"Oh, oh, oh, oh!"

"Your Majesty Camilla, are you going to hold on?"

Frieza stood on the cliff, looking at the burly man who was struggling to survive below with interest.

With a combat power of 130,000, King Camilla is also a cosmic overlord.

Even if Jilo fights him, he dare not say that he will win.

But against the cosmic emperor Frieza, this little strength is really powerless to compete.

"Damn Frieza! You hateful robber..."

With blood flowing from the corner of his mouth, King Camilla's eyes spewed out strong hatred.

The winner is the king and the loser is the bandit, this is the law of survival in the universe.

But watching the overwhelming wealth fall into his own backyard, it was picked up by Frieza.

What's more outrageous is that he robbed it, but he actually wanted to kill all the Camilla people.

It would be strange if King Camilla was not angry about such a butcher's behavior!

"Roar, roar, roar, others have the right to question me like this, but you, King Camilla, don't!"

"Over the years, many planets in this star field have been destroyed by you, Camilla."

"What's there to be angry about? Yesterday it was him, today it's you..."

As he spoke, Frieza pointed a finger at Camilla's heart.

On the fingertips, the bright red light kept flashing.

What Frieza said was true, and King Camilla was not a good person either.

In the decades after he became king, he madly oppressed the alien civilizations around him.

For the cosmic hegemony, don't talk about morality.

For this cat-and-mouse game centered on slaughter, Frieza was obviously a little tired of playing.

King Camilla, who knew he could not escape death, wailed to Frieza: "Kill me! I only ask you to leave some fire for the Camilla people!"

"I feel guilty towards the Camilla people, but I will never regret it!"

In a short moment, King Camilla closed his eyes and reviewed his legendary life at the speed of light.

He rose from obscurity and led Camilla to dominate the nearby star field of hundreds of light years, and no one could defeat him!

However, sooner or later, there will be a moment of ending in the drama of cosmic hegemony.

King Camilla had already been fully prepared for his own death.

But he really didn't want to ruin the future of the entire civilization because of his wrong judgment.

Such an outrageous request would definitely not be accepted by others.

But for Frieza, this is a routine operation.

Of course, whether he is willing to leave fire for the Camilla people depends on Frieza's mood.

Obviously, the king is in a very good mood now.


"Oh, oh, oh, oh! Since I'm in a good mood, I decided--"

"Destroy all the Karami people to celebrate the complete victory of this war!"

"What are you waiting for? Get started!"

Ignoring the angry King Camilla, Frieza turned around and glanced at his subordinates behind him.

Dodoria and Sabo, who had been waiting for Frieza's order.

And the Ginyu Special Forces who had been watching the excitement on the side, scattered and slaughtered!

The war on Camilla continued, but from this moment on, it changed from resisting the invasion to a one-sided massacre!

"Frieza!!! You devil!!!"

The ferocious-looking King Camilla stood up with his back teeth bitten.

He used up the last bit of strength in his body and sent a weak energy wave towards Frieza.


Frieza didn't even make a move, and just used his momentum to detonate the slowly flying gas bomb.

"I didn't expect you still had the energy left. You are worthy of being King Camilla! Admirable!"


Frieza clapped regularly, praising King Camilla generously, his tone full of sarcasm.

"Don't be complacent... It's me today, and you will have such a day in the future! Bastard..."

Dragging his heavy body, King Camilla stood firm and spoke his "curse" word by word!

Of course, in Frieza's eyes, such childish behavior was Camilla's last stubbornness.

"Hahahaha! You are so humorous, Your Majesty!"

"Humph! How could anyone in this universe defeat me?! Hahahaha!"

Frieza laughed confidently, as if King Camilla had told him a very funny joke.

However, just when the laughter was halfway out, a discordant sound rang out.

"In fact, there are many people in the universe who can defeat you."

Mark, who had arrived here to watch the show a long time ago, really couldn't stand the king's pretentiousness and boasting.

When Frieza and his group fought, they relied heavily on the detector.

But the detector was difficult to detect.Detected the Dragon Ball warriors who could control the breath.

Mark was wearing the combat uniform of the Frieza Army, and the detector hanging on his ear was similar in appearance.

When he arrived just now, he didn't even look for a hillside to hide behind.

He got into the pile of soldiers openly and watched the show with interest.

Of course, this show is quite boring!

The whole time, he was watching Frieza, the king of idiots, pretending to be idiots!

Seeing that Frieza was getting more and more free, Mark planned to teach him a lesson.

Flying out from a group of soldiers who didn't leave, he didn't care about Frieza's scarlet eyes staring at him.

Flying between Frieza and King Camilla, Mark casually threw a Senzu bean to King Camilla.

"Eat it, and do what you need to do!"

After saying that, Mark no longer paid attention to the dying but stunned King Camilla.

Turning around, he said loudly to himself: "In this universe, there are indeed many people who can defeat you, Frieza."

"For example, your brother, Mr. Cool, can easily defeat you!"

"So that's it! You are from the Eastern Galaxy?!"

The person Mark mentioned first was Frieza's brother Cool.

Cool is also the son of King Kurd, and he is the king of the Eastern Galaxy.

In terms of his own strength, he is much stronger than Frieza.

As a member of the Frozen Demon Clan, Cool also has the ability to transform, and one more than Frieza.

The combat power is also very strong. Cool's final form can reach 480 million combat power.

It is four times Frieza's peak state!

Being able to say the name Cool, Frieza immediately tried to test Mark.

Mark didn't indulge Frieza for the bad habit of arranging his birthplace at random: "How is it possible! The Frozen Demon Clan wants me to bow down? Are you worthy?"

He looked at Frieza with a sidelong look, put his hands behind his back and said in the most disdainful tone.

Mark decided to use Frieza's best way of pretending to be awesome to deal with him, the original creator!

Use Frieza's way to block Frieza's way of pretending to be awesome.

Mark would like to call this move - take the opponent's way and let him get out of the way!

As expected, Mark, who jumped out inexplicably, despised him so much.

Even the king who always claimed to have a good temper couldn't help but get angry!

"You damn bastard, turn into cosmic dust!"

Frieza didn't bother to care whether Mark was a member of Gula.

Even if he dared to humiliate himself and the Frozen Demon Clan, Frieza had sufficient reasons to kill him!

A death ray came, and Mark calmly stretched out his index finger: "Dongdongbo!"

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