"Damn, let's go together, we must stop them"

The Realm King God was close to collapse at this time, but he didn't expect that things had developed to the point where he was now, and now he could only be strangled in the cradle before Majin Buu broke the seal.

However, the Realm King God who was just about to start saw that everyone except Sun Wuhan was indifferent, and asked inexplicably:

"Mr. Sun Wukong, what's wrong with you" "That Realm King God Lord, in fact, I want to try it with Majin Buou, I want to see if he is so powerful"

Hearing Sun Wukong's

words, the whole person of the Realm King God is not good, I have found a group of people to help, Did they really not realize the horror of Majin Buu, and then he looked at Raditz and Vegeta, but Vegeta turned his head and ignored him at all.

"Don't worry, I have long said that Majin Buu is not as powerful as you think, we will solve it when he comes out, don't forget that you promised me before"

Hearing Raditz's words, the King God of the Realm has long ignored the request to agree to him, and his thoughts are now full of thoughts that are not to let Majin Buu be born, so he can only put his last hope on Sun Gohan, after all, here he feels that only Sun Gohan is a normal person.

Sun Gohan looked at the sincere eyes of the King God of the Realm and was also a little helpless, so he could only agree, and then the two walked in front of Dapura and Baffedi together.

"Brother, is it really okay for us to stand by like this?"

Sun Wukong looked at the desperate Realm King God and always felt that he was sorry for him, and his heart was still a little tangled.

"Hmph, Kakarot, don't do it if you feel bad."

Vegeta was not used to Sun Wukong's stinky problem, and directly opened his mouth to reply.

"Don't don't, in fact, I think this is very good, say okay, let me do it first

" "Cut, no interest

" Raditz did not pay attention to the quarrel between Vegeta and Sun Wukong, the two wrongdoers, but stared at the time egg of Majin Buu being sealed, and suddenly thought of another thing

"Since the blood jade can subdue Shalu, then from time to time you can also subdue Majin Buu, if you succeed, you will be in the future, One saru in the left hand, one buonadora wind in the right hand. "

Since we are not ready to do it, let's take a look at Gohan's current skills, now he has given up martial arts for many years, although he has been practicing recently, but his strength has also dropped a lot."

"Mr. Gohan, please be sure to solve these two guys before Majin Buu is born"

The Kaiwang God had a serious expression on his face, and his tone was indeed very sincere to ask Gohan, now Son Gohan is his only hope, he doesn't want any more accidents.


Son Gohan agreed after hearing this.

"Hahaha, the Realm King God, you see that the people you found yourself are not willing to help you, I really feel pity for you

" Buffidi didn't even mean to make a move at all, and looked at the Realm King God with a slight mockery in his eyes, and said to him with disdain

: "Hmph, Baffedi, don't be proud, today is your time of death, I will never let Majin Buu be born."

Obviously, the King God of the Realm has no confidence in saying this at this time, without the help of Sun Wukong and Raditz, relying only on Sun Wuhan, he does not feel very sure that he can defeat this terrifying king of the demon world.

"How about Dapura, for the sake of safety, I want to ask you, are you sure to defeat this earthling in front of you

" Hearing Bafidi's inquiry, Dapla crossed his hands at the waist, with disdain for Son Gohan in his eyes, it was obvious that he was very confident in his strength, and replied lightly

: "Of course, although my current strength is not a period of total victory, but against such a miscellaneous, there is no doubt that it can be easily killed

" "Hahaha,

Hearing Dapla's answer, Baffedi's whole person was relieved, and then said playfully to the Realm King God with a mocking face:

"Realm King God, to be honest, I'm so happy that you can come, and I can finally take revenge." My dad was defeated by you a long time ago, he must have been careless, my magic is definitely above my dad, not to mention that I still have subordinates like Dapla, today is your time to die. "

Mr. Gohan, we can't wait any longer, we must solve them quickly, otherwise the seal of Majin Buu will really be opened

" "Good"

Sun Gohan saw the anxious appearance of the King God of the Realm, and agreed and prepared for battle.

Just when Dapura was proud, a powerful aura instantly emerged, and the terrifying energy made Dapura's body tremble, the muscles on his face were constantly twitching, and his expression became very ugly.

In an instant, Dapura saw that Son Gohan, who was still black hair just now, and was angry with his face, turned into a phantom body and emitted golden light, and his hair also turned into a golden warrior. That pair of blue pupils, sharp eyes like a sharp blade, the breath of the body is like a substantial rise, this feeling he has not experienced for a long time, and now he actually feels a strong sense of oppression on Sun Gohan's body.

Dapla swallowed a mouthful of saliva, he never thought that an earthling who looked weak actually contained such a huge amount of energy, and at this time, Sun Gohan may have been stimulated by Sun Wukong and Raditz and others, and has successfully recovered to the strength of Super Saiyan II.

Sun Gohan saw that Dapla who was stunned did not hesitate, and took this opportunity to punch the other party, Dapla also reacted quickly, his body dodged in an instant, and he did not dare to be careless about the current Sun Gohan on the other side.

"Swoosh, swish, swish" With Son Gohan's fist wind, a punch and a punch smashed towards Dapura violently and quickly, in the face of Son Gohan's sudden fierce attack, he had no time to dodge and had to use his palm to hard catch Son Gohan's attack.

With the sudden increase in Sun Gohan's strength, two powerful forces collided together, a circle of transparent ripples rippled in the air, Dapla's face changed, the whole person was hit by Sun Gohan's terrifying power on the body, and he fell directly out of the distance of tens of meters.

"Mr. Gohan didn't expect you to be so powerful, even the king of the demon world, Dapura, is actually your opponent, it seems that I really underestimated you before, you Saiyans do have the qualifications to be arrogant

" Looking at such a powerful Sun Gohan, the king of the world god closed his mouth in some surprise, clenched his fists and said to Sun Gohan with an excited face

, "Alas, it seems that Gohan has really given up martial arts, and his strength has not advanced and retreated for so many years"

Sun Wukong looked at the strength of Sun Wuhan now, and he was still a little disappointed in his heart


End of this chapter

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