"Sun Gohan looks a lot sluggish ah, really worthy of being the son of a low-level warrior, he really hasn't grown at all over the years"

Not only Sun Wukong was a little disappointed in him, even Vegeta was unhappy with him, after all, there are really too few Saiyans today, and Sun Wuhan obviously has a good cultivation talent but was disturbed by a woman, isn't this obviously hitting him in the face of the fighting nation.

However, although Sun Wuhan, who was disappointed in the eyes of Sun Wukong and others, did not think so in the eyes of others, especially the Realm King God, he had been completely stunned by the strength displayed by Sun Wuhan.

And not far from Dapura, seeing Buffidi see the scene in front of him, his mouth grew in surprise, he knew very well the origin and strength of Dapla, but he didn't expect to be punched by an earthling, what is the origin of this guy.

Sun Gohan simply stretched his body, and then quickly continued to prepare for the battle, a simple fight just now gave him a better control over his strength, although it was not yet comparable to himself in the Shalu period, but it was enough to deal with this guy in front of him, looking at the king of the demon world who fell to the ground in front of him, Sun Gohan's eyes flashed with a strange look, and said:

"You better admit defeat, you are just controlled by someone, I don't want to kill you."

However, Sun Gohan's words not only did not make Dapla have the idea of admitting defeat, but even more stimulated his heart, and suddenly his muscles burst out, and he angrily reprimanded:

"Abominable fellow, I'm going to tear you alive"

Dapla stared at Sun Gohan with a contemptuous smile on his face, this almost mocking sting deeply hurt his self-esteem as the king of the demon world, and his whole body was mixed with black-purple flames that were as terrifying as hell, Spread out all his strength, and attacked towards Son Gohan regardless of it.

Seeing that the menacing Dapla Sun Gohan did not choose to confront him head-on, but instead saved his physical strength to dodge with the greatest extent, I have to say that the reader's brain is better than the reckless man, at this time, Dapla has gradually lost his mind under the stimulation of Sun Gohan, and gradually revealed fatal flaws, and Sun Gohan also seized this opportunity.

"Boom" Sun Gohan saw the opportunity and the powerful fist directly hit Dapla's shoulder, only to see his body rolling in the air, and then Sun Gohan chased after the victory, and made his father's decisive move-turtle school qigong wave.

The energy like a torrent quickly gathered in a short time, and the white pillar of light shot directly towards Dapla who was still rolling in the air, and Dapla quickly used his full strength to dodge embarrassedly, even so, the clothes on his chest were still scorched by the hot energy, leaving a lot of scars on his chest.

Then Son Gohan came to Dapura's side quickly, and his amazing speed was so fast that he didn't have time to react. As Son Gohan erupted with overwhelming power, he attacked the injured Dapura mercilessly, and the sound of punches and feet breaking the sky roared.

Buffydi, who was squatting on the side, also completely understood at this moment that Dapla was definitely not the opponent of this blond-haired earthling, and it seemed that he had to find a way to get out and protect himself, as long as he waited for the resurrection of Majin Buu, then all the efforts would be worth it.

At this time, Dapla, who was fighting with Sun Gohan, did not know that his master had planned to give up on himself, but he saw blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, panting and stopped in mid-air, at this time his physical strength was already very small, he never dreamed that the person in front of him now was really strong, so powerful that he exceeded his imagination, whether it was the competition of speed or strength, he had completely lost to this earthling.

"Are you really an earthling, this weak people shouldn't be so strong to be right

" Dapla looked at Sun Gohan with resentment in his eyes and asked, he could not connect the blond man in front of him with the earthlings he could destroy before, in his eyes the earthlings were just ants that were not even worthy of resistance

, "I am an earthling, but I am also a Saiyan, and there are countless people who are stronger than me on this planet, Therefore, it is impossible for you to want to mutilate the universe,"

Sun Gohan said slowly with a hint of warning in his eyes. And those who are stronger than him are naturally Raditz and Sun Wukong and others.

"Are the Saiyans the monkey-like fellows who claim to be the chief of the fighting nation?"

Although he had not dealt with Saiyans, he had heard a little, but in his cognition, Saiyans were only a slightly stronger race than Earthlings,

"What do you mean when you say that you are not the strongest person on this planet?"

Dapla exuded an incredible look at this time, just Sun Gohan can defeat himself so easily, and now he tells himself that there are still many people on the earth who are more powerful than him, and Sun Gohan's words completely subvert Dapla's cognition.

Then Son Gohan did not continue to answer his words. Now the Realm King God is urging himself all the time, so he doesn't have time to talk nonsense about Dapla. The most important thing now is to quickly defeat these two and then prevent the birth of Majin Buu. As Sun Gohan's figure moved, he disappeared from Dapura's sight in a blink of an eye, and before Dapura could react, Sun Gohan's sandbag-sized fist had already landed fiercely on Dapurana's aggrieved side face.

In the next second, Dapura wailed in pain, his mouth unconsciously spit out a large mouthful of fresh, and several teeth in his mouth also fell out in mid-air, and the whole person was directly shot away by the strong force, rubbing tens of meters away on the ground and hitting a hill, only to stop looking.

Then Sun Gohan followed closely and came to Dapura again, his hands tightly grabbed his arms, burst into a loud cry, the strength of the whole body condensed in an instant, the dazzling light instantly enveloped the bodies

of the two "Ah, ah, ah" The painful screams came out from the light and stretched for thousands of meters, Dapla's whole body was burned by the hot energy, and the pain made his entire face appear distorted.


, defeated him, Mr. Gohan is so powerful, he actually defeated the king of the demon world" The king god of the realm saw Dapla who was seriously injured and embarrassed at Sun Gohan's feet at this time, and there was some indescribable excitement in his heart, the king of the demon world who ruled the demon world and made the gods a little jealous of the undefeated for ten thousand years actually lost in the hands of Sun Gohan, and at this time he could no longer hide the excitement in his heart.

But the moment he turned back, he was completely confused



of this chapter


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