At this moment, Michelle suddenly felt a palpitation, as if something bad had happened.

Looking at the city buildings with lights turned off outside the car window, he frowned.

Soon he came to a T-corner in front of him, and the uneasiness and panic in his heart became stronger and stronger. His intuition told him that there was danger.

As expected,


In the dark night, the sound of gunfire was particularly loud.

A bullet hit the glass, leaving a deep mark. It was clear that the bullet was embedded in the glass.

Seeing this scene, Michel secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, it was bulletproof glass, otherwise this shot would have killed him.

""Enemy attack!"

The convoy was in chaos.

Many soldiers got off the Syrian armored vehicles in front and behind, holding AK4-7s and looking at them vigilantly.


Another very crisp and loud gunshot, the bullet hit the bulletproof glass again.

The glass has more and more lines, and it seems that it will break if it is hit by another shot.

"There is a sniper"

"Get out of here!!"

Michelle's bodyguards were also special forces soldiers. They made a quick decision and directly passed the armored vehicles, trying to escape from the alley quickly.

At the same time, the two armored vehicles of Syria also judged the approximate attack location based on the gunshots.

The heavy machine guns on the armored vehicles fired at a building next to them.

"Da da da!!!"

The machine gun fired, hitting the building deeply and penetrating the wall directly.


However, within a few seconds, he was shot in the head by a sniper, hitting the center of his forehead, and fell on the armored vehicle.

"Da da da!!"

The machine gunner of another armored vehicle fired wildly. The remaining dozen or so Syrian soldiers had already discovered the building where the attackers were and quickly rushed up.


On the other side, the car in the front was hit by a bomb. The whole car was lifted up half a meter and then fell heavily to the ground. The glass was shattered.

"Da da da!!"

Suddenly, a large number of bullets were fired from the buildings on both sides.

The bullets hit the roof of the car and penetrated it directly, almost hitting Michelle.


Faced with this situation, the remaining two vehicles could only retreat.

But before they could retreat a few meters, a truck rushed over and collided with the security car at the back with a"bang!".

Two people got off the truck with guns in their hands and were about to shoot.

"Bang Bang!!"Two shots.

Killed by bodyguards.

"Boss, the car is not safe anymore, we have to retreat to the house."

Michel nodded, but he was not too panicked.

""Cover!" the captain of the bodyguards shouted.

The remaining bodyguards found cover and fired at the target fire points on both sides.

At the same time, less than 1,000 meters away from the battle site, Basil was leading a battalion of soldiers from the Republican Guard. When he heard the battle in front of him, his face changed drastically.


"Notify the entire battalion and send reinforcements immediately."

Soon, several armored vehicles cleared the way, stepped on the accelerator, and the speed soared instantly.

In a flash, they arrived at the battle site.


A sniper hiding in the building was hit by an RPG, and the room was instantly blown up.

"Da da da!!"

"Bang, bang!"

With these hundreds of reinforcements, and armed with heavy weapons, they instantly suppressed the ambushes on both sides.

Especially the heavy machine guns, if they were hit directly, they would either break their arms or legs, or die.


Seeing that the enemy's support was insufficient and unable to complete the mission, he had no choice but to order a retreat.

"Chase them with all your strength, don't let them escape."

Suddenly, more than a hundred Syrian soldiers, armed with guns, surrounded and killed the attackers.

Basil jumped out of the car, and there were more than a hundred people around him, guarding the surroundings and occupying the high ground on both sides of the street.

"Mr. Michel, are you okay?"

Seeing Basil approaching with a nervous look on his face, Michel, whose hair was a little messy, patted the dust on his body caused by the explosion, and shook his head calmly:"Thank you for your concern, young master, I'm fine."

"I'm glad you're okay."

Basil breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Michel was okay, but then he became angry:"These attackers are so bold that they dared to attack you in Damascus. Don't worry, I will find them out."

Michel nodded and said,"I saw a few people killed just now. Send someone to check and see what they are."

Basil nodded and immediately turned around and gave orders to his men. Someone immediately went to collect the bodies and find out their identities.

"Sir, it's not safe here, I'll take you back first."

Michel thought for a moment and said,"Then I'll trouble you, young master."

""Sir, you are too polite. You are the most distinguished guest of our country, and it is our duty to protect your safety."

Basil said seriously.

He arranged his men to clear the way in front, and then protected Michelle's car in the middle, and quickly headed towards Michelle's villa in the center of Damascus.

Half an hour later, the soldiers who went to chase him came back.

After learning that they were all killed, Basil was relieved.

