San Vicente is a coastal town in northern Colombia, 45 kilometers from Barranquilla and 55 kilometers from Cartegena. There is a coastal cement road that runs through the town.

This cement road is also the main traffic artery connecting Barranquilla and Cartegena, the two coastal cities. On weekdays, this artery is very busy with many vehicles coming and going. However, today, this main traffic artery is occupied by an army of about 4,000 to 5,000 people.

It is the 3rd Brigade under the 1st Army Division.

As the most elite 1st Army Division of Colombia, the 3rd Brigade is well equipped.

It is equipped with more than 20 AM8 armored vehicles, more than a dozen EE-9 Sidewinder assault guns, and 18 Stuart light tanks. There are no other armored vehicles. This equipment is what many Colombian army brigades dream of getting.

In fact, except for the 1st Division, the 7th Division, and the 4th Division, which have armored units, the other 4 divisions are almost all equipped with light infantry.

Mainly due to the limitation of national strength, they want to equip themselves with good things, but unfortunately they have no money.

Although Colombia is rich in mineral resources, such as oil, natural gas, coal, gold, copper, iron ore, etc., and it is also rich in gems.

It should be very rich. However, due to the civil war, coupled with the fact that drug cartels are too powerful and there are many armed forces in the country, the territory controlled by the government army is very limited. For example, the mountainous areas in the south are completely the sphere of influence of the rebels.

Chaos, turbulence and social corruption are the main reasons for Colombia's poverty.

With slow economic development and even recession, there is naturally no money to add weapons and equipment to the army.

The commander of the 3rd Brigade is Montoya. At this time, he is riding in a military jeep. In the car with him is the chief of staff, Colonel Yakov

"Yakov, what do you think the military is doing? They just sent our 3rd Brigade south to suppress a group of militants. Don't you think the 7th Division is useless?

A regiment of soldiers can't even defeat a group of militants."

Montoya's tone was full of dissatisfaction and disdain for the 7th Division.

The reason for his anger was that the transfer order interrupted his vacation.

He was originally dating a new model girlfriend and was about to succeed in a few days, but at this time, an order came from the division headquarters, saying that it was an order from the military headquarters, that an armed force called the National Army had appeared in Cartagena, and he was required to lead the 3rd Brigade south to cooperate with the 7th Division to eliminate this force.

The good thing was interrupted, and it was because of a group of armed elements. If this armed element was strong, it would be okay. The key is that it is an armed force with little reputation, and he was dispatched to encircle and suppress it. This is completely like using a cannon to kill a mosquito. He was very dissatisfied.

Yakov shrugged. In fact, he was also a little dissatisfied.

However, soldiers have to be responsible for orders. No matter how dissatisfied they are, they have to do it.

"General, let's look at this from another angle. If we recapture Cartagena, wouldn't it indirectly prove that the 7th Division is useless and can't compete with our 1st Division at all?"

Montoya's eyes suddenly lit up:"Yakov, you're right."

"Come on, notify them to speed up the march. I want to get ahead of the 7th Division and enter Cartagena City."

As Montoya's order was issued, the team moved much faster.

However, what they didn't know was that a Wing Loong 2 drone was watching them thousands of meters above their heads.

Here, in the southwest, the 20th Brigade of the 7th Army Division was also marching towards the town of Sopra.

They were originally stationed in the Lower Maria area, but received a transfer order to Cartagena. The route from the Lower Maria area to the Cartagena area was separated by a river that stretched for nearly 100 kilometers. The two places were mainly connected by two bridges.

One is the Santa Ana Bridge at the estuary.

The other is upstream, that is, There is no other bridge to the town of Sopra, so you can go around it, but the journey is at least a hundred kilometers longer.

In comparison, the 19th Brigade of the 7th Army Division is much luckier than them, and they have already reached Arjona.

Arjona is located below Turbaco, only 10 kilometers away, and it will join the remaining two regiments of the 21st Brigade here.

