Super Mask Zamasu tried hard to repair his body, but found that he was helpless.

He seemed to have lost control of his body, and his ability to repair himself disappeared as he became possessed.

He was unwilling to accept this cruel fact.

His immortality had disappeared.

"You are trapped in a demon barrier and are already dead." Dalot turned around coldly, staring at the half-dead Super Masked Zamasu with his scarlet eyes.

The winner is decided.

Super Masked Zamasu, the defeat is determined

"No... How can a mere human like you decide the fate of God... I... I……"Before Super Masked Zamasu finished speaking, a burst of white light emerged from his body.

He was withering bit by bit, and finally turned into particles and scattered in space.

Gogete's special move had caused indelible damage to his body and essence.

Now Dalot pierced through his body in an instant, and his weakened immortal body finally couldn't bear it at this moment and broke into pieces.

"You are such a difficult guy. I have lived for such a long time, but this is the first time I have fought such a difficult battle. However, the ending is good, you finally died."Dalot took a deep breath, and in his breath perception, Super Masked Zamasu was already dead.

Even he himself did not expect that this time and space would deviate so seriously because of his arrival.

First it was Masked Black Goku.

Now there is another Super Masked Zamasu.

Even he, who was a Super Saiyan at the fourth stage, almost lost his life.

But fortunately, it was a blessing in disguise, and he successfully broke the limit and achieved the transformation of Super Saiyan at the fifth stage.

Now that the matter here has been resolved, it is time to go back.

With the sudden arrival of GT Son Goku and GT Vegeta, he had to ask where they were sucked to after he left.

With a thought, Dalot raised his hand and opened the space-time tunnel to the world connected to super time and space.

This is a new power he mastered after breaking through to the fifth level of Super Saiyan.

Before, when he met the high priest, he had witnessed the horror of the power of space.

Before coming to the future time and space, he vaguely mastered a part of the power of space.

In addition, after he felt the slash of Super Masked Black Goku that opened the crack in time and space, his mastery of the power of space has reached a higher level.

Now that he has broken through the limit and reached the fifth level of Super Saiyan, the power of the law of space can also be perfectly exerted.

Just when Dalot thought that the troubles of the future world had been perfectly solved and was about to enter the space-time tunnel to leave the future time and space, a change occurred.

At the location where Super Masked Zamasu disappeared, a thick black mist suddenly emerged.

The majestic breath of death poured in all directions and spread.

"Hahahahahahahahahahaha~~~!!! You can't kill me!! Saiyan!!"From the thick smoke came the almost crazy and twisted cry of Super Masked Zamasu.

The thick black air contained the indestructible spirit of Super Masked Zamasu.

This guy abandoned his original body and planned to assimilate the world with his own body!

No! His ambition is not limited to this. He doesn't want to assimilate the world, he wants to assimilate all parallel time and space as part of himself! He wants to devour all parallel time and space with his own body! Replace himself and become the only world.

This empty world was swallowed up by the infinitely spreading black air of Super Masked Zamasu, and even the world at the end of the space-time rift could not avoid being swallowed by this evil breath.

He is pouring towards the end of the world without restraint.

"I almost forgot that you have this trick. You know you can't beat me, so you use your body to assimilate the world and turn yourself into the ideal world?"Dalot closed the time-space tunnel, stared into the void with a serious look, and muttered to himself.

At this moment, the end of the void was filled with the distorted and ugly face of Super Masked Zamasu.

This guy is obsessed and completely hopeless.

In the original work, Fused Zamasu once turned into Infinite Zamasu because of failure, trying to replace the whole world.

Now, Super Masked Zamasu has embarked on the same path.

I remember that this guy was finally solved by the Omni-King. I don't know if Dalot can deal with such a monster.

"Because of my attack, you were broken and stood up, abandoning your physical body and merging with this empty world?" Dalot looked at the sky and said in a deep voice.

"Hahahaha~~!! You are worthy of being a Saiyan who can defeat me. So what if you saw through it? Do you think, with your current self, you can defeat me? Not only this world, but also other worlds, I will devour them! All parallel worlds will be purified into ideal worlds under my power!!"Super Masked Zamasu... No! At this moment, he should be called Infinite Zamasu!

He thinks that he has assimilated this world, and no one can defeat him.

Unless... they don't want this world, and other parallel worlds!

The next second, the void suddenly became gloomy and dark, wrapped in endless space-time turbulence.

When the light completely dissipated, the faces of Zamasu in the space-time turbulence became countless, and the blood-red eyes overlooked this empty world, and the twisted huge mouth and fangs were even more terrifying. The shrill laughter made people creepy and their scalps numb.


Blood-red light was released from the abyss.

The power that was enough to annihilate everything swept from the sky, attacking Dalot with the terrifying power to devour everything.

This vast blood-red light was no less destructive than the destructive energy of the God of Destruction, and even more powerful than the God of Destruction, Biru, at full power.���The destructive power was terrifying.

Facing this terrifying force, Dalot moved his mind, and the energy of the fifth stage of Super Saiyan surged, covering his whole body, forming an indestructible protective shield.

‘Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!……’

In the void, energy explosions occasionally occurred, and Infinite Zamasu launched a comprehensive bombing on Dalot.


At the same time, in another parallel world, the face of Infinite Zamasu spread through the cracks in space and time, and it looked like he was about to swallow up this world.

"This guy is... Zamasu? How did he suddenly become like this?!"Super Goku was surprised

"Such a deep evil... This guy is going to attack our world!"Noticing the actions of Infinite Zamasu, Super Vegeta was ready.

In that distorted face, in that huge mouth of the abyss, Infinite Zamasu condensed a terrifying energy light.

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