A larger spherical spaceship joined the team of Frieza's army, followed by many small spaceships.

This is Mu Chuan's combat team.

The spaceship and the main ship were connected.

They successfully entered Frieza's main ship.

A logistical astronaut hurried forward.

"My lord, King Frieza ordered you to meet him as soon as possible!"

Mu Chuan nodded and walked straight away.

He was not surprised at all. Although his combat power was not strong, his Saiyan identity was destined to be quite dazzling in Frieza's army.

No matter where he went or how much his strength improved, someone would always pay attention to him in secret!

This is also the reason why he went to the planet Solas so openly, and he was not worried that Frieza would know.

With Frieza's pride and tsundere, he would basically not pay attention to him unless he touched the bottom line.

What's more, his combat power was only a few thousand, which was not enough to really arouse Frieza's fear.

Came to Frieza.

"Meet the King!"

"Oh wow wow..."

"It's you!"

"How was the mission completed?" Frieza shook the red wine glass in his hand and said very comfortably.

For him, it didn't matter whether the mission was completed or not, it was just a topic.

Mu Chuan naturally knew it, and said without hesitation: "The mission has been completed!"

"Ararat has been sold in a package!"

"I heard you also went to Solas Planet?"

As soon as Frieza said this, Mu Chuan immediately knew that the business was coming.

"Because I think I am too weak to help King Frieza, I want to take this opportunity to quickly improve my combat power."

"So I went to the planet Solas and asked the Sora people to build a gravity room. With the gravity man, I can practice better and improve my combat power!"

"If my combat power is improved, I can also help King Frieza better!"

After Mu Chuan said this, Sabo and Poporia on the side narrowed their eyes.

This abominable wild monkey actually knows how to flatter!

You know, King Frieza really likes to hear these words the most. If the king is happy, it may make this wild monkey jump even more happily!

Sabo knows that King Frieza will never be a new Saiyan!

But Poporia is different...

He is narrow-minded and hates others competing for favor in front of King Frieza. Therefore, he looks at Mu Chuan very displeased at this time.

However, regardless of whether they have any objections or not, Frieza is extremely happy.

"Oh, wow, wow... Not bad, you know how to share the burden for me."

"Then do you know where my destination is this time?"

Mu Chuan was stunned and shook his head quickly.

Even if he knew, he dared not say it. After all, it was difficult to explain how he knew it. Instead of doing so, it is better to pretend that he doesn't know.

Frieza continued: "My destination this time is the planet of you Saiyans, Planet Vegeta!"

When he heard about Planet Vegeta, Mu Chuan showed a surprised expression at the right time.

This scene was obviously noticed by Frieza.

Frieza smiled.

"I need you to complete a mission!"

"There is a huge group of ambitious people on Planet Vegeta today, and they are driving Planet Vegeta to destruction."

"These ambitious people are crazy and persistent, and they may lead the Saiyans to destruction at any time. Your mission is to make the Saiyans other than those crazy ambitious people sincerely follow this king!"

"I wonder if you can do it?"

After Frieza finished speaking, his tail gently tapped his small aircraft, and the whole room seemed extremely silent.

Neither Sabo nor Popolia dared to speak.

Mu Chuan hurriedly lowered his head. If you look closely, you can see that there is a smile in his eyebrows.

He was also preparing to form his own Saiyan team, and he really didn't know how to start, and he was in a dilemma.

He never thought that Frieza would hand this opportunity to him. Isn't this just someone sending a pillow when you are sleepy?

And it was so blatant...

If he can't even do this with the imperial sword in hand, then there's no point in him staying here!

Besides, he also heard Frieza's request clearly.

Ambitious people... Aren't they the Saiyans headed by King Vegeta?

Apart from these, they can also be kept!

This made his blood boil.

Before he traveled through time, every time he cut the dragon ball, he was daydreaming, if the Saiyans had not been exterminated and developed normally, what a huge race they would have become!

That is a real fighting nation!

It's just that they didn't fully develop in the early stage, and they didn't find the right direction. If they were given the opportunity and time, they would even move in the right direction.

This will be the most terrifying race in the universe!

It used to be just a fantasy.

But now it is possible, and it will all be created by him. How can he not be excited?

But he suppressed his inner thoughts very well, and showed a little hesitation, and then looked up at Frieza.

"I... will definitely complete the task!"

"I will wait and see!"


The Frieza Army drove slowly.

Arrived at Planet Vegeta slowly.

The entire army landed slowly.

The logistics department of Planet Vegeta quickly received and guided the entire Frieza Army to land.

Planet Vegeta was originally called Planet Plant.

The original inhabitants, the Plant people, have extremely high intelligence and also have quite advanced technology. They are relatively weak and love peace.

When the Saiyans landed on the Plant Planet, the Plant people only wanted to coexist peacefully, but the Saiyans were an extremely barbaric race after all.

Especially when the moon was full!

When the moon was full, all the Saiyans turned into gorillas and wantonly destroyed the Plant Planet. During this period, the Plant people were completely exterminated by the Saiyans who turned into gorillas.

So far, they have monopolized the Plant Planet.

Because King Vegeta was the first King of the Saiyans, he changed the planet to Vegeta Planet and also received the original technology of the Plant Planet.

Otherwise, a barbaric race like the Saiyans would naturally not have such high technology.

Frieza's army descended.

All the Saiyans came out and looked at the huge army in the sky. All the Saiyans felt unprecedented pressure!

That was the oppression from the emperor of the universe!

King Vegeta was the first to bear the brunt and led a group of senior warriors to greet Frieza. At this moment, King Vegeta still showed respect for Frieza.

There is no trace of his ambition.

However, barbarism has long been engraved in his bones, and it is impossible for him to always submit to others, even the so-called universe emperor Frieza, in front of the Saiyans.

That is just a stepping stone!

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