Logically, with a distance of only 10 kilometers, they should act immediately, but the two joined forces did not move, as if they were waiting for the 20th Brigade.

At this time, in the military camp building in the city.

The combat command room.

The commander of the 7th Division, Derrick, was frowning and listening to the reports from his men.

"...According to reconnaissance, this group of militants numbered as many as several thousand people, and in less than two hours, they defeated the 36th Infantry Regiment stationed in the Turbaco area."

"2 hours? Thousands of people?"

These two key words made Derrick realize that this group of militants was no ordinary group.

He knew that the 36th Infantry Regiment was a regiment under his command, with more than 1,300 people. It was a pure infantry regiment, but even so, there were thousands of people. They were defeated in 2 hours. Even if he mobilized a brigade, he couldn't do it.

"It seems that this group of mysterious armed forces is very unusual."

"General, no matter how extraordinary they are, they are still a mob. The 36th Infantry Regiment must have underestimated the enemy. Let me lead the 19th Brigade, and we will definitely be able to wipe out this rebel force."Donald, the commander of the 19th Brigade, said.

The commander of the 21st Brigade wanted to refute, but after thinking about it, he gave up.

Although the word"underestimating the enemy" is not pleasant to hear, it can cover up the shame.

"Are you sure?" Derrick looked at Donald.

Donald said seriously:"It's just a mob. My 19th Brigade has more than 5,000 people and can even beat the revolutionary armed forces. I don't believe that this emerging armed force is stronger than the revolutionary armed forces?"

"Moreover, I heard that the 3rd Brigade of the 1st Division has already moved south. If the 3rd Brigade recaptures Cartagena, how will our 7th Division be able to maintain its position in the future?"

"So, General, I request to lead the 19th Brigade to wipe out the rebels."

Derrick's expression changed slightly. Yes, if the 1st Division recaptured the area, how would he, the commander of the 7th Division, have any face?

Thinking of this, Derrick said in a deep voice:"In that case, then act according to your plan."

"Yes, General!"

Donald quickly returned to his brigade headquarters and called officers from three regiments and battalion levels and above to hold a meeting. He waved his hands excitedly and said,"Everything is good. I finally got the opportunity to act alone from the general. The general ordered us to recapture Turbaco and Cartagena and defeat the damn National Army. Cheer up and show those losers in the 21st Brigade how a war is fought. Did you hear me clearly?"

"Listen carefully!"

Everyone said in unison

"Good!" Donald said in a serious tone,"I will now announce the combat order...."

Cartagena Command.

Gavin and his team have already detected the movements of the 7th Division and a brigade of the 1st Division through drones.

At this time, the huge map has marked the movement of the enemy and our troops.

"Corey, what do you think?

Gavin asked his partner

"The 4th Regiment is under too much pressure in Turbaco. There are 20,000 people on the other side, and the 4th Regiment has less than 2,000 people. I am afraid it will be very difficult. I suggest that the 3rd Regiment be transferred to reinforce and relieve their pressure."

"Bosney, what do you think?"

Bosney was the chief of staff. Seeing Gavin looking at him, he looked at the map, pondered for a few seconds, and said,"I agree with Corey's proposal. The enemy troops coming from the north have good equipment and about 4,000 to 5,000 people, but they are still a little inferior to the 1st Regiment. It will definitely be no problem to stop them from going south.

On the contrary, I think it is appropriate to dispatch the 3rd Regiment to reinforce the south."

"Since everyone agrees, we will give the 3rd Regiment an order to reinforce Turbaco.

The 3rd Regiment quickly assembled and then drove to Turbaco in tactical vehicles, infantry fighting vehicles and transport vehicles.

Including the assembly time, it took less than half an hour to arrive at Turbaco and join the 4th Regiment.

""Rod, why are you here?"

After hearing the news, Ferry, Randolph and others hurried out to greet them.

"Command ordered us to support you."

"That's great. I was just worried about the pressure. You guys are here at the right time. Come in."