"Did you find out who it was?"

"Report to the battalion commander, we checked and found that none of them had any identification tags on them."

"Where is the gun?"

"The gun used was also an ordinary gun, which is available on the black market.

Basil frowned when he heard this.


"There is no need to investigate this matter."

Michel said calmly:"This matter was either done by Mossad or the CIA. Only these two countries hate me to the core now."

Basil nodded, and he also thought so in his heart.

"Sir, rest assured, this is Syria, Mossad and CIA are powerful, they have to stay here, I will definitely protect you."

Michelle smiled and said,"Thank you for tonight, it's getting late, you should go back and rest early."

Basil shook his head and said,"No, I will stay here tonight to protect you."

"Thank you for your kindness, young master. They didn't succeed tonight and won't attack in the short term. Besides, I am now heavily guarded. Even if they are brave, they dare not break in."

Michelle's words are not bragging.

In his manor, in addition to the 100 elite members of the Syrian Republican Guard, there are more than 20 bodyguards.

Even if the Navy SEALs come, they will be defeated.

The Republican Guard is different from other Syrian armies. It has extremely strong combat effectiveness.

And they have strong beliefs. They belong to the Alawite sect of Shia.

Because Syria is a Sunni-dominated Muslim country, but it is ruled by Shia, but the proportion of Shia is very low.

Alawites are the core of Syrian Shia and the main supporters of the Assaqi family.

According to ancient times, Alawites were nobles and knights.

0Seeking flowers

The soldiers of Syria are mainly recruited from the Alawites. This is especially true for the Republican Guard.

They are the most loyal to the president. Their combat effectiveness is definitely not that of ordinary Syrian soldiers.

They can fight against Israel.

In this regard, even the Republican Guard of Iraq cannot compare. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

It is estimated that only the Revolutionary Guard in Persia can compete.

Basil thought about it and felt that Michel should be safe here, after all, there are so many people guarding it.

Moreover, he had to report this matter to his father immediately.

"Well, I won't disturb you, sir. I'll come see you tomorrow."

Basil left a few dozen people behind to take care of the outer security.

He led the rest of the people to the presidential palace.

They found Hafiz.

"Father, something happened. Someone attacked your motorcade."


Hafiz's face changed drastically, and he asked hurriedly:"How is it, how is Michel?"

"I provided support in time, nothing serious happened"

"That's good."

Hafez breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, thinking that someone had attacked Michelle in Damascus, his face darkened:"Has the murderer been caught?"

"The people were caught, but they were all dead."

"All dead?" Hafiz frowned.

Basil nodded:"Yes, we caught one alive, but he tried to grab the gun and was shot dead by the soldiers subconsciously."

"Also, I had the body examined and found no identification marks, and he was not Caucasian in appearance."

"Sir, you don't need to check. He said it's either Mossad or CIA."[]

Hafez's face became even uglier.

He walked a few steps in the room, then walked quickly to the phone and quickly dialed the number:"Hello, is this Adnan? It's me, pass on my order, immediately block all entrances and exits of Damascus, yes, immediately, only entry is allowed, no exit is allowed, enter the whole city under control!"

After hanging up the phone, Hafez made another call:"Ghazikanandu, take your people and search the whole city for me, dig out the rats of Mossad and CIA for me, and let one go, I will ask you for a trial."

Adnan and Ghazikanand are both his relatives.

The former is his younger brother, serving as the commander of the Damascus City Defense Garrison and the commander of the Republican Guard, commanding four of the most elite divisions.

Ghazikanand is his relative, serving as the deputy head of the Syrian Arab State Intelligence Agency. He was previously responsible for intelligence work in the Lebanese Camel direction, but was later transferred back by him.

Under Hafez's order, the entire Damascus was under martial law, and even the airport was under control.

In addition to the planes of representatives of various countries being able to leave, other civil aviation flights were temporarily suspended.

At the same time,

Michel was also reporting to Louis about tonight's situation.

Louis was not surprised to learn that someone attacked Michel.

And he guessed that it was probably a joint effort of Mossad and the CIA.

He was happy with Michel's mechanism.

In fact, after Michel appeared in public, he guessed that someone might attack him, so he told Basil.

Otherwise, how could Basil come so timely?

"You are in a dangerous situation now. If you fail this time, Mossad and the CIA will keep attacking you and will continue to look for opportunities to attack you."Louis said while holding the phone.

"I know, but I'm not too worried. I have a very good relationship with Hafez now. As long as I don't leave Damascus, there shouldn't be any problem."

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