"That’s true, but we can’t take it lightly."

"How about this, I'll give you something, which can also be regarded as a life-saving gift for you."

Louis said after thinking for a while.

He planned to buy some nano-bionic clothes for Michel and his bodyguards. Although this stuff is more expensive, the value that Michel brings to him is greater.

First, the relationship with Shaluotu and Syria. Stabilizing the relationship with the two countries means that he can bring in billions of dollars in arms business every two or three years.

Second, it is really inconvenient for him to do arms business. If Michel died, it would be too troublesome to build up the connections and reputation that he had worked so hard to build. It would be better to spend some money to enhance Michel's protection ability. One million per set, he can still afford this money.

Although he didn't understand what the good things Louis was talking about, but since he said it, it was definitely a good thing.

""Thank you, boss!"

Michelle said happily.

Even though he just said he didn't care, who wants to die when they can live?

"No need to thank me, you should talk to the representatives of the interested countries, and the price of the contract should be kept confidential. In addition, White Elephant will not provide them with Phoenix air-to-air missiles, and the same is true for Archers. If they want to buy, they can provide AIM-9 air-to-air missiles. And you can decide the price. In a word, charge them as much as they can."

Louis said gloomily.

The five permanent members of the oil pipeline are too arrogant. If Louis does not squeeze them, he will feel bad.

"Okay boss, don't worry, I promise to make them bleed"


The two chatted for a few words, and Louis"983" hung up the phone.

He put the phone aside.

He opened the system mall interface and found the nano-bionic clothing.

The function of this thing is similar to that of a bulletproof vest, but the appearance can be changed at will, imitating various clothes, making people look like they are not wearing a bulletproof vest, and it is very light, and the weight is almost imperceptible.

After thinking about it, Louis decided to exchange 50 sets.

20 sets of them were given to Michelle, and the remaining 30 sets were given to Elro and other bodyguards.

With the nano-bionic clothing, their combat survival ability can be greatly enhanced, which can also be regarded as further enhancing his personal safety ability.

1 million US dollars per set, 50 sets, that is, 50 million US dollars.

This amount of money is nothing to him now.

20 sets were materialized at the manor where Michelle was in Syria.

The remaining 30 sets were directly materialized on the table in front of him



Elro heard the voice outside the door and came in

"Call 29 people in, those who often go out with me, who have better skills."

Although they are all special forces, their skills are not static. For example, those who have participated in more wars and performed more missions must be more experienced.

There is also a difference between those in their twenties and those in their thirties.

Soon, Elro brought in a large group of assassins, including Elro himself, there were exactly 30 people.

Louis pointed to the 30 sets of nano-bionic clothes in front of him:"Here are 30 sets of nano-bionic clothes, which function like bulletproof vests, but have better defense and are very light. You will wear these in the future."

Hearing this, everyone happily thanked Louis:"Thank you, boss!"

"Okay, take them all and divide them up."

Louis waved his hand, signaling everyone to take them down.

Everyone stepped forward one by one and divided up the 30 sets of bionic clothes.


Michel looked at the 20 sets of nano-bionic clothes in front of him, reached out and took one, put it on according to the instructions, and saw the appearance of the white shirt. Michel was amazed, the things given by the boss were awesome.

After carefully feeling it and finding no problems, Michel called his bodyguards (death squads) and handed the remaining 19 sets of nano-bionic clothes to everyone.

"This is a good thing sent by the boss. It works like a bulletproof vest and can effectively resist sniper rifle bullets within a thousand meters. As long as it is not a heavy sniper rifle, everyone can have an extra life with this thing."

Hearing that it was something sent by Louis, the faces of the dead soldiers showed excitement and joy, and they hurriedly tried it on.

Amazed at the power of the bionic suit.

The next day.

In the morning.

Hafiz personally came to visit Michel

"Sir, I have heard about what happened last night. It was simply too much. Don't worry, I have already ordered the city to be sealed off. Those rats will never get out. When the time comes, I will make them regret coming into this world."

Hearing that Hafiz actually sealed off the city overnight to catch spies and assassins, Michel was still a little moved.

These are enough to show that Hafiz attaches great importance to him.

"Mr. President, I think forget it. Closing the city will cause panic among citizens, and someone with ulterior motives will incite chaos."

Although Michel also wanted to catch the remaining Mossad and CIA spies stationed in Damascus immediately, he knew that even if he caught them, what would happen?

They can just replace them with a new group of people.

On the contrary, closing the city for such a long time will cause unrest in Damascus.

Hafez hesitated when he heard this, and then said with a firm look:"No, lifting martial law at this time will only allow spies to succeed. We must dig out these rats this time. As for what you are worried about, I know, don't worry, it will only take three days, and the martial law will be lifted after three days.

Seeing that Hafez knew what was going on, Michel didn't say anything more.

"By the way, sir, I came here for another thing. The air-to-air missiles I bought before are running out. I want to buy another 100 AIM Phoenix air-to-air missiles."

Hafiz looked at Michel with a serious face.

Although this air battle was a great victory, a lot of air-to-air missiles were consumed.

Especially the AIM Phoenix air-to-air missiles. There were 300 before the war, but now there are less than 30. There are 75 Archer 4D air-to-air missiles, but the latter is a strategic reserve missile. Unless it is necessary, try to use it as much as possible.

After all, one missile costs 3 million US dollars.

But launching one also means being able to destroy a fighter plane.

"No problem, as usual, the goods will arrive within a week after the money is in place."

Hafiz wanted to buy missiles, and Michelle naturally agreed.

Seeing that Michelle agreed to sell the air-to-air missiles, Hafiz breathed a sigh of relief, with a happy smile on his face:"I understand, the money is ready, and I will transfer it tomorrow."

