Raditz and the others were chatting casually, time was passing little by little, and soon they were waiting for the qualifiers of this world's first martial arts conference. Looking at the familiar ring in front of him, the familiar scene, the group of people around him, and the former referee standing on it, Sun Wukong and several people with precious memories of their youth, boarded the arena to the martial arts conference.

With the referee's voice, the qualifiers went on hotly, and thanks to the help of dumplings' superpowers, their opponents could be said to be weak and pitiful, and they were just going through the motions.

When Raditz stepped into the ring, the domineering momentum directly shocked all his opponents, just a cold look, in their eyes like thousands of birds of prey rushing towards them in all directions, Raditz standing in the ring did not even use a finger to scare his opponent, this is the gap in strength.

On the side of Sun Wukong and others, they also have too much strength beyond their respective opponents, and almost all of them decided the winner in an instant and defeated their opponents!

"Cut, this kind of game is really boring, the abuse of vegetables is not at all in line with the temperament

of this prince" Vegeta snorted coldly, for this kind of competition at all

, "Have you played better than you, and you don't like the abuse of vegetables

" Raditz heard Vegeta's words and subconsciously stunned, although I don't know why, but it just feels very funny "Raditz, you don't

talk, no one treats you as a dumb

" "Slightly slightly, You bite me

" "I don't eat

" Raditz "............" As

the game continued, the twenty-one people who advanced to the qualifiers quickly had results, and what surprised everyone was that in the selection of this qualifier, almost most of the matches were pinched to the end, so the qualifiers that should have been competing for a long time had results in less than half a day.

Raditz and the others were chatting in the lounge after the game, and Klin had prepared some drinks and snacks for several people, and just as they were talking, two uninvited guests suddenly came to them.

I saw two burly bodies, the whole body was condensed with white muscles like their skin color, the two faces were fierce and vicious, and the whole body exuded an evil aura, which made people feel very uncomfortable, they came to Raditz and others and did not speak, but just stared at a few people with an evil smile.

"What are you two ugly monsters watching, if you don't want to die, let Lao Tzu stay away"

Vegeta frowned when he saw the disgusting appearance of the two, his tone revealed a bad taste, and the murderous aura that was materialized all over his body was undoubtedly revealed.

"Who are these two guys, why do they keep staring at us, I feel a little cautious"

Klin saw the fierce eyes of the two, and suddenly only felt a little cold in his back, and subconsciously leaned in the direction of Monkey King and Raditz, and asked in a low voice.

Just as Vegeta was about to make a move, the two fierce-faced people seemed to be talking about something, the two didn't know what to whisper, as if they saw something terrible

, and hurriedly left "Hmph, just know how powerful Lao Tzu is"

Vegeta saw the appearance of the two fleeing, and his face also showed some confidence and arrogance.

"Hello, nice to meet you"

Hearing a voice coming, everyone turned around in amazement, I don't know when these two people have suddenly come behind Sun Wukong and others

, and also greeted them, only to see the two people who came dressed and looked very strange, one with an old face, the other was shorter and looked very young, and what made everyone even more strange was that the person's entire body was floating in midair, But he really couldn't sense the other party's breath at all.

"You are Sun Wukong and Raditz, I've heard your story

" The person who came was the King of the Eastern Realm and his servant Jebit, I saw the King God of the Eastern Realm slowly floating in front of the Monkey King, and slowly spoke

, "Why do you know our names"

Sun Wukong looked at the man who suddenly appeared in front of him in surprise, and after carefully looking at it, he found that he didn't know each other at all, The confused Monkey King turned his head to Raditz next to him and asked in a low voice:

"Brother, do you know them

" "If I'm not mistaken, this should be the King God of the Realm, right?"

Raditz saw some fragmentary images in the other person's mind and remembered some past events. But did not choose to hide and directly spoke, because for a weak god like them, it is not important to hide or not, in the eyes of Raditz, this is just a small person who can fly with a few fists

, the King God of the Eastern Realm glanced at Raditz in amazement, obviously did not expect that the other party could actually know himself, at this time he turned all his attention to Raditz, looked up and down, and said lightly:

" It is worthy of the legend that the human beings who have mastered a trace of the power of time do have some insight: "

As the existence of the highest god in the universe, he does not think that Raditz can be as a human being, and his identity is enough for him to be proud of everything."

"What, you are actually Lord God of the Realm?"

At this time, Bick next to him was surprised when he heard Raditz's introduction, and his mouth was a little closed

: "No wonder I have an unknown sense of fear since I saw you, it turns out that this is the suppression of the superior"

Vic you also know this realm king god, why are you so afraid of him, is he really so powerful, then I have to try it."

"Sun Wukong must not be rude, Lord King God of the Realm is the highest level god in the universe

" "If I'm not mistaken, you should have served as an immortal of the earth, so you can vaguely feel my breath"

The Eastern Realm King God interrupted Vic and Sun Wukong's conversation at this time, and said what was in his heart.

"That's exactly it, Lord God of the Realm

" "In that case, it's okay for you to tell them my origin."

After "obeying

" Vic received the order of the Lord God of the Realm, he also straightened his waist and slowly explained to everyone

: "The level of the immortals is: above the heavenly god is the king of Yan, above the king of the realm is the king of the realm, the king of the great realm, and the god of the realm king is the supreme god of the universe above all gods!"

"What, is it more powerful than Lord Realm King?"

After hearing Bike's explanation, Sun Wukong also suddenly realized.


End of this chapter

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