"Oh, ha ha ha..."

"Isn't this King Vegeta?"

"It's been a long time since we last met!"

Frieza's classic opening line.

King Vegeta frowned, feeling an inexplicable dislike for Frieza, and naturally became even more unhappy because he had ambitions.

But now was not the time to turn against him.

King Vegeta still behaved respectfully.

"Hello, King Frieza!"

Frieza did not reply, but just looked around and looked at these so-called Saiyan superior warriors, who basically had a combat power of nearly 10,000.

If you can truly become a member of Frieza's army, it can also increase the combat power of the army!

Seeing that Frieza did not reply.

King Vegeta's face was ashen.

Sabo stood up at the right moment and said, "On the way here, we just met a wandering Saiyan. King Frieza thought he was good and planned to train him well!"

"And for so long, the Saiyans have been wandering outside the army. Now they come here not only to observe, but also to form a Saiyan team!"

"Let the Saiyans truly integrate into the army."

"If there are people who look good, then recommend them all!"

At this time, Sabo signaled Mu Chuan to stand up.

Mu Chuan was not timid, and stood up without hesitation, looking at his wild aura and the tail shaking behind him.

The many Saiyans present instantly confirmed his identity.

He is indeed a pure Saiyan.

However, why he wandered is not known for the time being, but since he can be valued by Frieza, he definitely does not belong to their group.

Even if King Vegeta is reluctant, he has to agree.

"We dare not disobey the king's order, but please give us some time, after all, we want to recommend more outstanding Saiyans to the king!"

"Then you can do whatever you want as soon as possible!"

Sabo said indifferently.

In fact, they are more here to find trouble. If the Saiyans really can't stand it, they can just find an excuse to destroy Planet Vegeta.

Of course...

If it is not necessary, they can still be used as mercenaries.


After bidding farewell to Frieza.

King Vegeta and other senior Saiyan warriors gathered together. At this time, everyone fell silent. They never thought that Frieza would be so aggressive.

He even put forward such an irresistible condition!

At that time, they wanted to explode suddenly!

In the silent hall, a Saiyan took the lead in speaking and breaking the silence.

"What should we do? Do we really have to hand over our people to Frieza's rule?"

"Why don't we rebel now?"

"No, it's not the right time yet. We have to wait until he is completely careless before we can truly rebel against him!"

King Vegeta rejected their suggestion directly. In his opinion, it was not the right time yet, and Frieza and others were already a little afraid of them.

They had just landed and had not let down their guard. If they took action at this time, the probability of failure was very high!

Therefore, King Vegeta decided...

to hand over the imprisoned criminals to Frieza.

"Doesn't the wandering Saiyan want to form his own combat team? Then hand over all the criminals to him."

"They are all a group of unrepentant, vicious guys, and they are all low-level fighters!"

"There are not many mid-level fighters. It is a waste of food to lock them up. Besides, they are all uncontrollable people. It is better to let them deal with it!"

King Vegeta's decision stunned all the Saiyans present. They never thought that King Vegeta would make such a decision.

For a moment, I didn't know whether it was good or bad.

The next second, another Saiyan said: "Wouldn't this help the evil? If those evil Saiyans are released, they will point the spearhead at us. Wouldn't that be bad?"

King Vegeta was dismissive of this.

"They are just a group of low-level warriors. Although they have Saiyan blood, they are so inferior that they are about to be eliminated."

"They are useless even if they are used as cannon fodder. What's wrong with giving them to him!"

When King Vegeta said this, all the Saiyans present were silent instantly. Although they still had some concerns in their hearts, this was the best result.

When Mu Chuan was told that he could go to select people, he already had some premonitions in his heart.

For someone as strong as Frieza, he directly gave orders without any discussion at all, which made King Vegeta quite embarrassed!

After all, he is the king of a race!

But now he is bullied like this, what's wrong with him?The Saiyans shouldn't be that strong!

When the Saiyan who led him took him to the prison, he suddenly realized that this might be his next team.

"Sure enough..."

"King Vegeta will never be so kind. They are probably all a group of vicious guys, and they are all a group of lower-level warriors!"

He was not surprised by this, and he didn't think there was anything wrong with it!

Although the Saiyans, a so-called fighting nation, are divided into upper, middle, and lower-level warriors by genes and combat power since birth.

But this division is not accurate.

It can also make their combat power stronger through acquired improvement, but most Saiyans have no idea how powerful their body is.

It's a complete waste of their excellent bloodline!

If he is allowed to lead, all the lower-level warriors can become existences that surpass the upper-level warriors, and even become a terrifying race in the universe.

At this moment.

He is already looking forward to it.


The prison gate was opened, and the Saiyan who led Mu Chuan to the prison said coldly: "You can choose any Saiyan here. If you can tame them all, it doesn't matter if you take them all away!"

After saying that, he turned around and left without much hesitation.

Mu Chuan didn't mind the other party's attitude.

It would be strange if he had a good attitude.

Now he is on the side of Frieza's army, which means that it is enough. In addition, his identity is almost equivalent to a traitor.

Who will give him a good face?

But he doesn't care. Anyway, it won't be long before Planet Vegeta will be destroyed. With King Vegeta's character, he will definitely not tolerate people.

It won't be long...

He will definitely rebel!

At that time, he can really feel the oppression of Frieza.

That is the power of the real emperor of the universe!

Mu Chuan now set his sights on the prison, because the prison gate suddenly opened, all the criminals inside were surprised, and their eyes revealed murderous intent.

Waves of powerful fighting power gushed out.

A barbaric atmosphere rushed in!

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