The two colors intertwined, the terrifying energy exploded, like a storm and a rainstorm entangled, as the two people continued to collide, the gap in strength made Xiao Linger gradually occupy the advantage again.

Sun Wutian's face became very ugly, the breath of his body was constantly draining, and he couldn't help but think that his decisive battle was actually useless to her, she was so powerful, even his brother told him not to use this trick on others.

And against Xiao Linger, after consuming so much breath, her face still does not change, now Xiao Linger's purpose is very clear, that is, to spend with him, anyway, she firmly believes that Sun Wutian has no other tricks, she has definitely won this game, she likes the pleasure of mastering the situation very much....

"Ten times the little whirlwind"

As Sun Wutian shouted, the golden light all over his body soared, this time Sun Wutian once again used the power of the Super Saiyan, and then the aura range of the tornado was constantly expanding, and the terrifying rotational force once again accelerated its speed, and the air became distorted, suppressing Xiao Linger in a very small area, making it impossible to retreat.

In the face of Sun Wutian's such violent energy, Xiao Linger's face also shed a few drops of nervous sweat, she knew that if she did not use the power of Super Saiyan, then it meant that the victory of this game gave way

to Sun Wutian, this kid "It seems that he is going to become that fierce appearance again, the hateful Sun Wutian, you actually don't keep your promises again"

As the huge vortex shrouded the heavens and the earth, all the audience were blown so that they couldn't open their eyes, if they didn't hold the chair, It is likely to be blown away by this force.

"It's really powerful, I didn't expect that before I knew it, Wutian had reached this point, it seems that only he has given up cultivation for so many years

" Originally thought that Sun Wutian was about to lose the match when he took it, at this moment his eyes did change, and he sighed with some surprise and emotion When everyone thought that Sun Wutian

was going to show his might, he suddenly stopped at this time in the ring, and said dizzily in his mouth

, "I'm sorry, I really can't move

" After he said a word stupidly, he fell directly to the ground, and his eyes were constantly bubbling with stars, and then what everyone didn't expect was that Sun Wutian actually snored

: "This, Sun Wutian player is this asleep."

At this time, seeing Sun Wutian, who fell to the ground, the supporter also walked to the stage and counted the numbers

"10, 9, 8,... 1 "

Okay, then I declare that the Xiaolinger player wins this game"

At this time, all the audience were dumbfounded, originally thought that Sun Wutian would have a decisive battle, but he fell asleep. After the surprise passed, cheers for Xiao Linger followed, and everyone felt that this little girl, who was only five years old, stood in the center of the ring like a goddess of war.

After this match between Xiao Linger and Sun Wutian, because the ring was destroyed, the next match was postponed. In fact, at the beginning of the competition, the preparation for the junior division competition was just to help the adult competition, but I did not expect such a wonderful competition.

However, to everyone's surprise, after witnessing this wonderful matchup, the other players actually gave up the game and chose to abandon the match. Everyone knew in their hearts that the strength of Xiao Linger and the others had cast a shadow over all the contestants.

"The next game doesn't have any meaning, let's go,"

Raditz looked at the stands, almost no one under the stands to fight Xiao Ye Xiao Linger anymore and lost interest, waved his hand

to everyone, and signaled, "Brother, the next match between Xiao Ye and Xiao Linger, everyone looks looking forward to it, don't you watch it?"

Sun Wukong saw that Raditz wanted to leave, and asked a little puzzled

, "I have long been used to watching them make trouble at home every day, and the two of them can't fight at all, and the result has come out, Xiao Linger won, and the money all belongs to me

" Before Raditz finished speaking, he heard No. 18 on the side suddenly cough, he immediately understood what it meant, and instantly changed his mouth:

"Of course, the money is in charge of my dear wife"

Seeing the appearance of two people showing affection has long been accustomed to everyone, after all, the two people don't even know what it is when they arrive, two wolf-like people meet together, and staying with the two of them may become a battlefield anytime and anywhere.

"But what if they really fight, although Xiao Linger's strength is very strong, but Xiao Ye I feel that it is not simple, who wins and who loses may not be certain

" Klin heard Raditz's affirmative tone and asked with some doubt

: "No, after beating so many times, that kid should have a longer memory, and will not do anything to Xiao Linger

" Raditz did not care about the opinions of several people, and said truthfully

, "Eh, Mr. Raditz is really a father and son filial piety

" In the ring, at this time Xiao Ye and Xiao Linger had already stood on the opposite sides of the two sides, and when everyone thought there was a show, they suddenly heard Xiao Ye jump off the ring and said loudly:

"I admit defeat"

The host was also confused when he saw Xiao Ye's operation, he waited so long to see Xiao Linger and Xiao Ye show their skills again, and now the other party has admitted defeat without fighting, which means that anyone will be a little unhappy. But admitting defeat is the other party's power, and he didn't have much to say, he could only

announce the result of this time: "Since the little night player chose to admit defeat, then I announce that the champion of the junior division of the world's first martial arts conference is the little linger player

" As soon as the results of the competition appeared, the audience on the stage was suddenly unhappy, and they all shouted angrily and scolded

, "Fuck, Laozi waited so long for this is over?"

"I'm all off my pants, you'll show me

this" "........." Seeing

that it has reached an unmanageable situation now, the organizers of the martial arts conference are also busy, and in desperation, they can only announce that the qualifiers of the world's first martial arts conference will be held in advance to comfort this group of irritable masses.

With the early arrival of the qualifiers, Raditz and the others, who were supposed to hold a celebration banquet for Xiao Linger, were taken to the lounge by the staff.

Sun Wukong, their hearts have long been waiting for a little impatient, the world's first martial arts conference may not be much for other players, just to win the championship or be able to get the rich prize, but for Sun Wukong and Tianjin Rice, it is carrying the enthusiasm of the youth

, with all the players entering the lounge, everyone rubbed their fists, the momentum has become high, whether it is passion for the battle, The warriors who were still coveting the rich bonus couldn't wait for this competition to start early.

Raditz looked at the group of people in the lounge with interest, whether it was splitting legs and splitting bricks, or where he bragged that he had killed a tiger in his hand, and he had killed a dinosaur with his hands, if it was in the previous life Raditz or Xiaobai would have felt that they were quite powerful when he saw these people, but now with his vision, this group of people is just ants that can be destroyed by blowing a breath.

Everyone will grow, maybe people will only awaken after experiencing a catastrophe


End of this chapter

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