Capital, Bogota

"What? You said that militants have captured Cartagena?"

The then Colombian President Quartas was shocked and said in disbelief.

"Yes Mr. President, we have lost contact with Cartagena"


Quartas was furious and slammed the table heavily. Regardless of the pain, he asked angrily:"FCUK, don't we have troops stationed in Cartagena? And the navy, are they all idiots? We actually let the militants occupy it!"

"Mr. President, the garrison has lost contact.


Too lazy to complain about the military's combat effectiveness, Quartas looked a little gloomy:"What armed force did it? Is it the People's Army?"

"It is not the People's Army, but an armed force called the National Army."

"National Army?" Quartas was stunned for a moment, and then he asked suspiciously:"Where did this force come from? Why haven't I heard of it?"

Not to mention Quartas, even McPhail didn't know where this force came from.

"General, I don't care where this force came from. I just have one question: how long will it take to recapture Cartagena?"

Quartas looked seriously at McPhail, the commander-in-chief of the Colombian armed forces.

McPhail said solemnly:"Please rest assured, President, we will recapture Cartagena within three days."

"Very good!"

Quartas showed a satisfied look.

Three days is not a long time, and he will never allow such a stain during his term of office.

Soon, the Colombian military was mobilized, and after obtaining the president's authorization, McPhail directly led the remaining troops of the 7th Division and the 1st Division stationed in Barranquilla, and transferred a brigade from the 1st Division to the south, forming a two-pronged attack. A total of nearly 30,000 people were dispatched, which felt like using a cannon to kill a mosquito.

After all, McPhail promised to recapture Cartagena within three days.

Another thing is that the impact of this incident is too serious. Cartagena is an important port city in the country. It is second only to Barranquilla in status and is the sixth largest city in the country. Such an important city was actually attacked by armed elements. It was occupied, which was undoubtedly a slap in the face of the military and the government, and it must be recovered as quickly as possible.



After conveying the order to receive the equipment, the first to receive it was the 3rd Battalion of the 2nd Regiment stationed at the airport. The first to get the moon, the first to get the bird guns, and the original foot army was replaced with mechanized and armored vehicles.

As time passed, the 1st and 2nd Regiments were the first to complete the replacement.

Among them, the 1st Regiment was equipped with a battalion of tanks, a total of 32 vehicles, and a battalion of 24 BM270 self-propelled rocket launchers. Its defensive mission was mainly to block the reinforcements coming from Barranquilla.

The 2nd Regiment served as the garrison force in Cartagena and was responsible for its support role. It was not equipped with long-range rocket launchers, but only with a battalion of tanks. The

3rd Regiment was changed to an armored regiment, equipped with 2 battalions with a total of 64 tanks. The main role of the 3rd Regiment was the strategic reserve force. Wherever the war was tight and firepower reinforcement was needed, troops would be dispatched to reinforce.

The 4th and 5th Regiments were also equipped with a battalion of tanks and a battalion of self-propelled rocket launchers.

As for the air defense missile system, it was directly assigned to the headquarters, responsible for the air defense of Cartagena.

In addition, two Apache attack helicopters were assigned by Luis to Moros for the formation of special forces to carry out decapitation missions.

"Boss, the mayor of Cartagena wants to see you, what do you think?"

"see me?"


"Forget about meeting me."Lewis shook his head. He didn't want to show up in the foreground. If he did, how would he do business abroad in the future, especially in the United States and Europe to plunder wealth?


Outside the door, Ottoniel heard the shout and walked in quickly.


"Well, I have a task for you. From today on, you are the mayor of Cartagena."

Luis said. He had to replace his own people with his own people in his own territory.

The reason for choosing Ottonil was very simple. He had good business communication skills. When he went to the Middle East before, he was the one who handled the business of Colombia. As a mayor, he only needed to control the general direction and appoint talents. Other things could be left to the professionals below.

Ottonil was stunned for a moment, a little surprised by Luis's appointment, but for him, it didn't matter.

Not to mention being a mayor, he would be willing to be a soldier.

"Good boss!"

After seeing the Otonil people leave, Gavin asked how to deal with the captured government soldiers.

"Detain them first, and consider how to deal with them after repelling the government army's attack."Louis thought for a while and said.

Only by repelling the government army's attack can the captives realize the strength of the national army and they will not make any tricks.

"By the way, is there any movement from the government forces?"

"not yet"

"Okay, I get it. You go down first."


Looking at Gavin's departing back, Louis shook his head.

It is impossible that the government army has no movement. It is estimated that they are withdrawing troops at this moment, or they are still on the way. No matter which one, we must first grasp the enemy's movement, otherwise we will be in the dark when the war starts.

It seems that we have to buy some drones.

Do it right away.

Open the system and find the drone category in the classification column. The mall items are refreshed immediately and replaced with drones.

Looking at the quantity statistics below, there are more than 3,000 models.

After removing the civilian drones, Louis chose military drones.

Immediately, various military models of drones appeared, such as the US MQ-1"Predator" reconnaissance and strike drone、MQ-9 Death UAVs, as well as Dragon Country's Wing Loong series, Rainbow series, and Unmanned Reconnaissance series, can be said to have everything.

In the field of military UAVs, there are only two major countries competing, the United States and Dragon Country.

In terms of price, the United States is much more expensive. After a selection, he finally chose the Wing Loong 2.

It has the function of reconnaissance and attack, and the price is many times cheaper than the Death.

Moreover, in the field of UAVs in the international community, the Wing Loong 2 is enough to stand out from the crowd.

Although the Wing Loong 2 UAV has been greatly discounted due to the lack of navigation and communication satellites, it can be used for reconnaissance and ammunition projection through ground base stations.

A complete set of Wing Loong 2 UAV combat systems costs 500,000 US dollars.

It is considered to be good value for money.

First, 100 million US dollars was recharged to the system account.

He now has a full 8.5 billion US dollars in his hands, of which 5 billion US dollars is the deposit for the Sand Camel, 3.2 billion US dollars is the first two installments paid by Iraq to purchase weapons, and the final payment of 800 million US dollars has not been recovered. He recharged the system account with 100 million US dollars.

He directly purchased 4 Wing Loong 2 drones in the mall.

Later, he recruited soldiers who were proficient in drone driving and combat in the system talent recruitment. They belonged to the technical military branch and were paid 3,000 US dollars each. He directly recruited 100 people to form an electronic information technology battalion, which was directly allocated to Gavin's headquarters.

Responsible for providing reconnaissance and attacking important targets for the entire army. The electronic warfare technology battalion was directly placed at the airport, and a command center was set up there. After all, the Wing Loong 2 needed a runway to take off.

Gavin, who heard the news, came and saw the four Wing Loong 2 drones. He said excitedly:"Boss, with the cooperation of drones, the war will be much smoother."

Louis ignored him, but told the person in charge of the electronic drone battalion, also the battalion commander Harper:"Start the drone and scout the movements of government forces in the north and south."


20 minutes later, two Wing Loong 2 drones took off from the runway of the airport, one to the south and one to the north, flying in different directions. At the same time, Louis was also in the command vehicle and saw the real-time image transmission screen.

(Ps: It will be available at 10am tonight, I beg for the first order, please!!)

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