncle and Lu Shen, and his fists are tightly squeezed together.

He wavered.

Lu Shen knew it in his heart, so he took back his eyes, turned his head and said to Lin Yang, who has been standing on one side, "ask my lawyer to come here."

Lin Yang went to Yan, and the lawyer soon came back.

If Qin Xi was present, she would certainly recognize the lawyer who helped her deal with the divorce case.

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