However, before this power could be condensed, it was blocked by a mysterious force.

This power came from the angel.

"It seems that the situation in the future world is more serious than we thought."The God of Destruction, Beerus, looked at the sky with a serious look in his eyes.

At this moment, how could he not sense it?

The bottomless evil spirit of Infinite Zamasu has surpassed the realm of the God of Destruction and has completely fallen into an evil god.

"Yes... I hope... Dalot-san can really deal with this Zamasu."Whis muttered to himself.

At the same time, he also used his angel staff to cast a space blockade to intercept the Infinite Zamasu outside this world.

Not only the super space-time, but even other parallel space-times have been invaded by the Infinite Zamasu.

The space-time with angels is okay, at least with the ability of angels, they can perfectly block the spread of Infinite Zamasu.

But those space-times without angels, the parallel space-times that belong to the branch of the Dragon Ball world, are in trouble. The power of Infinite Zamasu makes all lives wail and suffer.

Only when Infinite Zamasu is completely put to an end, the world will truly usher in peace.


Future world.

Main battlefield.

The light of judgment poured down towards Dalot's body. The absolute destructive power even caused several cracks in Dalot's protective shield.

"How long do you want to resist?! Die under the light of God's judgment!! Dalot!! You have repeatedly stood in the way of God, you are a sinner!!!" Infinite Zamasu roared hysterically.

This roar contained the boundless anger and murderous intent of Team Dalot.

It was this human in front of him who forced him to this point.

If it weren't for this damn human's obstruction, his plan would have succeeded long ago, and he would not have fallen to the point of becoming a world.

"Sinner?! Stop being so self-righteous, you bastard!! You are nothing but a fallen god! What qualifications do you have to blame me?! Since this is your last resort, let me completely crush your ambition!!"With a roar, Dalot fully exploded the energy pool of the fifth stage of Super Saiyan. The fighting power of 1024 Jian was fully exploded.

The white light swept across this world like a huge wave.

The light of judgment of Infinite Zamasu was completely destroyed.

After his observation, he had found the weakness of Infinite Zamasu.

It just depends on whether he can completely penetrate this dark fog and kill this guy.

"At this point, do you still want to resist to the end?! Die!!!"Infinite Zamasu's face became more distorted, and the judgment beam he released became even bigger.

Facing the sweep of this majestic energy, Dalot clenched his teeth, and the true body of Infinite Zamasu flashed in his eyes.

He found where this guy's body was.

This is easy!

His eyes locked on the location, and a layer of scarlet light flashed around the white energy of Dalot.

"Explosive Power: Twenty Times!!!" Using the explosive power skill again, Dalot's energy increased explosively

‘boom~~~~!!!!!’The terrifying energy beam rose up in an instant, carrying the power of destroying everything in its path, tearing through the space, penetrating the darkness, and opening up a tunnel in the thick black fog.

At this moment, Dalot's combat power also rose to an extremely terrifying level, surpassing the realm of the eleventh dimension in an instant and entering the twelfth dimension.

His combat power data directly entered the positive unit, reaching the node of 2 positive 48 ravines!!

Dalot, with full firepower, was like a god of war, moving forward unstoppably, the white breath and the scarlet evil spirit blended with each other, drawing a perfect arc in the void.

This scene was like the light of hope breaking through the sky and bringing dawn.

Penetrating the darkness, Dalot appeared in front of the real body of Infinite Zamasu.

His body had completely turned into mud at this moment. How could he still have the posture of a god? He was clearly a twisted monster trapped in darkness and unable to extricate himself.

The moment Infinite Zamasu saw Dalot, a scarlet beam of light spurted out from his muddy mouth, trying to repel Dalot, but was slapped away by a palm.

At the same time, the strong breath of death became stronger and stronger, and Infinite Zamasu felt an unprecedented crisis.

Dalot's fist was covered with colorful rays of light, which was the source of his uneasiness and ominousness.

"No! Stay away from me! I am a god! I must not fall here!!"Feeling the fatal crisis, Infinite Zamasu began to struggle, but unfortunately, Dalot's breath had completely blocked his movements and the surrounding space.

"Take your twisted ambition away, soul punishment and purification~!!"As soon as the words fell, the colorful rays of light in Dalot's palm turned into endless particles, penetrating the body of Infinite Zamasu.

"How could it be... No!!!"With a painful wail, the Infinite Zamasu's true body turned into particles floating in the sky.

As the true body disappeared, the thick black fog gradually faded away.

The world regained its light.

Standing in the center of the void, Dalot stood here as a Super Saiyan 5th level king.

The world returned to its original state because of the demise of Infinite Zamasu.

The torn cracks in time and space were also restored one by one.

"Finally... it's over." The corners of his mouth rose and fell slightly, and Dalot exhaled a turbid breath, and the fifth stage of Super Saiyan disappeared.

It had just been a short time since he broke through this state, and such a fierce battle had already wasted a lot of physical strength.

This last move annihilated Infinite Zamasu, and he even took out twenty times the explosive power, and the physical consumption was very amazing.

If Infinite Zamasu can't be killed in this way, then there is really no way.

The crisis of the future world is solved here.

Dalot, with his mortal body, surpassed the gods and killed the evil god!

His strength and his actions were seen by the angels and high priests of this world.

Suddenly, a sacred white light bloomed right above Dalot, and Dalot subconsciously raised his head.

The angel Whis of this world descended

"It's you... Weiss of this world. I have solved the troubles of this time and space for you." Dalot patted his shoulder and said with a smile

"Thinking about it now, it's incredible, Mr. Dalot, you have done something that even gods can't do with your human body."Weiss fell from the void to Dalot's side, his eyes full of admiration and disbelief.

He has lived for an unknown amount of time, the universe has been destroyed again and again, and it has been reborn again and again. They are the angels who have been watching over this world from generation to generation. This is the first time he has seen a human as powerful as Dalot.

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