"That's no problem. After the money arrives, the goods will arrive soon."

In the next two days, we conducted a dragnet investigation, and we actually caught spies from many countries.

Among them were spies from the CIA and Mossad.

After learning that their own spies were caught, they were worried about leaking secrets.

The CIA and the Mossad of Israel jointly issued a strong diplomatic protest to Syria and demanded the release of the arrested persons.

If it were in the past, he would just bear with it.

Now, with the support of the Galaxy Trade, Hafez does not have to worry about not being able to buy weapons.

Therefore, he does not care about the threats from the United States and Syria.

Ignore the two countries.

At the same time, Michel was not idle. He met many people in the past two days, including Pharaoh and the United Arab Emirates.

They all wanted to buy Xiaolong fighter jets.

No one was rejected.

Xiaolong is a transition for Louis, and he will equip Columbia with J-10C in the future.、F-35、J-20 and many other fighters.

There is no equipment at the moment, just not needed. (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Villa Manor.

Michelle is meeting with Salah, the representative of Babayang Country.

In fact, before coming, Salah had been to Longguo with the military and visited the fighter developed by Rongcheng Aircraft Manufacturing Institute. It was somewhat similar to the Xiaolong design plan, and he was not very satisfied with the performance, especially the engine and radar, which were weak points.

They also visited the Xiaolong fighter imported by Longguo.

There is no doubt that the aerodynamic layout, engine power and radar are much stronger than those of Rongcheng Aircraft Manufacturing Institute.

In addition, the design of Rongcheng, after all, is just a literal word, and even Longguo itself does not intend to equip it.

Now there is a better choice, so Babayang has given up the Rongcheng project and plans to buy Xiaolong fighters instead.

After all, the performance of Xiaolong fighters is there, even F15 and F16 fighters have been dealt with.

How powerful is the F16? Babayang has its own equipment.

Therefore, in this negotiation, Salah represents the expectations of the domestic military, hoping to buy more fighters in order to suppress the White Elephant Air Force.

Because the previous negotiations were almost done, the only details left to discuss were the price and delivery time.

"Mr. Michel, I am here for the matter of the JF-17 fighter jet. I wonder how much your company charges for exporting one?"For weapons and equipment sold to Longguo, Shaluotu, Iraq, Syria and other countries, we have signed confidentiality agreements on prices and are not allowed to disclose them to the public, otherwise we will be put on the blacklist.

The purpose of doing this is not only to make more money, but also to avoid price comparisons.

Otherwise, Salah would not have asked about the price.

In fact, they also spent a lot of time trying to get the price from Longguo and Syria, but both countries refused to talk about this issue on the grounds that it was inconvenient to disclose.

There was no way, so Salah had to bite the bullet and come.

I just hope the price is not too expensive.

Hearing Salah's question, Michel put down the cup in his hand and smiled,"If your country wants to buy it, please make it cheaper, 26 million US dollars per unit."

Hiss!! []

Although he knew that the JF-17 would definitely not be cheap, Salah was still shocked by the price.

"Can it be less? You also know that our country does have limited funds."Salah still wanted to bargain.

Michel shook his head:"This price is already very affordable. If other countries buy it, it will cost at least 30 million US dollars per aircraft." The JF-17 did not have much success before, but the current war between Syria and Israel is enough to illustrate the strength of this fighter.

Salah opened his mouth and swallowed the rest of the words.

People have said so, if he continues, he will probably annoy Michel.

After thinking about it carefully, Salah felt that it was not too expensive.

The United States sold them the F16 Block 15 for more than 23 million US dollars, and the JF-17 is only more than 2 million US dollars more.

In terms of performance, apart from anything else, the active phased array radar on the JF-17 is much stronger than the F16 in their service, and the radar search range is much larger

"What about air-to-air missiles? How much do they cost?"

"It depends on what your country needs. A short-range missile costs hundreds of thousands of dollars, while a long-range missile costs millions of dollars."

"About 60 to 70 kilometers."Salah thought for a while and said.

This range is enough to deal with the air-to-air missiles of the White Elephant Country.

Michel thought for a while, then said:"We have two models in this range, one is Archer 4A and the other is Archer 2.

The former has a minimum range of 5km and a maximum range of 70 kilometers, and the latter has a maximum range of 80 kilometers, and the speed is 4Hz. 3.4

Archer 4A is priced at 800,000 US dollars per piece, and Archer 2 is priced at 1 million US dollars per piece."

The range is 10 kilometers longer, and the price is 200,000 US dollars more expensive.

Salah frowned.

Although the price is 200,000 US dollars more, the range is longer after all.

In air combat, an extra 10 kilometers of range is enough to turn the situation around and increase the probability of winning.

"There is another question, how long will it take to deliver the aircraft after purchase?"

Salah asked a very critical question. If it takes too long, they will have to choose the F16 from the United States. After all, they are under great pressure now.

The White Elephant Country often stirs up trouble in the border areas because of its large size.

"Normally it is within three months, but we can promise to deliver within six months at the latest."

Salah was relieved to hear that the delivery time would be within six months. This time is acceptable. It is not as fast as this when buying F16 from the United States.

"Mr. Michel, I will report to China and come to visit you in two days.

He had to call China to discuss how many aircraft and air-to-air missiles to buy.

Although he was a representative, it did not mean that he had the final say.


Michel didn't care.

He had already talked to two customers.

Camel planned to purchase 36 JF-17s and 500 AIM-54 Deathbird air-to-air missiles, with a total order of $1.658 billion.

Tanhema chose to purchase 26 JF-17s and 200 Archer 2 air-to-air missiles, with a total order of $928 million.

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