"Honestly, if you were a being in this time and space, I really want you to stay and be the God of Destruction of this world." Weiss stared at Dalot and inadvertently revealed his true thoughts.

"Become a God of Destruction? You said the same thing to me in the past, but I rejected you. Now that the seventh universe has disappeared, what will you do next as angels? I'm very curious."Dalot narrowed his eyes and asked jokingly.

"Every time a universe dies, we angels will quietly wait for the birth of the next universe. So far, I have witnessed the death and rebirth of countless universes."Whis said.

His answer made Dalot's eyes flash with a gleam of brilliance.

As he thought, angels existed before the birth of the universe.

Thinking carefully about the implication of Whis' words, he has witnessed the death and rebirth of many universes... hiss~!

This is an incredible old monster, who is many times older than the God of Destruction Beerus.

"Now that the crisis in this world has been resolved, Dalot-san, let me take you back to your original time and space."Weiss took the initiative to suggest.

By the way, let's take advantage of the situation and repay Dalot's favor this time.

"There is no need for that. Do you think I am still the same person as before?"With a slight rise and fall in the corner of his mouth, Dalot mobilized the energy pool of the fifth stage of Super Saiyan, and opened a time tunnel with a raise of his hand.

At the end of this time tunnel is the past time.

Seeing that Dalot has been able to open up his own time tunnel, Weiss was also surprised for a moment.

After living for so many years, this is the first time he has seen a human who has opened up his own space tunnel by himself.

Dalot's existence has subverted his understanding of humans.

"I'm going ahead. Maybe, if we are destined to meet again in the future, the Vess of this world." Leaving behind a meaningful sentence, Dalot angrily entered the space-time tunnel.

As he entered, the space-time tunnel slowly closed.

Looking at the closed space-time tunnel, Vess's mouth slightly rose and fell, and the expression on his face was quite meaningful.

"Maybe we will have a chance to see each other again, Mr. Dalot"


With the death of Infinite Zamasu, the cracks in time and space slowly closed, and the unsettling evil aura disappeared.

"That aura disappeared... Dalot succeeded." The God of Destruction Beerus muttered to himself. He secretly breathed a sigh of relief. The troubles in their world were resolved, and there was no need for him to solve the problem.

But he was worried about whether Dalot had mastered stronger power after his return.

If this guy came to challenge him in the future, should he accept it or not...

If he didn't accept it, it would be a loss of face for the God of Destruction.

If he accepted it, it would be a shame to be defeated.

"By the way... Trunks……"GT Son Goku's gaze fell on Trunks, who was dead after being pierced through the chest on the balcony.

After all, he was Trunks' uncle, and seeing his nephew's body lying in front of him, he felt very uncomfortable.

The two Vegetas also remained silent. Although GT Vegeta did not show much emotion on the surface, he also felt extremely angry towards Zamasu in his heart.

Super Vegeta clenched his fists tightly, anger surging in his heart. He was angry with himself. If he had been stronger at that time and could react and stand in front of Trunks, the child would not have died.

The saddest person was Bulma.

Although this Trunks came from the future world, he was indeed her child. Seeing the grown-up child die in front of her, she felt heartbroken.

"Um... Bulma, don't worry, I'll go collect the Dragon Balls right away. With Shenlong's power, I'll definitely be able to revive Trunks." Noticing that the atmosphere was not right, Super Son Goku took the initiative to ask to find the Dragon Balls to revive Trunks.

At this time, they didn't seem to notice the God of Destruction Beerus and the Angel Whis.

Beerus gave Whis a look.

Whis immediately understood and slowly walked to Trunks' body.

""Goku-san, there's no need to collect the Dragon Balls. Leave Trunks to me." Whis said.

His words attracted everyone's attention, and everyone was confused.

What did Whis want to do?

However, the next second, Whis's actions shocked them.

He raised the angel staff and tapped the floor.

A mysterious power spread to Trunks' body.

White light filled and gradually enveloped Trunks' body.


The light became brighter and brighter. When it completely faded, Trunks's injuries healed and his heart started beating again. His tired eyes slowly opened, and Trunks stood up with a confused look on his face.

Just like that, Trunks, who had been dead, was resurrected in front of everyone.

"Everyone... why do you all have this expression?" Trunks, who was resurrected, has not yet noticed that he has actually died once.

Bulma:"Resurrected? ?!!"

Super Goku:"Is this true? Whis, you still have this ability?!"

Super Vegeta:"You can even resurrect others... Is this... is this the realm of angels?"

GT Goku:"Is this the ability of the people called angels in this world? Only Shenlong can revive the dead... He can do it by himself……"

GT Vegeta:"Tsk! This world is full of monsters!""

"Hohoho~~~!!! This is a gift from Lord Beerus, a reward for stopping Zamasu this time."Whis smiled and gave the credit to Beerus.

Everyone subconsciously looked at Beerus.

Being watched by so many people at the same time, Beerus blushed and turned his head away.

Trunks, who was resurrected, recalled the time when he was struck by Zamasu's lightning and lost his life.

"I... am I resurrected again?"Thinking back to his own demise, Trunks couldn't help but take a breath.

He had died twice.

The first time, he was killed instantly by the return of the Perfect Cell.

That time, he was successfully resurrected by the Dragon.

The second time, he was hit by the Absolute Thunder of Super Masked Zamasu and died instantly.

Fortunately, the angels in this world are very powerful and resurrected him in just a thought.

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