"Damn, why is there such a powerful guy on Earth,"

Buffidy asked Dapla on the side, a little angrily.

Dapla spread out his hands, indicating that he was very innocent, and replied lightly:

"There was no such guy when 300 investigated in front of him, but this level is not enough to worry, as long as I am there will not be any accidents

" On the other side, at this time, Raditz and others had already arrived at the second layer of the spacecraft, and Son Gohan simply looked at the surrounding environment and said:

"Dad, this place seems to be exactly the same as the first layer."

And Sun Wukong did not answer Sun Wuhan's words, but walked to the very center of this room and said excitedly:

"This time it's my turn to appear, it's really powerful to come to a more powerful guy."

At the bottom of the spacecraft, Buffidi was also angry when he saw the arrogant appearance of several people

: "Abominable earthlings, actually dare to underestimate us

" "Lord Baffedy, who will appear next in our race

" "Then let Yako go, let this group of arrogant guys know how powerful we are."

Hearing Buffydi's words, Dapra was obviously a little stunned, he felt

that he really looked up to this group of people, and couldn't help but speak: "Is it only the second layer to send Yako to appear, is it a bit overkill to deal with this group of people

" However, Buffidi did not agree with his statement, with an evil smile on his face, and his confident expression was even stronger than His Royal Highness the Prince

"I don't think so, this group of earthlings is not to be underestimated, Don't you see that Bah Bah has no power to fight back in their hands

" "Okay then, but if the opponent is a subfamily, the opponent will be solved at once, and I can't enjoy it properly."

"The most important thing now is to wake up Majin Buu

" "Yes

" However, Sun Wukong, who was already waiting on the second floor, shouted loudly:

"Hey, it's okay, come out quickly" Vegeta also felt that it was a pure waste of time here at this time, and proposed

"Hmph, it's really boring, just destroy the floor directly to the last floor" Hearing Vegeta's

words, The Realm King God hurriedly stopped

him, "No, I just said that being strongly stimulated may make

Majin Buu wake up early" Raditz also agreed with Vegeta's approach, it was too much of a waste of time to fight layer by layer here, pushed away the Realm King God next to him, and said: "I've said

it many times, Majin Buu is not remarkable at all, Xiaojin Shang will pierce this spaceship for me

" "Yes"

Stop what you want to do, then Majin Buu will wake up, I will definitely not allow you to do this"

The King God of the Realm was about to be driven crazy by the two madmen Vegeta and Raditz at this time, and he knew that he would not ask them for help, and now he really helped more and more.

Vegeta also felt that this realm king god was too noisy at this time, and directly slapped it down and fanned it out, because Vegeta's hand was too heavy, the realm king god who stood up stumbled and fell down again.

"Hey, aren't you a little too much for Lord God of the Realm

" At this time, Sun Goku and Sun Gohan couldn't stand Vegeta's approach

, and began to stop out loud, "Kakarot, or wait for Majin Buu to come out and let you play first

" Hearing Raditz's sudden voice, Sun Goku hesitated a little, and pulled Sun Gohan over with a hand

, "Gohan, uncle and uncle, don't interfere when you do things, Why is there no politeness at all

" "Father, why is it even like you."

Sun Gohan was also frightened by Sun Wukong's speed of turning his face at this time, why didn't he notice that his father was such a person before,

"Okay, Xiao Jin moved" "Yes"

got Raditz's order, Xiao Jin

no longer hesitated, flashing golden points of light, the energy gathered in the whole body continued to gather, and the entire spaceship was shaking because of this.

"What happened

" At this time, the lowest level of Bafidi and Dapra were also affected by this terrifying

movement, "What the hell is going on, what do they want to do, go and bring me the energy detector

" "Yes" "

How so, how can there be no energy fluctuations in such a terrible movement, is this instrument broken?"

Buffidi looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief, the energy fluctuations of this guy who emitted golden light all over his body were actually 0, but he really felt the terrifying aura emanating from the surroundings, what was going

on "Maybe this guy is just glowing"

At this time, Dapura's words made Buffidi look at him like a fool, and Dapla also noticed the other party's eyes, but the demeanor of the king could not be lost, and said confidently:

"Don't worry, as long as I am in this group of people can't turn over any waves, since that's the case, then the king will personally play, it won't be long before I can knock them down and unlock the seal of Majin Buu"

Xiao Jin on the other side also felt that the energy was almost gathered at this time, as the golden light bullet fell towards the ground, the powerful destructive force directly exploded the entire spaceship into powder.

Sun Wukong quickly ran to the side of the realm king god to protect him, for fear that he would lose his life under Xiaojin's terrifying attack, and with the disappearance of the spaceship, Bafidi, who was protected by Dapura, also appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

"Abominable earthlings, you actually destroyed my spaceship, and all the subordinates I painstakingly found for many years were actually killed by you, unforgivable"

At this time, Baffedi had been blown up by several people in front of him, staring viciously at the group of guys in front of him, eager to tear it to pieces.

"Behind them is the Egg of Time that sealed Majin Buu, we must kill them before the energy is full, once Majin Buu is resurrected, the earth will be destroyed in an instant."

When the King God of Realm saw the huge golden giant egg behind Bafidi, he became very serious with affection and reminded everyone around him.

"Lord Buffydy, look quickly, the seal of Majin Buu seems to be about to break

" At this time, Dapra saw that the Egg of Time behind him suddenly flashed with a strange light, and then looked at the energy detector next to him, and said to Buffedi

"What, quickly show me

" "Hahaha

" Buffidi saw the energy detector that was almost full of energy, and his throat suddenly burst out of harsh and ugly laughter

" I know, it must be the pure energy of that guy who destroyed the spaceship just now stimulated the seal of Majin Buu, which really helped me. "

Great, successful, Majin Buu is about to be resurrected, I will become the Lord of the Universe like that" Looking at Majin Buu

who was about to be resurrected in front of him, Baffedi's mood couldn't help but be a little excited, and then his eyes showed terrible killing intent, staring at the Realm King God and the others, and said:

"All of you are going to die today!"


End of this chapter

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