Upon learning that they were coming to reinforce, Fei Rui happily invited Rhodes, Nigel and others to the combat command room. He gave Rhodes a detailed introduction to the current situation of both sides. Of course, this information was obtained by drone reconnaissance.

"You mean, there is another 5,000-man troop in the El Bajo area across the river?"

Rod asked.

""Yes." Fei Rui said:"We analyzed that this army should be a brigade of the 7th Division, and it should be planning to cross the Sopra Bridge and join the rest of the 7th Division."

"So, the enemy troops in Arjona should only be 7,000 people?" Rhodes asked.

Fei Rui nodded:"Yes"

"Why are we still defending? I think we can take the initiative to launch an attack. Before the other reinforcements arrive, we can first annihilate the enemy forces entrenched in Arjona City, and then deal with the reinforcements. This is much easier than waiting for them to join us."

Phiray was a little moved when he heard this, and looked at Randolph and Nigel;"What do you two think?"

"I agree with Rod's proposal. We can fully utilize our firepower advantage. With the strength of our two regiments, it is not difficult to defeat them."Nigel said.

Randolph also said:"I also agree with Rod's idea."

"Now that everyone agrees, let's do it....Announce my command..."


Just as he was about to give the order, a communicator stood up quickly.

"What's up?"

"Report to the regiment commander, the headquarters has received information that the enemy in Arjona has moved. There is an army, about a brigade of troops, heading towards us."

"Oh? That's what we think."

Fei Rui said with a smile:"Rod, it seems that we don't need to fight, they will come to our door."

Rod smiled and said:"It's good to come to our door, so that we don't have to run away. Fei Rui, let's leave this enemy force to our 3rd Regiment."

"No need to take a break?"

"No, let's finish the work first."

"That's fine. I wish you a successful start."...

Outside the city.

The 3rd Regiment.

Two tank battalions with a total of 64 vehicles, 32 in each row, arranged in 2 rows.

As for the infantry, they directly rode in the Boxer armored personnel carriers, whose armor protection was enough to withstand ordinary 7.62mm bullets. Moreover, the Boxer personnel carriers, with 12.7mm machine guns on the roof, could also be used as mobile turrets to provide firepower, which was perfect for fighting infantry.

With the roar of the engine, 64 Type 15 tanks moved, advancing rapidly on the hilly area, leaving only track marks.

In less than 3 minutes, the two tank battalions drove to the designated position, and the infantry fighting vehicles also arrived at the combat position.

Standing on the hill, without a telescope, Rhodes could see a group of black masses on the horizon in the distance with his naked eyes.

Unknown wheeled armored vehicles were neatly arranged in a horizontal row, about 15 vehicles, followed by a group of AM8s, which were easy to recognize. AM8s and the two machine guns could be seen with a telescope.

In addition, he also saw several Stuart light tanks.

Behind them was a large group of black infantry.

It has to be said that the tactics of the Colombian government army are still at the level of World War II, with armored vehicles leading the way and infantry following behind.

If you think about it carefully, they are right to do so. After all, in their eyes, the National Army is just an armed rebel army. What can a rebel army do?

Seeing that they have entered the range,

Rhodes put down the telescope in his hand and said to the signalman beside him:"Send an order, let the artillery battalion aim at the target, open fire, and destroy the enemy's armored vanguard."


Located in the suburbs, the 3rd Regiment has a self-propelled rocket artillery battalion under its command and has already entered combat readiness.

"Report to the battalion commander, the regiment commander has given the order, let us open fire and destroy the enemy's armored forces."

The battalion signalman came to report.

The battalion commander's face changed when he heard this, and he immediately picked up the radio and ordered:"All rocket launchers are ready, coordinates xxx..."Fire!"

As the order was issued, the rocket launchers that had already been in place suddenly roared like thunder.

""Swish, swish, swish!!!"

Rockets flew like monkeys into the sky, trailing white smoke and forming a trail of air waves in the air, quickly flying towards the target.

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